Remake Necrubis - City of the Dead

Discussion in 'Reach Casual Maps' started by godlikekitten, Jul 26, 2011.

  1. godlikekitten

    godlikekitten Forerunner

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    "The City of the Dead- Necrubis was once a thriving, well-liked underground city known for its beautiful architecture and rich structures of gold and stone. Complete with a mall, tower, gas station, weapons shop, convience store, warehouse, and residential area, Necrubis was fastly becoming popular. The city was built underground to protect it's inhabitants from the dual suns that scorch the planet's surface above, but it's location led to it's downfall as the local water supply became contaminated with an infectuos virus which rendered it's victims with insanity and bloodlust. Quickly the city became abandoned as the outbreak of the the virus overan the citizens with fear. You are part of the group that got left behind- will you beable to survive until evac arrives for you, will you beable to kill off all the infected completely, or will you perish in the effort?" - mander A1

    So some of you may have figured out by the title, and that little introduction this is the Halo: Reach version of mander's amazing infection map, along with gametype. The gametype is not needed, and the map works with all infection gametypes (except safe haven) BUT the gametype is recommended for maximum carnage. I chose to remake this map because of how much time I've spent with friends on Halo 3 playing it. We all enjoyed it very much and I figured it deserved a proper remake. Now some things may look a little off, but that is only because of Bungie's "sharing" system with the block types to save memory. Enough chit chat, time to get to the pictures and explanation.

    Here we have the beautiful weapon shop. Once spawned you and your pals should make a beeline to this area, so you can suit up and prepare for survival. Since this is a remake, camping is still frowned upon in the armory. If you choose to do so, good luck

    With the recommended Pandemic gametype zombies have 8 lives. Humans should try and stop the infection before it spreads. If they fail to do so then the apocalypse only becomes worse.

    Overview of the city, and just like the old one the church is blocked by the tower.

    "The Dawn of The Dead Mall (After 60 seconds the front windows and entrance get boarded up and the only way in is through the roof)" Same concept as the first.

    This is the inside of the Zombie House. After 30 seconds a rock will spawn and block the receiver node so zombies may begin their infecting.

    "The Gas Station (After 3 minutes a warthog will spawn in the garage)" Yup.

    More screenshots are to come as soon as I get a custom game match going. Enjoy!
    7.28.11 - NOT RELEASED - change for zombie spawn to prevent camping.
    7.27.11 - Fixed all the spawns. Sorry about that.
    #1 godlikekitten, Jul 26, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 29, 2011
  2. GruntHunter

    GruntHunter Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Looks great, but I recommend not having a weapon shop, because people will just camp in there forever.
  3. godlikekitten

    godlikekitten Forerunner

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    The weapon shop has the same design as the first. Zombies can enter in through multiple ways.
  4. Mander

    Senior Member

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    Well, I just checked this out. Honest effort on the remake, you did a great job on a lot of the buildings. The only real flaw I found was that blue street is a bit too cramped due to miscalculated proportions, and there are some areas that you can't get out of once you jump into. Otherwise than that, this map definitely honours the orginal and I even prefer some of the changes you made. I look forward to giving this a go on a custom games night.
  5. godlikekitten

    godlikekitten Forerunner

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    I plan on shifting the whole tower to give blue street more room, and fixing those areas in a few minutes. Glad to here you liked it though!
  6. Codmando72

    Codmando72 Forerunner

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    Yes Its finally returned. I've had soo much fun on halo 3 unless you have a-holes but someone remade it! Hope it plays as well as the last one.
  7. El FlyingCondor

    El FlyingCondor Forerunner

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    I was literally just looking on here to see a remake two days ago. I loved the design of this map back in Halo 3, and I hope it still plays as good as it did before.

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