CANCELLED DOWNLOAD SEISMIC DOWNLOAD AFTERSHOCK (Gametype) Kirus was too hard to play on IMO, so I built an aftershock map where you don't have to worry about falling into death pits and such. Pics. -overview -orange lift is the smallest, then purple, then yellow -you can jump from anywhere on the ring to that center platform, then straight on to CPU -this is the view from initial spawn, you can see the OS, the plasma repeater, and another lift up to the top ring. -This is CPU platform, dropping down from any part of this platform lands you on one of the lower levels, in a quite vulnerable position. -You can see CPU platform at the top of this image, the tele is a 2 way with tactical jumps on each side. -this lift takes you from the top of purple lift to the upper ring. -thats the 2-way from the top of orange to the upper ring. -That 2-way in the last picture takes you here, the top ring.
I remember seeing this yesterday, or this morning, it really feels like a map straight from Quake. Last time I saw it though, it was missing a 1/3. This has to be my most anticipated map so far.
You might want to upload your pics with another website other than Photobucket. It's killing your "Seismic, it's coming" Banner. I agree with Career, though. I'm looking forward to seeing this. You'll have to show me today, because my live runs out tomorrow.
its uploaded with imgur, why whats it look like to you? Im glad I got a game on this today with you eightball, it was fun and now I need to know what I definitely need to fix. A dl link and better pics should be up tonight
This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 1760x233. It has those tags on the top and bottom. It really messes it up :/ Still, I'm glad I played on this. It was extremely colorful and extremely fun. I just love the focus rifle
It's not imgur that is causing the problem ... You either uploaded it wrong as a .jpg giving you the white background, or you just didn't resize the image before you uploaded it.
Hooray for inspiring new maps. Also, the death pits on mine were intentional. Get good or get off, the map.
What's the max size an image can be so that it doesn't get that bar? I have my setting to show the full image regardless of tell size so Idk, Rho, yeah, but it slightly discourages players from playing the map if it is easy to fall off all the time.
Sucks for you, im out all night. I understand that it is hard for you to deal with the situation because the map is so friggin awesome, But have patience rho, ill show u later
I was able to get a game on this a few days ago and had a blast. Most definitely felt like a Quake map. To be honest I can not think of a thing wrong with this map! It had plenty of ways up to the top, and your curved walkway at the top was super sexy! My only question is how many stickies did you have on the map? Because I felt like I was always carrying several stickies. It made the games interesting, but I got several kills by just hitting a lift and then throwing a stickie at the base of the ladder. Anyways, I really look fwd to seeing this map posted!
Looks pretty nice. Is this the one I saw you forging a couple of months back? I'd love to get a game on it with you sometime. --- You can resize the banner to 103 high x 799 wide to remove the yellow bar at the top.
Still need to do some 1v1s on this so that my opinion of this map can grow. The FFA we did didn't give a good first impression.
Thanks man, there is actually only 2 sticky grenade spawns on the map, but everybody starts with 1, so I guess that would be people picking up dead peoples stickies Nah I started this about 2it weeks aago I think, yeah man a game for sure on the game, the pictures are 800 wide, but that still has yellow bar fir everybody? Yeah I know, flow at that point wasnt that good either, its much better now, but I do need to make it smaller because its awfly slow for a 1v1 unfortunately. :/ [br][/br]Edited by merge: mmmk, now that this thread is sufficiently dead, ive decided to post a download link as well as better pictures, lol. ENJOY [br][/br]Edited by merge: cancelled.