My girlfriend is a Nintendo kind of girl (obsesses over Mario and Zelda) but is actually considering an Xbox after I showed her games like GTA IV. She played Halo with me and got scared during Invasion because aliens were trying to find her; now she only plays it to get the satisfaction of possibly beating my face in with a golf club over a game. I can get her to enjoy specific parts of Halo, but I don't think I'll ever see her play competitively. You'd be surprised how much women can go outside of their expected social norms. I play with tons of women that actually fit in perfectly with a full party of dudes and no one feels the slightest bit of awkwardness or a need to give each other special treatment.
METAPHOR ALERT!! *climbs to the top of the ladder* ...nah, I dont wanna go down this slide. *climbs back down*
I ****ing hate that. Once you get up the ladder, you are ****ing committed. The fact that the law ****ing says you are allowed to trouble everyone around you to get what YOU want is BS, you ruin everything.
It was a metaphor, hence the warning, I wasnt actually going down a playground slide. Silly Ion. I'd explain it, but Im sure you get it.
gamer chicks suck. most ive met are ugly or strange. the hot ones know they are the only hot gamer chick in a 10 mile radius, and act accordingly. dated one for a long time. she did play halo competitively, and was almost good enough to beat me. but her weak woman genes were still not comparable to the game playing skill of a man.
ahahahahahaha I seriously feel like slapping this in my sig. In all honesty, I know ONE hot chick that plays videogames... not even that much either.
Its a good thing that girls play video games. Atleast you know there are some girls that have something in common with you.