Words cannot describe how fun this **** is. You really have to just play it to get a feel for it and I truly cannot wait for it to be released. Nothing but good times on this.
Seems like it's gonna be a love/hate kinda thing. There hasn't been a median reply. All "I really loved this!" Or "I didn't really like it..." aka I hated it but am being nice. Anyways, I hear you're making ships for the loadout cam and stuff? ;D
This is an awesome use of the Gauss glitch! Looks incredibly fun. I'm excited to see the finished product with better aesthetics.
Don't keep your hopes too high. I'd honestly not like to change the board....at all. It doesn't need any gimmicky aesthetics that will just end up getting in the way of things that actually effect gameplay. At this point, I have fixed all problems pointed out and have also edited the hills to make them that much more noticeable.
You pretty much just missed out on our latest test. No worries though, just send me or Porkie a friend request.
Can someone do a writeup for the glitch to add to the Forge Tips and Tricks compendium. I'll just use your video as an example if that's ok nibs. I don't see why you'd have a problem with advertisement for your map.
Go right ahead. As far as the write-up goes, it shouldn't be that difficult. Simply describe the fact that the gauss cannon, through a glitch, can shoot through most forge objects (excluding tin cups, rocks, 5x1's and others). Just thought I'd let everyone know that jump has been removed from the gametype.
You may have sent to it the wrong person? I can assure you I haven't gotten a FR. As far as the map itself goes, it is getting some finishing touches (mainly in the aesthetics department) and you should expect to see it soon.
I (sort of) played this a few days ago with Nibs, Vorp, and Bows. We didn't actually play a round of it, but instead went into forge on it. Anyways, it's a pretty cool concept. Also, I had no idea you could shoot through walls before I saw this. And finally, Nibs told me to bump his thread, so I thought I'd make it the least spammy possible so he couldn't infract me like he said he wanted to... <3 TL;DR (It wasn't really that long, jeez...) Nice map, I'm sure it plays pretty well.
Spawn and I just finished what is hopefully the final version. We are looking to get a full game of 16 so we can get a video and some pictures for the thread. If you're interested, send a FR to either Spawn or myself.
I iz down the shore for 4th of july, I hope all goes well with your test. I'd like to see how this plays out.