Ultimate Puzzle Trick Guide

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by broccollipie, Jul 25, 2011.

  1. broccollipie

    broccollipie Ancient

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    Warning: Do not read this if you intend to do a puzzle very soon, as it will probably ruin some.

    One evening while in the mood for making a puzzle, though lacking inspiration, I remembered many tricks that me and Bio Cobalt had encountered in our puzzle solving days. I decided to put together this guide to help both puzzle makers stuck for ideas, and puzzle solvers who are stuck on a puzzle. I recommend you don't read this if you are about to do a puzzle, as some of the tricks in this guide may have been used in that puzzle. If I am missing something, or you think of something cool, just let me know so I can add it to the guide.

    [aname=top][/aname]Weapons and Vehicles
    [jumpto=turretswalls]Turrets through walls[/jumpto]
    [jumpto=vehicleswalls]Vehicles through walls[/jumpto]
    [jumpto=fixedweapons]Fixed weapons[/jumpto]
    [jumpto=weaponsuicide]Weapon suicide[/jumpto]
    [jumpto=mongoosegaps]Mongoose gaps[/jumpto]
    [jumpto=evadegaps]Evade gaps[/jumpto]
    [jumpto=armorlockledges]Armor lock ledges[/jumpto]
    [jumpto=needlebouncing]Needle rifle bouncing[/jumpto]
    [jumpto=covenantbridges]Covenant bridges[/jumpto]
    [jumpto=hologramdoors]Hologram doors[/jumpto]
    [jumpto=mineflipping]Mine flipping[/jumpto]
    [jumpto=scorpionshells]Scorpion shells[/jumpto]
    [jumpto=mongoosedismountgaps]Mongoose dismount gaps[/jumpto]
    [jumpto=killballsurvival]Kill ball survival[/jumpto]
    [jumpto=covenantvehiclejump]Covenant vehicle jump[/jumpto]
    [jumpto=overshieldarmorability]Overshield armor ability[/jumpto]
    [jumpto=dropshieldfloating]Drop shield floating[/jumpto]
    [jumpto=armorlockdeflection]Armor lock deflection[/jumpto]
    [jumpto=hologramdirectionchange]Hologram direction change[/jumpto]
    [jumpto=vehicleheightsurvival]Vehicle height survival[/jumpto]
    [jumpto=vehiclefallsurvival]Vehicle fall survival[/jumpto]
    [jumpto=grenadelauncheruses]Grenade launcher uses[/jumpto]
    [jumpto=stickiesthroughwalls]Stickies through walls[/jumpto]
    [jumpto=sniperriflericochet]Sniper rifle ricochet[/jumpto]

    [jumpto=fusioncoilcheckpoints]Fusion coil checkpoints[/jumpto]
    [jumpto=spawncheckpoints]Spawn checkpoints[/jumpto]
    [jumpto=landminedoors]Land mine doors[/jumpto]
    [jumpto=rainingfusioncoils]Raining fusion coils[/jumpto]
    [jumpto=landminebuttons]Land mine buttons[/jumpto]
    [jumpto=fusioncoildoors]Fusion coil doors[/jumpto]
    [jumpto=unshootablemines]Unshootable mines[/jumpto]

    [jumpto=sprintjump]Sprint jump[/jumpto]
    [jumpto=crouchjump]Crouch jump[/jumpto]
    [jumpto=evadejump]Evade jump[/jumpto]
    [jumpto=shielddoorjump]Shield door jump[/jumpto]
    [jumpto=pointjump]Point jump[/jumpto]
    [jumpto=slidejump]Slide jump[/jumpto]
    [jumpto=turretjump]Turret jump[/jumpto]
    [jumpto=grenadejump]Grenade jump[/jumpto]
    [jumpto=jetpackjump]Jetpack jump[/jumpto]
    [jumpto=explosivejump]Explosive projectile jump[/jumpto]
    [jumpto=buddyjump]Buddy jump[/jumpto]
    [jumpto=movingvehiclejump]Moving vehicle jump[/jumpto]
    [jumpto=laserbuddyjump]Laser buddy jump[/jumpto]
    [jumpto=evadebuddyjump]Evade buddy jump[/jumpto]
    [jumpto=springjump]Spring jump[/jumpto]

    [jumpto=stickyfloors]Sticky floors[/jumpto]
    [jumpto=stickyceiling]Sticky ceiling[/jumpto]
    [jumpto=tincupelevators]Tin cup elevators[/jumpto]
    [jumpto=floatingstuff]Floating balls and dice[/jumpto]
    [jumpto=invisiblewalls]Invisible walls[/jumpto]
    [jumpto=walkthroughwalls]Walk through walls[/jumpto]
    [jumpto=campingstools]Camping stools[/jumpto]
    [jumpto=vehicleonlyteleporters]Vehicle only teleporters[/jumpto]

    Weapons and Vehicles
    Turrets Through Walls
    Turrets placed on one side of a wall can be mounted by a player on the other side of it.
    When the player dismounts or detaches the turret, they will be forged through the wall, and into the room the turret was in. This can be used to make hidden shortcuts, or the kind of annoying puzzle that involves more searching than thinking or doing.
    Vehicles Through Walls
    Just like turrets, vehicles can be entered through a wall or window. They also force the player into the same room as the vehicle when the player exits it.
    Fixed Weapons
    If a player picks up a weapon that has fixed or phased physics set for it, the next time the player swaps it for a new weapon, the fixed one that they previously picked up will float in midair. This can be used to create steps for players to jump on to reach higher areas. This glitch also affects armor abilities, but players will automatically pick it up if they don't already have one. Keep in mind that if this glitch is used in a puzzle over Xbox Live, only the host will be able to see the weapon once it has been dropped.
    Weapon Suicide
    Explosive weapons aren't the only ones that can be used to kill yourself. If you overcharge a plasma pistol while against a wall and facing it, releasing the trigger will cause mild shield dame to the player. It usually has less of an effect on health than shields. A needle rifle, when aimed at a wall, will fire needles that can not only bounce off of the wall, but can damage you too. A magnum, when fired at glass will very rarely do a small amount of damage to the player. It is not recommended to make a player commit suicide with a magnum, as it is incredibly difficult. Other weapons that have similar effects are assault rifles, DMRs, and plasma rifles and repeaters.
    Mongoose Gaps
    A small enough gap under a wall will stop players from being able to crouch or evade under it, while still allowing a mongoose to fit. This is a useful trick if players require an evade for a different puzzle in the same area.
    Evade Gaps
    Evade gaps are very similar to mongoose gaps, but the gap is slightly bigger, still denying access to those who attempt to fit by crouching. This is useful if you have a small room in your puzzle, but you want to use something like the mongoose gap.
    Armor Lock Ledges
    An armor lock ledge is a small, angled ledge sticking out of a wall, that a player falls to from a height. Without armor lock, the player will slide or bounce right off of it, but if you hold down the armor lock button as you land, you will lose all momentum, preventing your slip.
    Needle Rifle Bouncing
    As I mentioned before, the needles fired from a needle rifle bounce off of flat surfaces. With some good aim, and a small amount of luck, you can actually bounce the needles around a corner to destroy an explosive blocking a teleporter, or anything else you can think of.
    Covenant Bridges
    You can make a bridge that only covenant vehicles can cross, by placing shield doors horizontally over a gap. Covenant vehicles use a gravitational propulsion system, that makes sure there is always a certain amount of space between the bottom of the vehicle and the object underneath it. The Reach engine detects the shield door under the vehicle and ensures that the vehicle stays above it, so the player can safely use the shield door as if they were solid ground. You can use this to ferry players across gaps if they stand on your vehicle. Be warned that as soon as you get out, the vehicle will fall right through.
    Hologram Doors
    A mine behind a shield door will kill the player if they walk into it, but if a hologram walks into it, the mine will be destroyed, and the player unharmed. Holograms can go through shield doors as long as the player aims at a point beyond the shield door, not at the shield door. Otherwise the hologram will stop when it reaches it.
    Mine Flipping
    If a player goes very close to a land mine with normal physics, armor locks for the longest possible time, and then exits armor lock, the land mine will be blown away; the majority of the time it won't explode. This also affects vehicles and grenades, so experiment with the items you have available in your puzzle.
    Scorpion Shells
    The shells of the projectiles that the scorpion fires are objects that can be interacted with. They can be shot, melee'd, and kicked around. They can also set off land mines, and they float. They can be useful to detonate a mine on the other side of a shield door without passing through it.
    Mongoose Dismount Gaps
    If you park a mongoose parallel to a gap that is too narrow to fit through, but not by much, when you get off the mongoose, you will squeeze through the gap and end up on the other side. You can do this in reverse by mounting the mongoose through the gap.
    Kill Ball Survival
    Using a drop shield armor ability, you can safely navigate through a kill ball. Just stand a the edge of the kill ball, and off to one side, and deploy your drop shield. The area inside of the drop shield is safe, so long as the "core" of the kill ball isn't in there with you. This requires infinite armor ability usage, as without it, the drop shield will pop before you are able to place a new one.
    Covenant Vehicle Jump
    To clear bigger gaps with covenant vehicles, hold down the RB button while boosting. (Default controller configuration) This will lift the front of the vehicle into the air to gain precious height advantage. This doesn't work in human vehicles, as RB is used as the brake. In multiplayer, you can also use this to splatter players that try to jump over your ghost.
    Overshield Armor Ability
    If you hold X while you have an armor ability and walk into an overshield, camo powerup, or custom powerup, you will trade your current armor ability for it. This doesn't let you use the powerup as an armor ability, but it allows you to pick up the same armor ability you had before again, so as to unblock a passage that you couldn't before, because as you know, you can't swap a sprint for a sprint.
    Drop Shield Floating
    Drop shields will float in midair if deployed on a surface, and then that object is deleted or moved. This can be used to bounce plasma weapons around high up ledges or get grenades into tricky places.
    Armor Lock Deflection
    Sniper rifle bullets, plasma pistol overcharges, and rockets all bounce off of a player in armor lock. This can be used in co-op puzzles go get a bullet into a room where the player with the sniper rifle can't get there.
    Hologram Direction Change
    A hologram, when directed to a point, will always try to move in that direction, and when used in conjunction with a man cannon, can be used to reach places without initially travelling that way.
    Vehicle Height Survival
    If a vehicle is driven off of a steep cliff or ledge, the player can eject themselves from the vehicle before they hit the ground to reset their vertical momentum. This can be used to survive falls of any height.
    Vehicle Fall Survival
    A vehicle at the bottom of a drop can help lessen the damage you take, or spare your otherwise plummeting life when landed on. This can be used when you have a vehicle, and a fall that you can almost survive.
    Grenade Launcher Uses
    The grenade launcher is a very useful tool. The projectiles can be kicked around so they fall down holes into places you want to detonate them, and they bounce on one way shields forever, unlike normal shield doors, where they will only bounce once before falling through. They can also be stood on. A capture plate with a grenade launcher grenade on it can be stood upon, as the grenades don't fall through.
    Stickies Through Walls
    If a player on one side of a wall sticks a plasma grenade to another players weapon that is poking through the wall, like a sniper rifle, then the player with the long weapon steps backward, the explosion will occur in the room with the long weapon. This can be used in co-op puzzles to get explosions in places where it would not normally be available.
    Sniper Rifle Ricochet
    Sniper rifle bullets bounce off of many things, including armor lockers, banks, angled walls, some scenery objects, and pretty much almost every other smooth, angled surface. This can be used to bounce bullets off of things and around corners to set of an explosion of sorts.

    [[jumpto=top]Back to Top[/jumpto]]​

    Fusion Coil Checkpoints
    Placing a fixed fusion coil on top of a teleporter receiver node will block it, only making the teleporter useable once the player has reached the fusion coil and destroyed it. If the fusion coil will be in view for a time before it is intended to be destroyed, you could put shield doors around it so it can't be destroyed from afar. Two fusion coils on top of each other are recommended, otherwise if the player jumps they will make it through even if the fusion coil isn't destroyed.
    Spawn Checkpoints
    Spawn checkpoints are explosives placed on top of a respawn point. When the explosive is destroyed, the spawn point is available for use. Due to the chance of not spawning at the one you want to, they are usually only used in co-op puzzles so as to have the influence of the teammate on the spawn. You can devise a single player system by using weak respawn zones, though it gets complicated.
    Land Mine Doors
    Land mine doors are land mines behind shield doors, meaning the only way to pass is by killing yourself. Sometimes there are fusion coils and land mines behind a door, forging the player to juggle a weapon through the shield door and into the mine, or punch a corpse through the gap.
    Raining Fusion Coils
    Raining fusion coils aren't usually used in puzzle maps, though they have been. Placing a fusion coil with fixed physics in midair, releasing it, pressing X, and then changing the physics back to normal, will cause it to fall from the sky and then respawn back in the sky once it has exploded. This can make for an obstacle where the player has to move quickly or they will be killed.
    Land Mine Buttons
    A land mine, phased into a wall, with a shield door covering every part of the land mine except for the blinking light, will explode when walked into, setting off any explosives on the other side of the wall. The shield door is used to survive the blast after activating it.
    Fusion Coil Doors
    Fusion coils on one side of a shield door, when placed close enough to the shield door, with prevent the player from walking through or destroying the fusion coils. This is used in co-op puzzles as a way to make one of the players go a different way to unlock the door from the other side, or in single player puzzles as a localized checkpoint system.
    Unshootable Land Mines
    Land mines with a capture plate phased into them make it so that they can only be set off by a player or other object like a corpse or grenade with normal physics.

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    Sprint Jump
    A sprint jump is a gap that can only be cleared by a player sprinting for a distance, up to the edge, and then jumping. This can be used to ensure the player has a sprint armor ability before proceeding.
    Crouch Jump
    A player that holds down the crouch button will be able to reach slightly higher ledges by lifting their legs into the air. Some crouch jumps can be much more difficult than others, as crouch jumping can allow players to reach new areas on their own.
    Evade Jump
    An evade jump can help players jump similar distances as the sprint jump, by evading towards an edge, ensuring the distance is correct by first standing at the edge, and evading backwards. Once you are in position, evade forwards and keep holding forward on the left stick. After you are about halfway through your evade, press the A button (default controller configuration) as fast as you can, while still holding forward on the left stick. Once you have garnered enough practice, you will be able to make it by only pressing the A button once.
    Shield Door Jump
    Landing on a one way shield door that has the orange side up, will bounce you up to a similar height as the platform you jumped off of. This can be used to clear large gaps by bouncing, but players do lose height eventually. A similar effect is seen with the repulsion gel in Portal 2.
    Point Jump
    When landing on the point of an object like a bank 1x1, 1x1, or 2x2 will leave you sliding down the side of the object. Though if the player proceeds to jump off of the object immediately after landing, they won't fall.
    Slide Jump
    Smooth surfaces on a sixty degree angle cause the player to slide down them. If there is a tiny bump at the bottom of the "slide" the player can jump off of it as they hit it for jumping large distances. Be warned, it is difficult to make a surface smooth enough to make it 100% effective.
    Turret Jump
    If a puzzle maker places a turret on a block in midair, then deletes the block, the turret will remain in the air. A player can jump out to the turret, and mount it while still floating. However, when the player gets off of the turret, they will fall. But if the player presses A (default controller configuration) as fast as they can during the dismount animation, they will be able to jump once and land on top of the turret.
    Grenade Jump
    If a player throws a grenade at their feet, and jumps just as it explodes, the player will be launched into the air, higher than you can normally jump. Using a sticky grenade will kill you unless you have abnormal damage resistance or shields.
    Jetpack Jump
    If a player uses 2/3 of their jetpack fuel as they jump, they will reach incredible heights. If the player slowly uses the remaining third to make the distance required, then slowly using what has been regained to land, the player can clear enormous gaps.
    Explosive Projectile Jump
    Similar to the grenade jump, the player can fire a weapon like a concussion rifle or rocket launcher at the floor as they jump to get extra height. The advantage of using a weapon instead of a grenade is that you can also shoot the wall on the way up to gain even more height. Be warned that the rocket launcher will kill you immediately, and the concussion rifle, after ~5 shots if abnormal damage resistance or shields are enabled.
    Buddy Jump
    The buddy jump is used for two player to reach a height that they cannot normally reach. One player must stand on the other players head. The player on top should jump, and when they are at the peak of their jump, the player on bottom should also jump. Finally, the player on top jumps a second time, off of the bottom player's head. This is easier to perform offline due to the lack of latency.
    Moving Vehicle Jump
    If one player gets into a vehicle, and the other player stands on top, then the player driving should head towards a gap at full speed. When the vehicle starts to lose height, the player on top should jump, propelling them over the gap, and safely to the other side. The driver will die, but usually the player that made it across will be able to unlock a checkpoint.
    Laser Buddy Jump
    If a player needs to clear a gap, and another player is below them with a laser, the player at the top can jump as far as they can across the gap, and at the peak of their jump, the player below hits them with the laser, giving them the extra height required to make it across.
    Evade Buddy Jump
    If a gap is too large to cross, but has a ramp down below that a player can evade up, then one player can evade up the ramp, reaching a similar height to the platform the player is jumping from. As the first player evades, the second jumps onto the first's head, immediate jumps off, and lands safely on the other side.
    Spring Jump
    Spring jumping is a jump forgers should watch out for when designing their maps. It can allow players to reach ledges where it would otherwise require two players. An excellent video with a tutorial can be found here.

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    Sticky Floors
    A one way shield door with the blue side facing up, merged into a floor, will prevent the player from being able to jump in that area. This can be used in conjunction with a golf or soccer ball to require the player to balance on the ball to cross the floor.
    Sticky Ceiling
    A one way shield door with the blue side facing down, merged with a ceiling, will hold player up to the ceiling one they touch it. This can be used to create a sneaky way to cross a gap with a low ceiling.
    Tin Cup Elevators
    If a tin cup is merged with a wall, when a golf ball touches it, it will be attracted to the wall. If a player stands on the golf ball, and the tin cup is high enough on the wall, the player will be slowly lifted upwards by the ball. The tin cup has the same effect on unmanned human vehicles, and human crates.
    Floating Balls and Dice
    Balls and dice, when in water, float for approximately 20 seconds before sinking. As long as you keep shooting the ball/die every few seconds, it can be used as a makeshift boat. All kinds of crate have the same effect, and make good floating platforms to keep players moving.
    Invisible Walls
    Invisible walls can be created by merging the majority of a window, coliseum with natural map geometry. You will know it has worked when it disappears. They cannot be manipulated once the glitch is performed on them.
    Walk Through Walls
    You can make walls out of capture plates and teleporters, that players can still walk through. Teleporters work much, much better, as they blend in with the grays of the palette, and don't have the UNSC logo on them. Only players and vehicles can pass through these trick walls.
    Camping Stools
    Camping stools can be stood on for a small amount of extra height. Puzzle makers can require players to get the camping stool on a certain side, for that minuscule amount of height. This can easily be beaten using the spring jump described earlier.
    Vehicle Only Teleporters
    Vehicle only teleporters can be used to require a player to have a particular class of vehicle to move on. To create one, simply set the player setting on the teleporter to false, and the class of vehicle you want the player to need to true.

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    #1 broccollipie, Jul 25, 2011
    Last edited: Aug 1, 2011
  2. Caucasian Invasion

    Caucasian Invasion Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    Wow this list is incredible, and very well needed. This will help ALOT of people...

    Also, i have seen people that incorporated soccer balls floating in water into some puzzle maps and they have to jump across them to reach another destination.. The soccer balls float until stepped on for a few seconds, then they begin to sink. Not very efficient, and im not sure if it counts as a "trick", but i have seen it in atleast 3 maps. But thats the only trick i can think of off the top of my head. Very good list, and i think you covered almost everything!
    #2 Caucasian Invasion, Jul 25, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2011
  3. Packeranatic

    Packeranatic Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    Unless there's a shield involved.

    I have a few more for you:

    Drop Shield:
    Drop shields deflect plasma rifle and repeater shots.

    Plasma grenades stick to drop shields.

    Drop shields float in mid-air.

    Using a drop shield in combination with a concussion rifle can propel you to insane heights.

    Armor Lock:
    Armor lock deflect sniper shots as well as needle rifles and plasma pistol overcharges.

    Armor lock EMP's can move objects, some more than others.

    Create a slit in a wall and then go into armor lock and your emp blast can move objects behind the wall more than your guy could. DO NOT place a shield door in between you and the object however, as it absorbs the EMP.

    Jet Pack:
    Stick a jet pack with a plasma grenade and then quickly switch it out to send a plasma grenade through a shield door.

    You can carry a flag/bomb while jetpacking in spurts.


    Holograms always go to the point designated by the player. If you put your hologram in a path onto a mancannon, it may change direction once it lands to go to the waypoint.

    Shade Turrets:

    Shade turrets can act as elevators when placed in a shaft and one-way shields with the orange side facing up.

    Sprint can be used to get through soft kill areas.

    Movable objects float and stay afloat when shot or hit. They sink when a player touches them.

    One way shields can be passed through several different ways:
    - Vehicle on other side
    - Via assassination
    - If you're falling fast enough
    - Sword lunge

    Sticky ceilings and floors can also be escaped from via:
    - Sword lunge
    - Assassination
    - Vehicles

    Covenant shields are so underrated. They have many mysterious uses and can be used in place of fusion coils in certain situations.

    Health Packs have the same properties as a capture plate; they can be passed through, but not shot through.

    Mancannons (specifically two facing each other) can hold up objects so they don't respawn.

    Teleporters can be used as barriers to another room by having the player teleport back to the previous room, so that the player has to find a way to block the receiver.

    You also come out the same height you went into the teleporter.

    Use a capture plate to cover a mine you don't want the player to shoot.

    Dice can be used to fill a gap for a player to walk/drive through.

    Balancing on a soccer ball while falling/jumping off of it at the last second can help you survive a fall.

    Kill balls can also be blocked by objects to ensure you don't die.

    Camping stools can be used to stand on otherwise passable-through/sticky floors.

    Movable objects pass through one way shields just fine.

    Kill balls can be set to normal and then moved by the player shooting it.

    Grenade Launchers:
    Grenades from the grenade launcher bounce on one way shields forever, as opposed to a normal shield where they bounce once then fall through.

    Grenades from the grenade launcher can be stood upon. Use this in combination with a capture plate and you have yourself a challenge.

    Active Camo:
    Use a fixed active camo behind a shield to block a door.

    Go invisible with the active camo and then switch out to a evade (make sure you're on a surface) and you'll evade immediately. This can be used to have the player evade at a precise time.

    Jump out of a vehicle before hitting the ground and you can survive an impact.

    Holograms go through vehicles.

    You can "throw" a vehicle down an otherwise unsurvivable fall and land on it to survive.

    Human vehicles go through health packs and capture plates whether they are occupied or not.

    You can be killed by the rotating blades of a falcon.

    Mongeese/mongi/mongooses can go under uncrouchable areas.

    Vehicles that need to be flipped can have explosives on top of them.

    If you have a player who is sticking through the wall (like with a sniper rifle)you can stick their sniper rifle and they can back up to have an explosion in their room.

    Plasma grenades only stick to shields when thrown, otherwise, they'll pass right through.

    Plasma grenades can be hit by the player (even shot with some weapons) to be moved around.

    You cannot stand on grenades even if you have max frasmas (frags/plasmas)

    Dead bodies can be supercombined and moved around by supercombine explosions

    Sniper Rifle:
    Seriously, you had to open the spoilers? It freaking ricochets.
  4. broccollipie

    broccollipie Ancient

    Likes Received:
    Wow thanks, Pack.
    That's awesome that you're contributing!
  5. Packeranatic

    Packeranatic Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    Thanks. ;) You may see some of these in my next map.
  6. Equin0x

    Equin0x Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    You can walk through receiver nodes, you can use this as a door way disguised as a wall or painting. *wink*wink*
  7. broccollipie

    broccollipie Ancient

    Likes Received:
    I put that up there as walk through walls.
    I'll get around to adding descriptions for the rest tomorrow.
  8. Oli The G

    Oli The G Forerunner
    Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    You also missed the one about pulling players to the floor with 1 way shield doors. This can then require players to use a football or something to jump and move on
  9. broccollipie

    broccollipie Ancient

    Likes Received:
    Stick. E. Floors.
  10. Packeranatic

    Packeranatic Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    I missed one for vehicles/teleporters:
    Vehicles can go through teleporters as opposed to people walking through it and being teleported and vice-versa.
  11. Starship Forge

    Starship Forge Recruit
    Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    You can also do this with capture plates, which is even better because they cost nothing.
  12. Packeranatic

    Packeranatic Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    Yah, but they stick out like a sore thumb.

    Here's two techniques I've also seen in various puzzles:

    Weapon/Equipment Drop:

    This method is relatively simple, put a weapon on the ceiling that the player needs and hold it up via a plasma or frag grenade that the player can shoot to get it down.

    Create a hole in the floor or wall which you have to toss an AA or weapon to use in another room.
  13. broccollipie

    broccollipie Ancient

    Likes Received:
    I'll update it later today.
    Thanks guys.
  14. Blaze

    Blaze Sustain Designer
    Forge Critic Creative Force Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    I will make one up for the spring jump glitch later since you don't have one added.

    Very nice list by the way. :)
  15. broccollipie

    broccollipie Ancient

    Likes Received:
    I don't know what the spring jump glitch its, but I just remembered that awesome evade buddy jump.
  16. Blaze

    Blaze Sustain Designer
    Forge Critic Creative Force Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    The evade buddy jump. <3 When I first came up with that idea, it felt like having sex for the first time.

    vv SPRING JUMP vv

    ‪Halo Reach | New Jump Technique: Spring Jump Tutorial‬&rlm; - YouTube

    Even if you don't use this in your puzzle, you may want to watch out for it incase you can break the map doing this in anyway.
    #16 Blaze, Jul 27, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 27, 2011
  17. broccollipie

    broccollipie Ancient

    Likes Received:
    Updated OP with suggestions and fixed some typos.
  18. Blaze

    Blaze Sustain Designer
    Forge Critic Creative Force Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    I saw the explosive jumps and nade jumping but did you list any sort of rubble jumping?

    "Rubble jumping" - Jumping off a movable object that has been launched into the air with an explosive or by rolling it.

    A few examples would be...

    Throwing a nade under a golfball and jumping on top of it then jumping again so that it launches you upward. (as seen in SCYSF)

    Or Something similar to this video but in halo reach

    ‪Fragmentation :: A halo 3 rubble jumping film‬&rlm; - YouTube


    Jetpack juggling, I'm not sure if it's used in puzzles but it can be. :)

    ‪Halo Reach: How to Jetpack Juggle - MLG Tips‬&rlm; - YouTube

    Luckly I can show you video tutorials so I don't confuse you by trying to explain.
    #18 Blaze, Jul 28, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 28, 2011
  19. broccollipie

    broccollipie Ancient

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    I forgot the jetpack juggle, but the rubble jumping seems pretty hardcore, though like you mentioned it makes an appearance twice in Pillar Trials, so I'll add it in.
    #19 broccollipie, Jul 28, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 28, 2011
  20. Blaze

    Blaze Sustain Designer
    Forge Critic Creative Force Senior Member

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    Yeah, rubbling obviously isn'y always as complicated as the video I sent you though that was the best example I could give cause it shows many different ways and objects to do it with.

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