True Infection I basically came up with this gametype after playing some living dead online over matchmaking. During my play I concluded that the gametypes provided by Bungie were unbalanced and made it difficult for the zombies to kill the survivors. So I came up with this gametype that hopefully solves the problem. Survivors For the most part the survivors have the same states as they do in the regular game except that they damage resistance is reduced to 90%. Also radar is removed so that the survivors must be more cautious. Plus the lack of radar should hopefully decrease the chances of camping. The weapons that the humans use are the same. Shotguns are the primary weapon and magnum is the secondary weapon. Alpha zombie In this gametype there is only one Alpha zombie. The Alpha zombie appears red with a poor camo on top of it. Also the Alpha zombie has the ability to sprint as long as it wants. The main inspiration behind this the alpha zombie is to be like Alma from fear. Zombies Unlike most gametypes the zombies have two weapons (Alpha zombie included). The zombies primary weapon is the energy sword with a secondary weapon being the plasma pistol (spit). The pistol is basically to help stop those survivors who are camping on top of buildings. Also the zombies have 3 loadouts. Each designed to give the zombies special abilities. Evade: The regular ability Active Camo: Reference back to the halo 3 zombies. Hologram: to help pull out the camper survivors. Last man standing Overshield has been removed but damage resistance has be increased to 110%. Even if you had adrenaline from being chased by a bunch of zombies you wouldn’t suddenly have an extra shield covering your body. Sorry. Custom Power Up For gametypes with custom power ups you can temporarily gain radar. However the radar only detects movement and only for a short amount of time so be wary when to grab it. Spawning In order to limit spawn killing I made it that respawning grants the player 2 secs of invulnerability. Also in an attempt to limit betrayals I increased the amount of time it takes for a betrayer to respawn. I hope you all enjoy.
If you want some true infection, start the humans out with ARs and pistols and they can find weapons around the map.
This is merely designed to be a more balanced version of the matchmaking version of Alpha Zombie. However I suppose I could try changing things around a little. Thank you for advice.