Anchored Hello forgehub. I am back with another battle map. [highlight]Anchored[/highlight] is a team based symmetrical map that is surrounded by water, hence the name Anchored. This map is compatible with team slayer and multi flag ctf and is well ballanced with weapons and spawns placed equally on each side. I did not include power weapons because this is a medium sized map and someone with a power weapon would dominate. I have tested this map and the gametypes work. Sorry but I did not include any actions shots in the screenshots after the weapons list. I was more focused on showing you the layout of weapons and spawns. Weapons List: Dmr x4 Assault Rifle x2 Magnum x2 Plasma Repeator x2 Plasma Pistol x2 Needler x2 Machine gun turret x2, one at each base Frag x8 Plasma Grenade x6 Health stations x4, one in each base, two within the map Screenshots Overview: Red base: Blue base: Red side airlift: Blue side airlift: Dmr bridge, there is one on each side: Health station, One on each side: Middle: Download link: : Halo Reach : File Details BLADE117 [highlight]My Awesome Sig[/highlight]
looks like a very small yet quint map. Doesn't seem like it could play 5v5 but maybe for some duels and pairs.
I know the pics make it look kind of small but it is actually bigger than what it seems when your walking around. Plus you could always play with less than 5v5.
Nice job on the symmetrical aspect. I would love to see assault and natural flag, FFA Slayer too. I think it is more of a 4v4 or multiteam map. Overall, it's a great map, good asthetics, plays well, but it needs more game type compatibility. 3 out of 5. Now dish out some great maps!
I will try to set it up with different gametypes but im not that good at setting up maps. I only ever set up mlg, team slayer, and multiflag. I was also debating whether or not to keep it at 4v4 or put it higher. In the end I just put it 5v5.
Pretty map, was narrows one of your map influences because there are some features that stick out reminding me of narrows.
As Bullet said, it reminds me of Narrows as well, the man-cannon aspect, at least. Spawn houses are not the best thing to put into any map, and though it does look small, it is not, as I have made a map of a similar layout and slightly smaller size and it plays 4v4 perfectly, although it is awful compared to the well thought out design of this. It is extremely simple, but on the bright sides it has an easy to learn layout, ample cover, and not to mention the balance of the map is excellent, although the MG turrets could possibly be overpowered, though, not likely due to the large amount of grenades on the map. (Which I might add needs to be cut down on, slightly.) In other words, excellent map, save the spawnhouses.
I did get some of my inspiration from from Narrows which I do say was an amazing map. Now that you mention it I guess I did place to many grenades, although they do help in stopping the mg turrets. I will try to stop using bases for my main spawns in my next map.