Elliptical v3.4.3 Created by WPX ColdAdam010 Elliptical employs a simple map design with moving hazards to create fun gameplay. Each base is symmetrical and opose each other across the kill ball track. With the track itself spanning the width of the map forcing players to be more aware of their surroundings when crossing into the middle. There are only 2 power weapons, the rockets and the hammer. Both of which are positioned in the middle of the map. Picture 1: Sky Box view of the entire map. Picture 2: Side view of one of the bases. Picture 3: Interior view of the middle of the map. Picture 4: Rocket platform that is directly under the map Picture 5:Top view of one of the bases.
This map is a work of genius and deserves to be in the official Bungie Playlist, that rolling Killball track leading to the rocket launcher platform is the single greatest central feature I've seen in my short time on this site, I have absolutely no idea how you even constructed it, but my first attempt at traversing it led to an Indiana Jones styled epic failure moment that cracked up every player who laid witness to it when we reviewed the theater replay following. This map is a straight up 5/5, it is the best user made map I've so far played and I have nothing but credit for it's maker (although I should probably point out that I've only played the slayer gametype on this map - and only ever will since I neither play, know how to play, or have any real interest in learning to play any of the other gametypes Halo has to offer).
The ball appears to reset too frequently, so you may want to bump up the respawn timer to the full 3 minutes, if you can. I like that it's out of the way now, though, so good job with the track adjustment.
I've tried many different respawn times to get the killball to travel without de-spawning and the only way for it to not despawn is to place it in forge in fixed mode then switch it to normal on a never respawn. This won't work for customs however =/ I will continue to experiment with the kill ball properties to get it to not reset so frequently but I haven't found anything yet.
Elliptical Almost every other map has a static status; none of the surroundings move, change or interact in any way. Of course, in most first person shooters, this is the case. Especially in Halo, Bungie has not given players the direct ability of creating a moving arena. However, players have found a way to push those restrictions, and incorporate a dynamic factor within those playing fields. What sets Elliptical apart from the other competitive maps is its circuit that encircles the entire center area. Like a train track, two rows of railings allow a killball to roll around the map without stopping. As players come to the center area, they will see a sort of bridge that crosses over a gap. Players must call upon their earliest memories of road safety, and look both ways before crossing. This is such a simple and easy way of keeping safe, one can only chuckle when a player accidentally gets caught in the killball’s fatal borders. Additionally, a killball quickly passing buy can pick of pursuers or provide momentary cover. Elliptical contains this very enjoyable feature that does well to spice up gameplay, but unfortunately sacrifices durability in the process due to framerate lag. The rest of the map is designed well enough, splitting the area in two to allow for each team. However, it’s all very generic. There’s a lot of room for maps to be more intricate to give them their definition, but apart from the kill ball, there’s very little that fulfills the unspoken promise that the map will be more fun than others. The map is completely symmetrical, so there is no obvious difference depending on which team a player ends up on. There is next to nothing that gives one side advantage over the other; no weapons, spawn areas, gametypes or overpowered vantage points disrupt the pristine and serene balance of Elliptical. If one wishes to scrutinize the map to the deepest levels, there is perhaps one difference between teams. Since the killball starts its circuit on one side, it blocks of the bridge of the one team before the other. However, this has little or no impact on the gameplay in any way. There are many potential areas for players to escape from the map or hide away, however the map’s creator did their job well in placing soft kill barriers accordingly. However in two areas, player would not expect a soft kill barrier to be present. Although this doesn’t break the map in any way, it is certainly a complication that occasionally stops the flow of the players. The circulating killball all too occasionally resets, stopping short the usually reliable timing. This hiccup can disrupt any player’s plans to manipulate the system for any reason, and causes the mechanics to fail altogether for a few seconds. Over all, the maps performs well in the fundamental areas. Spawns are fine, and the gametypes work well without a hitch. The killball and the area it is in certainly looks pretty, but at the cost of a great decrease in framerate. Coupled with nearby glass panes, which by the way do well to form a tunnel-like area, players can be certain that the center area will cause the game to consistently lag up. On either side of the map, there are several coliseum windows and corner walls phased side by side. The pattern is interesting, and helps with scenery orientation. Although Elliptical contains the occasional instance of decoration, but for the most part comes across as incomplete and improvised. No attempt has been made to cover up the ugly sections, for example the top of the hut-like ceiling that has parts of coliseum walls jutting out into the sky. Platforms and walkways on the sides look very out of place, and each team’s base consists of a single building piece. For the most part, the effect is one of messiness. Granted, the track that the killball rides upon is a common design, but is there any other alternative? The creator has utilized this well-known forge mechanic and successfully incorporated it into a competitive map without overdoing it or annoying people unnecessarily. However, the increased framerate lag that it creates is a real shame. Such a thing makes players long for the day when hardware can handle such an effect, without bailing or slowing down. But although it has its side effects, the rolling killball gives a unique feel to the map that really distinguishes Elliptical from all the other maps. Apart from that particular gem of originality, the map design is fairly generic. It works for the most part, but easily conforms to the usual, predictable style of open maps: two “base” areas with a no-man’s land in between, and walkways thrown around to establish alternative transport routes. Rating Multipliers [floatleft]Enjoyment: Balance: Durability: Aesthetic : Originality:[/floatleft]5 x 3.0 = 15 out of 30 10 x 3.0 = 30 out of 30 9 x 1.5 = 13.5 out of 15 4 x 1.5 = 6 out of 15 7 x 1.0 = 7 out of 10 Final Score Understanding the Review Hub's Ratings Have a question about your review? Review Hub Community Feedback