Farlin Deep Sea Mines

Discussion in 'Reach Casual Maps' started by RogueWolf, Apr 18, 2011.

  1. RogueWolf

    RogueWolf Forerunner

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    Farlin Deep Sea Mine

    Created by ChrisFREER

    Beneath the waves, off the coast are the new deep sea mines. Here,
    at Farlin, the miners have cut deep into the rocks beneath the waves
    to access the rich veins of ore! Something amongst the waves and the rocks
    is beginning to stir though, an ancient evil only now awakening

    These creatures of the depth have come straight up through the stations floor, we're flooding and power is down to essentials only!
    That door is closed, but a shottie awaits those brave enough to jump the depths


    Sea Water is flooding in, the rec room is lost to the water. The pumps are struggling, we need
    to find higher ground!
    Look out for the fish, they pack quite a punch...

    When walking the corridors watch all sides, the glass can be your friend...or it can betray your


    Being underwater you'll see some of the native marine life out the windows


    The corridor to the dormitory


    The dormitory itself, a military issue handgun lies on the table


    A control room over looking the mines


    In the depths of the oceanic caves, its a cold and desolate place to die...


    Try not to swim with the fishes, head for the walkways!


    Some of the miners have set up a smuggling rin, using the stations assets. Their illegal
    weaponary will be more useful than ever now! If only you could find their tunnel...but beware! The creatures could be in there as well!


    Thank you to SynysterAndy for helping to test this and thanks to PlasmaBlades for the advice (I hope you like this one)!
    I had just discovered the joys of window doubles, so was playing with my two favourite things in Reach:
    Water and glass!

    So download it and take a play, I find the gameplay to be very tense, you'll jump more than once with a good zombie (especially as you'll start out alone)!
    #1 RogueWolf, Apr 18, 2011
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2011
  2. Intrepid Artifex

    Intrepid Artifex Forerunner

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    This looks like an excellent infection map! Everything you did with it really does make it feel like an undersea mine, from the incorporation of the water and blue shield doors to the placement of rocks.

    That's definitely very creative how you used the concussion rifle and needler as fish, and using the glass as a floor/ceiling on different levels should definitely add to the Infection experience.

    Can't wait to play this map with some friends later. Excellent work!
  3. Plasma Blades

    Plasma Blades Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This looks really good, it's good to see that the weapons are more spread out. As odd as this sounds, can you use a fish as a weapon?

    The fifth picture had me confused; it looked like it was actually underwater so I was wondering why the hallway wasn't flooded. I also liked how the water levels differ throughout the map, not may maps successfully do that. The rocks add a nice change in atmosphere, and the glass provides for added suspense, which is key to infection maps.

    At the moment, I can't see anything wrong with it. I'll download it now and look to see if I can find any flow issues or areas that throw off the balance.
  4. RogueWolf

    RogueWolf Forerunner

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    Thank you both! Hopefully you find it as tense/fun as I did while testing, let me know how easy it is to find the hidden tunnel with rocket launcher in, please!
    Indeed you can! There should be one fish in the rec room you can "catch"...
    I've also spread out the spawn points as well as the guns so the humans will all be seperated, as you suggested.

    I had some initial concerns about using glass in the hallways as it would give away the presence of either side too easily, in fact it ended up making it tenser!

    I think it was an idea I first came up with in Halo 3, resurfaced here! I just thought that it made it slightly different, gave it something extra!
  5. Plasma Blades

    Plasma Blades Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I found the rocket launcher literally 5 seconds into the game, but that's only 'cause I spawned in the right room, and chose the right path since I've used that trick before. I'm assuming it'll be near impossible for someone who hasn't used that trick before to find it though.
    The only thing that worries me about that area is how easy it'll be for the humans to camp there.

    After a more thorough walkthrough, there were a few problems that I noticed. The issue that resulted in the greatest annoyance was the fact that it wasn't always clear what water you could walk in and what water you couldn't. On a related note, the rec room is too easy to camp since the two entrances are both on the same side, and one of them requires finesse to jump on the broken peices so that you don't fall to your death. I noticed that you can pick up any of the fish in the oceanic caves as well. Since they're phased/fixed, you can jump on them. From there, as you jump back to the rocks, you can pick them up. The reason that this is a problem is because concussion rifles are amazing at keeping an enemy at bay, rendering them nearly immobile, allowing teammates to quickly mop them up.

    Otherwise, all seems well with the map.One thing that you should be careful of in future maps (I'm not sure if it would be a problem in this since I haven't tested it with other people yet), is that water and glass both add to frame-rate lag, which can hurt a map for those playing, and distract from the setting.
    #5 Plasma Blades, Apr 18, 2011
    Last edited: Apr 18, 2011
  6. RogueWolf

    RogueWolf Forerunner

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    Damn, well I thought it'd be something interesting to try!
    I could try adding a soft kill? Do you think you'd be able to cross it in time?
  7. Plasma Blades

    Plasma Blades Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Possibly, but you'd have to raise the other exit so that you don't have to crouch to get through, and even that might be pushing it. At the very least, maybe you could put a zombie spawn above it.
  8. RogueWolf

    RogueWolf Forerunner

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    I tried to mark it as there being only one "puddle" that was too deep with the fish, but I can remove them and push the grid further across to fix that which would also fix those that you can pickup in the caves. In the mean-time lets hope people will play with a bit of honour!

    Unfortunately I haven't got a fix for this one...Have you any suggestions?

    The water and glass are mostly seperate from each other here, so that shouldn't be too much of a problem. I've had another map which is almost total glass with 3 people running around in quite happily too, although that may just have been luck.

    I'll try some changes out tomorrow and re-upload it to my fileshare (and change the link here)
    #8 RogueWolf, Apr 18, 2011
    Last edited: Apr 18, 2011
  9. pat82385

    pat82385 Forerunner

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    Wow, this looks like an awesome infection map i cant wait to play this. I will let you know how it turns out.
  10. RogueWolf

    RogueWolf Forerunner

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    I have finally gotten around to making those changes, hopefully it should be a lot smoother now (Also made the jumps around by the hole easier, just drop off the crate towards the ramp). Hopefully this will have addressed most issues. As to the rec room I made it so that humans would be unable to get onto the floating bits of debris and they would "drown" if they stray underwater for too long, however they should still be able to jump across the hole.
    Farlin Deep Sea Mines
    Changed in description too.
  11. krediblewitnass

    krediblewitnass Forerunner

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    looks pretty good ill try it out with some friends and be then post a reveiw
  12. elitebiker18

    elitebiker18 Forerunner

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    This would be a creepy infection map to play on... Mines in the first place are kind of creepy, then add zombies, sounds the a rush. The forging looks very good and the gameplay is smooth. Good Work!

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