im 27... MW3 hands down... i like it when i shoot my gun it kills people.. not so in Battlefield... maybe i suck but it just dont like the weapon damage in Battlefield. I am of course buying both because i am an adult and i dont rely on people to pay for my things. Also i feel both games differ in well almost every aspect so both get the buy. Just because they have the number 3 and modern in the title doesnt mean they are the same. Also I havnt eatten at fast food place in almost 4 years... EDIT: since i cant vote for both i just wont vote
I am sorry... But both games will be EPIC at first. Then slowly die a of last stand users (MW3) and The entire team being snipers just like every other Previous game. (BF3)
Much larger environments. Squads. Team tactics. Vehicles that you can control from the start. Destruction. Superior audio design. I'm going to go with Modern Warfare 3.
Surely a mistake, as he was talking about BF3 in the other thread, too. Nice find on those alpha videos, by the way.
No. Blu-ray was the technically superior and more expensive format. This time round, Beta-Max actually won! Not trying to draw the thread off course, just pointing out a flawed parallel. If anything, the VHS vs. Beta-Max war would have been a more apt parallel. Anyway, I'm not really a fan if either series in that I don't own any titles from either (aside from BF:1943, best MP XBLA game hands down), but have played some of both enough to have a reasonably informed opinion. I played a decent amount of MW2, a little bit of WaW and a good deal of BLOPS (I even have my own classes set up on a friends 2nd GT, I'm lvl 30 or so iirc). CoD is fun sometimes and hella frustrating at others, overall I still wouldn't buy my own copy except for when the Vita comes out since it looks to be the first high profile shooter on that platform. I've played less BF in terms of the core games, but based on the little I have played and the many hours put in on 1943, I'd definitely go for BF3 if I bought either (which is still questionable). As Shuman rather ... tactfully points out, too strong a conviction at this stage is premature, but based on the above reasoning I'd definitely lean towards BF as a franchise and therefore a preorder/purchase.
Battlefield has had too few games to surpass Call of Duty's popularity, too few games to even be able to predict what the coming game will be like. We are left in the dark again, and trolls and bullshitters will feed everyone lies about each game. Everyone will agree that COD is not really going to have much gameplay-wise changed, whereas everyone will also agree that BF3 will be better, as nobody can predict how much the gameplay will change. Battlefield will not have enough hype to get even close to overcoming COD's sales. Everyone will buy COD because their friends bought it, and the smart ones will buy BF3 and will not get the same game as the previous. Most COD fan's won't even know what BF3 is. They just stick to that series and don't but many other games. BF3 is most likely to be better than COD in every way, but COD will have more success. But COD MW3 will be top seller, again with GOW3 behind them.
There's enough info out there already to predict what the coming game will be like. There's leaked footage of full alpha multiplayer games all over youtube. Campaign demos. Little snippets of gameplay here, there and everywhere.
Battlefield 3 pre-orders match Call of Duty: Black Ops sales | T3 magazine That article right there is basically saying that BF3 probably won't match the sales of MW3, but it will match the sales of Black Ops, which is a hell of a lot better than I would have thought.
blops did better than mw2 didnt it? looks like a significant kind of success. i get the feeling battlefield might do a cod 4 and have sales over a long period rather than a 3 week window and xmas like mw2+ has done.
Yes. BF3 will be my choice because I see it as being much more revolutionary than MW3 will likely be and if I'm going to spend 60 bucks I want it to be on something I haven't experienced before.
There have been 18 Battlefield games including spin-offs and expansions. There have been 14 Call of Duty games including spin-offs and expansions. I think Battlefield is a little more established.
I am a COD fan so I will always go for the COD games. I especially can't wait for [highlight]MW3[/highlight]. It should be the best Call of Duty game yet. I do think they ruined black ops though because they started patching everything right away. I never really played battlefield games so I don't think ill start now. Reasons for picking COD: Awesome campaigne The best online multiplayer Good arrangement of weapons Amazing graphics [highlight]My Awesome Sig[/highlight]
1. I'll give you that. COD games generally have better campaigns than BF games 2. That is a huge opinion. One that I think could be argued against quite well. 3. No. The guns might seem balanced at first, but after a while everyone eventually ends up using one over powered gun. For example, the UMP in MW2. 4. COD graphics are average at best, especially when comparing them to games like Crysis and BF3.
I agree that Battlefield has established itself in the FPS genre. But saying they are more established than Call of Duty is just completely incorrect. None of the BF's have even outsold CoD Oh remember that last Medal of Honor game that was suppose to be the CoD killer? Yeah we all know how that went
By established I was saying how we do know what to expect from a Battlefield game, and I fail to see how sales factor in to this.