Here's a Halo 4 map idea that anyone can use. The gametype would be Infection with Unsc and Flood teams, The unsc start with a pistol and Assault Rifle, and the Flood would start with a Energy sword and a Spiker. The game starts in the coliseum with debris (such as walls and buildings to make a type of maze) and random weapons. Ten minutes later a blue light (similar to the ending of the Halo 4 trailer) spawns at the opening of the coliseum and everyone teleports to another place like the coliseum.
I'm like: WTF? halo 4? idea? unsc vs flood? blue light teleports to another place? :O you, sir, are a genius and I think your idea will become the "most perfect" game outa space lol oke srsly now: how about you go to reach-forge and start to build up your map?? infection + forge 2.0 = your map idea
Typically when someone posts a map idea they would want to know if the map should be made or even add other ideas before they begin making it or posting it. Exhibit A Exhibit B Exhibit C
Aside from the flood idea, you could already do this. Chances are we are never going to play as flood. So make a copy of the coliseum and make a tele that spawns in at 180. It hasn't even been confirmed that there will be forge in 4, let alone a coliseum and a big-blue-whatever thing.
Your idea is completely based off of assumptions. It sounds cool, but it may not even be possible. Oh and I'm confused about the part when you mentioned teleporting from the coliseum to the coliseum...that doesn't make since.
I might repeat: (*since = sense lol) and I guess he meant, teleporting from the coliseum to "anywhere" ^^ ----> so it's about Halo 4 ? which comes out next year? not from bungie... I would love Forge 3.0, but first let's see whether they do a "Halo-Game" or a "I haz Halo on package to bring Dollars-Game"