
Discussion in 'Reach Mini Game Maps' started by Spawn of Saltine, Jul 19, 2011.

  1. Spawn of Saltine

    Senior Member

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    by nibbles and Spawn of Saltine​
    Welcome to Battleships. It's taken 2 months and a lot of procrastinating to get here. It all started out with a little fooling around in forge. I was showing Nibs one of my recent projects that involved Gauss turrets. He jumped in and starting shooting wildly and something very strange happened. The shots were piercing the walls! Yes, that's right, Gauss turrets can actually shoot through objects! At first we were going to make a map with our little friend Erupt, but that idea was stale. It needed a more fresh and original idea behind it. Thus, Battleships was born.​
    Battleships is a very simple idea at heart, but a lot of different game mechanics all fit together to make this work. Let's explain the basic rules of Battleships, shall we? In the original game both teams would start out by placing their pieces on the gameboard. Then one of the player's would go first by calling out a section of the board to strike. If any of the opponents battleships were in that section, they would get hit, and eventually, sunk. This would continue until one player was last standing with the most ships left.​
    In Battlehips: Reach Edition we've had to make some slight changes, but the best parts are still there. >:] KILLING. The goal of this game is to eliminate the other team, and by doing so, earn the most points inside the hill.​

    At the very beginning of the match you will see a load out picture showing a 1 or a 2 on a die. If it shows a 1 then your team is shooting first. If it shows a 2 then you are placing your pieces and hiding first. Easy?


    When the game starts you will be dropping from the air down towards your designated Warthog. The turret gunner will pick up a CPU that will make him not do damage for 15 seconds.


    Each player is assigned to a vehicle and a partner. If your vehicle gets destroyed and you manage to survive, you can slowly crawl back to this starting area to pick up a new vehicle.


    This is an overview of the map. The middle wall is what you shoot through to blow up the enemy vehicles. For the first 15 seconds of the game there will be a neutral hill in the middle that no team controls, this lets each team place their vehicles and thus a fair beginning to the match.


    After the first 15 seconds the hill will move to the side that had a 1 showing on their die. Controlling the hill gives your team points for every member alive. It also gives everyone the ability to deal damage, move, and drive vehicles. This team should start shooting through the wall to blow up the other team's vehicles. Notice the timer in the middle of the picture that shows you how much time you have left in your turn.


    The team that is not controlling the hill cannot move, drive vehicles, or deal damage. This team has a very vague radar that can give them an idea where the other team is.


    They are also equipped with Focus Rifles to locate to their team where to shoot on their turn. Nifty, eh?


    Each team has wall markings to aid them in shooting. These lines are lined up straight with the other side to give you an idea where you are shooting at.


    The center wall. You can see the markings lining up with the wall.


    [bungievid]21011182 [/bungievid]
    courtesy of nibbles

    Now that we know how to play, lets see some action shots!









    Thanks to all of our testers! There were so many people that continually joined our testing sessions and we are really grateful that you did. This map would not be what it is today without the help of the community.

    Hope you enjoy the map!
    #1 Spawn of Saltine, Jul 19, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 19, 2011
  2. Skisma

    Skisma Creative Force
    Senior Member

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    Wow this map has gone through some serious changes since I last tested it. It was a blast then and I'm sure it's even better now. Definitely giving this one a download.

    Oh yea and some of your pictures aren't working..
  3. CHUCK

    CHUCK Why so serious?
    Senior Member

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    this is one of the most intense minigame maps i've ever played. It's changed a bit, i love the hill color coding the walls when its your turn to attack.

    everything about it is fantastic, its not only innovative as hell, but its so much fun. Risking shooting until the end of the timer, then crouching for dear life as gauss shots are going right over your head is exhilarating as hell.

    feature this right now.
    #3 CHUCK, Jul 19, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 19, 2011
  4. Sasquatch

    Sasquatch Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This map uses a fantastic concept... and it appears as though the execution of that concept was phenomenal. The game mechanics used are very creative. Plus, Gauss Warthogs are just awesome in general.

    I really like the attention to detail - the wall markings look elaborate but definitely useful and the design of the two rooms themselves seems to be done about as well as you could hope to. You could have simply made the rooms bland, but you took the extra steps to make them stand out.

    This map looks like it's quite fun to play. It's unique, creative, and certainly would be a little scary when the entire other team is blasting away through the wall and you can only hope they miss you. My only real issue with the map (and it's a very, very small issue) is that towards the end of a round, it looks like it could get sort of slow-paced with only a few Warthogs left.

    Nonetheless, this is a true masterpiece and it's absolutely worth my download.

    Oh, and good job explaining how the game works.

    This is a fantastic minigame!
  5. Eightball

    Eightball Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I'm glad I was able to play on this before you posted it. This is one of the most fun, creative games I've ever played. Even though I didn't get a chance on the turret, I'm still happy that I played this. I didn't know you could shoot through a coli wall like that. I smell a feature ;)

    Great work guys. Can't wait to play this again.
  6. Forgeman66

    Forgeman66 Forerunner

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    This is a great game. I need to find out how to shoot through walls like that. that gives me so many forge ideas. if someone could please tell me that would be much appriciated. Great job!!!!!!
  7. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
    Senior Member

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    There's no tricks, that's just happens when you shoot at a wall in a gauss warthog.

    Fantastic map guys, InB4Feature.
  8. Erupt

    Erupt Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Well since I am clearly the genious behind this whole thing, I guess I should post...

    It's proooobably my favorite Minigame ever, tbh. Great job, ladies.

    Oh, it is also fair to mention that I was brought up once at the beginning of this post and also appeared in an epic scene in the video.
  9. Bio Cobalt

    Bio Cobalt Forerunner

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    Its a nice map, nice aesthetics, and a nice idea. However, for me it does tend to get stale as most maps do for me. Especially when you get teammates not following honor rules or they are just idiotic. (I know nobody can fix that, but that tends to ruin the game alot. And i know, get with good people, yadda yadda)
    In my games with it I found out: Idea 5/5 Execution 4/5 Replayability 3.1/5 Fun 3/5

    nonetheless, it's definitely a unique game.
  10. Audienceofone

    Audienceofone Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Love this map, nothing is done wrong. It uses the Gauss Glitch (the annoying gaus glitch...) to great strength and is possibly the greatest emulation of the classic boardgame possible in Reach.

    My one question(s) is (are) how does the scoring system work? and is there one round or more? And how long are the rounds?
  11. Spawn of Saltine

    Senior Member

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    Glad you like it. I've got to say that the night we had that giant game with you and several others was the most fun I've ever had playing on it. Everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves that night :)

    Like Pinohkio said, Gauss turrets can shoot through most everything. They cannot shoot through shield doors and a select few blocks. You can just ask your partner to switch during the game btw :p

    yes you are super cool erupt. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

    I can see why silly teammates can be bothersome. It's not really an honor rule though as much as it is just people not playing right.

    Each individual person scores points for their team, so if one team has more players alive then they will end up with a higher score. I believe there are 3 rounds of 3 minutes long. It may be 4 rounds. Thanks for the support!
  12. PromanJr

    PromanJr Forerunner

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    looks good
    also does the guy who made this see what everyone writes?
  13. Spawn of Saltine

    Senior Member

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    hmm? Nibs and I made this map, so yes. We do see what everyone writes. I see that you're a new member here. You should probably download the map and play it before you give feedback on it.
  14. Sugar

    Sugar Forerunner

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    This really got my attention as when I was a kid, all I loved as a board game was battleship and seeing and resemblance on forge world is a great thing to see. I would love to get some games on this.
  15. Darth Human

    Darth Human Guy from Reach
    Senior Member

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    Great game! Original and quite fun.

    Just a couple questions/suggestions. Did you think about adding a spectating room for players who die so that they can tell their teammates where the enemy is located? It might add some extra teamwork to win a round. Maybe even adding waypoints over the team who is attacking that way the team waiting can watch and see the enemies last location. I'm not sure if this would ruin the game or not, but it would mean less luck and more skill for each player.
  16. Spawn of Saltine

    Senior Member

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    I would have loved to make a spectating room, but that would break the way the game works itself. When all of the players on one team are dead than the round ends. If they were spawning in a waiting box then there would be even more waiting around.

    I think we tried putting in waypoints early on, but scrapped the idea because it negated away from the idea of battleships.

    Thanks for playing the map though!
  17. mcclintonsl

    mcclintonsl Forerunner

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    Brilliant idea, but what happens if you play 4v4, just two warthogs per team, can teams still score by destroying the other unused warthogs?
    #17 mcclintonsl, Jul 27, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 28, 2011
  18. broccollipie

    broccollipie Ancient

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    No, the points are scored based on the number of players alive.

    While I would like to praise Saltine and nibbles, I didn't exactly enjoy my few games of Battleships. I feel like it was based far too much on luck. Maybe it was just a dire lack of teamwork, or maybe it's just not my thing. Aside from that, it is wonderful to see another classic board game bought to Halo, and I'm sure many agree with me. Whatever I think, the community seems to enjoy it, so you have my (hypothetical) blessing.

    EDIT: So I'm the only one who doesn't like it? So be it. Sorry guys.
    #18 broccollipie, Jul 27, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 27, 2011
  19. Spawn of Saltine

    Senior Member

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    Wasn't the original Battleships based on luck? it's practically impossible to take the luck factor out of it when you're shooting at a solid wall. Take the game for what it is. If you wanted less 'luck' then delete the wall in the middle...that'd be sure to rid of the luck and make the game soooo much more enjoyable...

    If you don't enjoy it that's fine. You could recommend how we make it more enjoyable instead of plain saying it wasn't your thing.

    HEROEZ BLADE117 Forerunner

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    Organite hosted a testing session late night tuesday and one of the maps we played was battleships. I am also helping Organite write a review for it by doing the enjoyment section. I will say the map was amazing and it played well. The only thing that I saw as a problem was that it can be kind of boring with 4v4 or lower. We played with like 6v6 and it was intense so basically the map is best played with more people. Other than that I thought the map was great and it was a fun, unique minigame to play.

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