Built in the 21st century, the hydro dam outputs just enough energy to power the com array overlooking the facility. Today I will you show you River Side. A 21 century Hydro Dam, that now supplies energy to a UNSC listening post on the Ridge. How It Came Together I started building the actual base Buildings First. (a.k.a- First Room you spawn in) Then I knew I needed some Background scenery. So after experimenting i came up with a dam idea. After I build the dam walls I went back to making the Battlefield players would fight on. Then I made the Listening post on the ridge. which is overly detailed for something some would say, but personally i think maps look better with some background structures. watch the Video Below to see the map. (A little over 2 min long) Halo Reach Map- River Side‏ - YouTube At the end you may had saw the messed up block piece. I have Fixed that, and some small z-fighting on the dam walls. COMMENT BELOW! plz k thank bai
Yeh Gameplay wise i have not tested, which is why the map is in Aesthetic section, and not competitive. There are no weapons on the map to so, If any one feels like it they can add weapons and enhance the spawns as they please. Just contact me first.
Dude grif I would so make this into a decent battle map. You have the skill to do that because you helped me with some of my maps before. I did join you when you were making this and I think the aesthetics are great but the overall map is kind of bland. You should try adding some pieces that can be colored.
That must be a hell of a powerful com array for entire dam to fuel it. Those things produce an immense amount of power. Think BIG my friend. Think WEAPON SYSTEM! props on your forging however ->