I just watched about 10 videos on shadow of the colossus gameplay... and it looks like I would be able to beat it in a matter of days. Maybe one of the reasons you think its harder is because the Ps2 isn't as advanced as the xbox and you cant do as much because of graphic capability. Idk....... From now on can we please stick to the original post and just talk about games you would like to see on the xbox. Describe how they could be redesigned and some achievements that could be in the game. >Monkeyrantz< I still have a Gamecube so I dont need an emulator. The old beast still works fine.
That is one of the most ignorant statements that I've heard, but as you wish, I will try to keep it directed towards how older games could be redone. However I'm not going to limit myself to xbox being as its stupid to even consider Zelda or some other games ever being released on the xbox. As I said earlier, I'd like to see a new Jak and Daxter game for PS3, and a new Dark Cloud for it as well. Xbox wise, the only game I can really say I'd want redone or have new entry in the franchise would be the Conker series (Conker: live and reloaded, Conker's bad fur day) I also am excited to see stuff on Luigi's mansion 2 coming out finally, I really enjoyed the original game when I had a gamecube. Other than that though, I can't really say that I want them to redo any games, I want them to be more creative and come up with more original stuff that is good like they used to.
What? What the hell does graphic capability have to do with the difficulty of a game? It really doesn't. As you said, you cannot judge the difficulty between games by simply viewing a video. Also at that, and as you said, you can't judge if you haven't played both. Thing is, I have. And I can tell you straight out, Darksiders is ALOT easier on the hardest difficulty as compared to Shadow of the Colossus. You can't argue points like that, it's invalid and ignorant. Anyway, back on topic. I'd love a HD remake of the old Crash Bandicoot games, with absolutely NOTHING changed.
Gotta love how this turned into a flame war about which game is harder, Shadow of Colossus or Darksiders... Honestly guys, nobody gives a ****. Difficulty doesn't make a game good. Portal 1 was easy as hell, but it was one of the greatest games I've ever played. OT: A Legend of Zelda remake for the 360 would be sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ****ing beast. I would probably pay upwards of $100 for it. It would simply be one of the greatest things ever.
Haha to be honest I think some of the NES games were the hardest ever and still are. Some of the things that came out on that system were completely ridiculous, and when you died you had to restart the ENTIRE game.. usually.
I totally agree with you. I could beat the Zelda games in only a month on gamecube, but if it were made with achievements, it would take a lot longer and it would be totally beast. Crash Bandicoot would be very cool on xbox. That game was very time consuming because you had to do each level like 2-3 times to get all the gems. Than add achievements. Yep.... I would buy it.
Ninja Gaiden 2, getting all the achievements for it, is by far the most tedious, time consuming thing you will ever attempt to do in your life. You want a game that takes time... Skyrim. Need I say more?
Skyrim, like all Elder Scrolls games, and role playing games, are very time consuming and some achievements are really not worth the time. For example: The game Morrowind for the old xbox and pc was very fun and had me playing for hours.... but honestly, for the pc version, I was only able to beat the game with mods, who hasn't modded pc games lol, without them it would take probably months, and theres always quests and leveling to do.... So I can agree with you when you say Skyrim takes time.
I am sorry. While SOTC is a masterpiece and one of the greatest games ever it is not the hardest ps2 game there is. There are other titles that are more deserving of that. Only the smaller bosses gave me much grief and the last boss. But that was because of the jumping. In general once you figured out where the weak spots were and what to do it was a question of controlling your character the right way. To me the camera was the biggest enemy. - One title is DMC 3ante's Awakening (easy mode is normal mode,so guess what normal must be. Even easy mode is though. The one thing that does make DMC 3 a blast to play is that it gives you the option to grind and upgrade the weapons and combos whenever you like without losing progress. Got stuck,simply grind and you will be able to move on. The variety in styles in combos are amazing as you can choose the style that best fits you. - Shinobi. This games make Ninja Gaiden look like a cake walk. Not only because of the skill required. There are platforming elements in this game that will make you sick from the start. Fall to your death,you will have to start all over again. At least with Ninja Gaiden you had save points. - Viewtiful Joe Don't let the cartoony visuals fool you. It is a fun game. But apart from action the skills you acquire are absolutely necessary to move on.Action and puzzles combined in a way that will make your head spin. - From the same studio (Clover Studios) came Okami and God Hand. There were some parts in Okami (which is also a must play game) that were frustrating but doable. God Hand I never played myself.But I have heard it is freaking hard. I am playing Darksiders myself now. And the Spider boss Silitha kicked my ass many times before I could see what I was doing wrong. The most challenging of that game is that the enemies could slice of your health pretty easily. And this is on normal. Imagine how it must be when you play it on the harder level. So I do have to agree with the members here that SOTC is not even close to the hardest ps2 game ever.
There are threads that haven't been posted in since 2008 that aren't locked, does that mean you should post in them now? Hell no it doesn't. Same thing applies here, it's a general rule of thumb that if it hasn't been posted in for over a month, that you shouldn't either.
Calm your ****. If he had a one or two sentence post then I would agree, but he had a lot to say, and I think that justifies it a little. Just because a thread is old doesn't mean it isn't relevant.