This is my second map. It is a Hemorrhage map with a slight modification, a floating fort in the middle of the map. My inspiration came from playing sniper games ond playing on my other map, RVB Ultimate Battlefield. I basically got bored with the sniping positions on Hemorrhage so I added a couple more. To get to it you have to go through teleporters and viola your there. There are two towers up there and a couple platforms where snipers can be found. It is an awesome spot for sniping, since it's so high up. Here's a couple pics: An overview Showing it's the same Showing it's the same New Link:
The sniper tower just promotes camping and noobing it up. All you did was put in a teleporter and two premade buildings. Whats even worse is that you gift the snipers to them, give them large clip sizes AND put them right next to each other. I'm not even going to look at the download button
Umm, no offense but it seems kinda pointless if u just added a floating base to the standered map. If anything you should had added more to the map, and maybe less.
I'm going to look at it with fear and loathing. Not to pile on too much here, but this is just a bad, bad idea for everybody except the sniper who ends up camping in that building. This is really awful for good gameplay - there's only one way in and the guy can just rain sniper bullets on people indefinitely from up there.
Like many people have said, this is not a good Idea. Hemorrhage already has a sniping problem, and those buildings make it far worse. Sorry, no DL from me
It is meant to be an objective so you can have a "goal" to take over the floating base so your team can then dominate the map.
Explain how threes a contest for it? Surely you can't just be given it? It doesent work. its just a couple of prefab, thrown together buildings with lots of sniper rifles in them. If its something that takes time, and is risky, then there is a 0.01% chance of me accepting this. But thats me being generous with this idea. Halo is RISK vs REWARD. You offer no risk, just an giantly OP reward. I'd hardly call what youve done a map.
Fine! After all the complaints I'll fix it. I'll add some secret way up there so no one can get up there unless they know the secret does that work for you guys?
No! Thats the complete opposite! Theres no point of it being there otherwise. most people won't even recognise the entrance. For players who know it, theyll abuse it. For others, theyll just get mad. Its not a map anyway.
Nope. A floating building, even if it is super ****ing hard to get to, should not be posted onto a map that is already good for it is. If you really want to get a DL from me, put something more into the middle of the map. It's just empty space and rocks, instead of a floating ****ing building. It's not greatly forged either. This should not be considered a standalone map, because you only added one truly horrible thing to the map.
That would unfortunately make it worse. Making it secretive doesn't mean it takes a risk to get there. It just means that those who know/figure out where it is, then they'll have the huge advantage. It would make the map twice as imbalanced as it already is now, and that's pretty imbalanced. A general example of taking a risk to get to a power position would be going down a route that makes you visible and therefore vulnerable. But IMO, there is no remedy for Hemorrhage snipers. Instead of adding an overpowered fort with access only by teleporters, I would add a bunch of structures throughout the hemorrhage that make you capable of taking cover, but not in the sense that you want to camp. For example, don't recreate the hemorrhage bases where you pretty much hide in.
How about you add some more buildings or something similar in the canyon, Instead of a "bunker" or a floating sniper tower.
No! NOTHING. AT. ALL The whole point is that its a floating, invincible fort in the middle of the sky! Right. Look. I want you to go look at This thread Pick a map in the "competitive section." Then look at the balance section. You see how having a section that is overpowering is bad? And how its unenjoyable and ruins the game for every single other person? Thats what we are getting at.
Ok I'll start editing, should I just add a couple of rocks all around the area for cover? Or should I just do what?
Look, I don't think this is a good idea. You want to change the way snipers work on haemorrage. But all you are doing is giving them overpowered positions to use it in. Even if you make it underpowered, then people will just go back to the usual spots for sniping, and youve done nothing at all.
I has idea. Stop ****ing up good maps, go play some BTB and BTB Customs, and see what makes those maps good. Then, come back and try again. If I was a mod, I would have already locked this thread.
Should I just get rid of snipers all together then? I'M JUST TRYING TO MAKE A MAP THAT PEOPLE WILL ENJOY! Just give me ideas that you think I should add to make a good map, I'll give you recognition on it if you like.
We arn't after recognition. First of all, you haven't really made a map. Next off, do you think being spawnkilled by an invincible guy is fun?