I'm up. Used to be a boss with Marth. Actually, we had a Melee tourney at my school every other Friday after school for a month or two. We'd pitch in for pizza, we had a projector and seats, it was freakin awesome. I'd get back into it if we could find a way to make this work.
My sister bought one, never ever plays it. Just lets it gather dust. I breathed some life into it by Buying SSBB and Twilight Princess quite a while back, but haven't played them in a long long time. And I have absolutely no idea how to set up online on it.
Only time I use my Wii any more is to play my Gamecube games. I could play SSBB with some peeps, though.
Clearly he was buffed because of aforementioned rapings being handed out. I haven't played it enough to notice, though. In order of most preferred to least preferred (but still usable if necessary), Kirby, Sheik, Link, Young Link, Samus, and Ness, to a lesser extent. Also, I hate people who spam Fox/Falco. If you can only win by laser-spamming, then you deserve to have my foot spammed in your asshole.
After reading this logic I am totally gonna be that guy to call you out. You don't like laser spamming but you use the two biggest projectile spammers in the game (Links) and a lot of Sheik's and Samus' basic strategies revolve around their needles and blasters respectively. And you're gonna tell me you hate the laser spamming? REALLY? /rage But in all seriousness, the laser spammin isn't terribly hard to avoid. Since Fox's lasers don't faze and Falco's blaster pauses between shots, you have plenty of opportunity to rushdown without taking terrible damage.
Refer to what Hachiman said. When I use characters like Link and Samus I tend not to spam their annoying moves, because everyone's expecting it, and they take too long to execute, anyway. I usually always used to go for the fakey with Samus anyway, as in I'd stand there and charge up the blaster, then when someone came up to attack me I'd quickly drop a few bombs and GTFO of there. Links bombs and boomerang are ****, anyway, Id rather use the whirlwind sword. As with Sheik, I use her blinding speed to get the one up on people, not projectiles or the chain. I barely use either of those. As for the laser spamming though, I know its easy to get around, but its still ****ing annoying to have some noob spam it up, and it sucks balls if you somehow get sucked into it.