Fort Bravo

Discussion in 'Reach Casual Maps' started by aNtiKkZz, Jul 27, 2011.

  1. aNtiKkZz

    aNtiKkZz Forerunner

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    A map I made because I was bored of forgeing on forge world and it actually turned out pretty good. Humans start out with a pistol and a shotgun, while the only other weapons on the map are in a supply pile in the fortress, and a couple ranged weapons on the top balcony. Fortify the base by bashing in the crates to make it harder for the zobies to get in. The last man standing does extra bullet damage so watch out. This map is best played with 10+ people. Thank you for downloading and enjoy the map!!!









    dont forget to bash in the crates to lock out the zombies!

    #1 aNtiKkZz, Jul 27, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 27, 2011
  2. G0DLYP4ND4

    G0DLYP4ND4 Forerunner

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    Cool map dude. I get bored of forging on forge world too. A few suggestions would be too spread the weapons out some so people don't just camp in the bunker/base, and make the zombies stronger so the humans aren't too over powering, if you already haven't done so.
  3. Criticism

    Ok, I like your basic layout on this map. I like the whole fort thing, but wouldn't this be too unfair to the zombies? I stopped scrolling down after seeing the picture shown below.



    I would also recommend removing these as well. Only for the enjoyment and balance(ness) of this map and players.




    Opinion wise, I like the basic layout and how this is not another Forge World. If you don't plan on removing these camping spots, I recommend removing the weapons or making it harder to get to.

    Then, we should talk about the generalizations I am making about this map. You don't have to listen of course. I think that you should limit the amount of weapons in the base, so this encourages the Humans to run around looking for ammo.

    The crate idea is not original, but in my book, I still think this mechanism is still pure genius. Since the Humans will be camping at the base, the Infected should have other means of getting into that base. Bashing down the crates while getting gunned down is not fun, trust me.

    As I said, once in a while, the Humans should go around looking for weapons. Like my first few pictures I listed, you should try reading those comments. Also, putting smaller "Mini-Bases" could be effective and fun at the same time.

    All in all, this is a decent map, I just don't like how the weapons are scattered together like that in the first picture I posted. This encourages Humans to camp only there. I hope this helps you well with you forging and good luck.

    ELYKNORPAC Forerunner

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    I like the idea on how you have to hold out in the base and defend it for as long as you can. Couple ideas you might take in consideration is to spread the weapon pile out around the base take out the rocket launcher, but keep pro pipe, and give the zombies a custom power up that spawns later so they can be stronger this will balance out the map. Overall good map I'll give it a download!
  5. aNtiKkZz

    aNtiKkZz Forerunner

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    i think im going to get rid of the turrents but the weopons pile isnt that overpowed cuz all the clips are 0 and the only good guns there are the dmr, asult riffle, pistol and shotgun. most people dont pick other think up and if there multiple hummans they will be forced to pickup the less powerfull ones. ive played this map with 10 or 12 people and its still pretty hard to stay alive becuase you can go through the other door downstairs and threw the window ounce you bash them down. but yea i know were you guys are going with the too many guns in one place thing with 1 clip in each gun and multiple people takeing the guns you run out of bullets fast. and with the gametype i made it all kind of balences out even with the top balcony camping area cuz its easy to get up there as a zombie. but thank you vary vary much for the crititizm and i will fix it up a bit. but if you play it with 10 or more people youll understand that it is still pretty hard to survive.
  6. Berb

    Berb Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Lolwut I don't even?!...

    Ok, I like how you've chosen to try something new. Not many people choose to make a map outside of forgeworld. Those who do though are either crowned genius or fail hardcore. Now because I've already delivered harsh comments to someone today, I wont tell you which one you are...

    When I start off I see this nice little campy *****-fest of a building. Now, the building's windows are very cool with the pallets to give that "lets board up the house to repel zombie hordes" feel.

    Then I see the main problem: dat big ol' pile 'o' guns. Now I think I know what's given us that pile.
    1 - Optimus Prime took a crap
    2 - The Republicans won
    3 - Forger dun goofed

    I think if you fix that pile by turning it into a couple DMRs, ARs and maybe a shotty you will be good.

    Now I see a sniper in a balcony and a turret. If you're making a last stand style infection maps, you must incorporate some risk/reward into these areas. Because sniper and turret are powerful, you should help out the zombies a little to balance things. This might be something simple like making those certain 'power areas' more accessible to the zombies.
    #6 Berb, Jul 27, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 27, 2011
  7. No one, I mean NO ONE, will take your word for it. It doesn't matter if the Gametype you created balances this out. The pile of weapons you have put there still inspires the fact of someone camping there. 0 Clips does not take this problem away, best keep only the basics. That is a Health Pack, Pistol, Assault Rifle and a DMR or Shotgun.

    The weapons you decide to take away should be scattered around the map, forcing people to move around. No one likes a camp-fest. Look at Living Dead, I mean, I love Living Dead, but Sword Base and The Cage? Really? All they do is camp. You should know how it is in Living Dead. If the Humans are magically gods at Halo, the Infected stand a slim chance against them.

    Haha, funny story. My brother (Decent-Amazing Player), was playing on Sword Base and was the Last-Man Standing and went crazy, killed the Infected until he ran out of ammo for Pistol and Shotgun. Then he continues to melee them all to death. It was purely phenomenal. But the point is, just don't inspire camping, it's no fun for Infected or Humans. Other than that, the base looks very cool.

    Also, listen to Berb. He knows what he is doing. @Berb, great points, but I think you should've been a little nicer. :D I know I can be a douche-bag at times, just read the above statements. Also @OP sorry, I'm not trying to be mean. I'm trying to help you out and same as Berb. (Can't tell With Berb Though lol)
    #7 Insane_Crysis, Jul 27, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 27, 2011
  8. aNtiKkZz

    aNtiKkZz Forerunner

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    @Insane_Crysis thanks for backing me up man and i fixed the turnet and lowered the weapon pile a little and added two other weopon piles. im updateing it now.
  9. Glad to help. Be sure to update this post and not create a new thread. Good luck.
  10. aNtiKkZz

    aNtiKkZz Forerunner

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    Update: if you like this map check out my other map "Halloween" and my "Fort Echo" map i will be uploading soon. thanks a bunch everyone!!
  11. zim

    zim Forerunner

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    Map is cool in ways how it actually looks like a place to holdout but based on the map do you really think you need all those small weapon caches? They look sorta unfair toward the infected.

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