New easter egg FOUND

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by GsRREAPERxFS, Jul 27, 2011.


    GsRREAPERxFS Forerunner

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    I have found a new easter egg on the campaign mission winter contingency which firstly spawns 4 elites, 3 with plasma guns and one with a sword it also spawns 2 grunts and 2 jackals hloding 2 combined guns, the plasma pistol and the needler. Once they dissapear it then spawns 3 plasma rifles in a traingualr shape which you can pick up i dont know if they any powerful or what happens if they are picked up at the same time but here are some preview images of it and ill soon relase the tut vid. REAPER xFS
    Go here for my fileshare and check all the images

    Found by GsR REAPER xFS


    Extra firepower


    OOOOoooo What are these doing here

    #1 GsRREAPERxFS, Jul 27, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 27, 2011

    HEROEZ BLADE117 Forerunner

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    That alsmost sounds like its modded. As soon as you put a tut video out I will have to try this.
  3. PacMonster1

    PacMonster1 Senior Member
    Senior Member

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    I'm fairly certain he just skipped a load zone removing the ai from enemies.

    The general rule with video game eggs is if it is questionable, then it is not an egg. For example, the reach racer Easter egg triggers an entire mode while showing the words reach racer when triggered. Repeated textures or loading zone glitches are not eggs.
    #3 PacMonster1, Jul 27, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 27, 2011
  4. elitebiker18

    elitebiker18 Forerunner

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    When I first saw the pic with the three guns, I thought it was a new scarab gun glitch. But then that would be kind of impossible. So most likely the enemies didnt load correctly. Sorry for all your hope but I dont think its anything to get too hyped about....
  5. TantricEcho

    TantricEcho Ancient
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    Plasma rifles spawn on the ground where an elite was supposed to spawn. It happens in some modes of firefight when every wave just spawns and the boss waves come in dropships; the plasma rifles appear on the ground where they would have spawned normally but the dropships appear shortly.

    Just a skipped load is probably right.

    GsRREAPERxFS Forerunner

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    No y would bungie make these covenant spawnn here its outside the map and also you have to do something to actually make them appear then dissapear then 3 plasma rifles will spawn also y would bungie spawn covenant that fight angainst you with combined guns trust me its a easter egg

    Edited by merge:

    They spawn here everytime you do a certain thing outside the map and why would they spawn them in the battle with a combined plasma rifle

    Also it may be the scarab gun easter egg but you need 3 peeps weve nearly figured something out so ill keep testing if i find something ill then release the tut straight away just have patience
    #6 GsRREAPERxFS, Jul 28, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 28, 2011
  7. cluckinho

    cluckinho Well Known
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    Seems to be more of a mess up than an egg.
  8. PacMonster1

    PacMonster1 Senior Member
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    Most things spawn outside the play area once a load zone is hit. The idea is you're not suppose to see enemies just appear out of thin air so they spawn outside the play space or hidden somewhere so that when you reach their area they are already there.

    Like someone here said, a plasma rifle will appear where an elite is going to load. What ammo came out of the "combined" gun. My bet would be needles because that is the gun the grunt was holding. The other gun just looks like a loading zone glitch.

    So no, its not an Easter egg.

    Are there switches? Does text pop up telling you you've activated something? If the answers to those two questions are no than you have not found an egg. There have been all sorts of interesting loading zone glitches from tiny skirmishers, to entire areas devoid of covenant.

    So either you found the one Reach easter egg which behaves like none of the other eggs in Halo history, or the far more likely scenario of you got out the map, skipped a loading zone but triggered a later one.

    If you.want I could post a bunch of videos from some talented halo glitch finders/tricksters showing all manor of loading zone glitches.
    #8 PacMonster1, Jul 28, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 28, 2011
  9. Skisma

    Skisma Creative Force
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    Dude, you have the same thread posted twice. Yesterday I was saying how the plasma pistol needler thing looks cool, but that post isn't even here cause this is a whole new thread.

    TheorEDIT: The two threads have been merged, please carry on.
    #9 Skisma, Jul 28, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 29, 2011
  10. Reign

    Reign Forerunner

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    This is not an Easter Egg. Like others have said, it is a loading zone glitch.
    #10 Reign, Jul 29, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 29, 2011
  11. Burning1nWater

    Burning1nWater Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    ive seen a similar scenario in the firefight DLC, where three plasma rifles spawn in a triangle. not sure if any of this is relevant anyway, nothing becomes of it.

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