Attention all BXR employees, I’m back with another preview (I’ll actually be releasing something soon). This is an asymmetrical map inspired by the campaign level, Tip of the Spear, during the Hand over Fist chapter. A portion of the map is directly taken from this mining facility, overtaken by the covenant: This area is a bit different: The rest is original, and is built around that area to make for a more competitive play space… Defender's Base: Attacker's Base: Lower level: It’s great for free for all games like oddball and headhunter as well as TS and flag, though I’m still trying to even out the team sides a bit. So far the power weapons (at mostly neutral locations) are as follows: 1x Grenade launcher, 1x rocket, 1x sniper, 1x shotgun, 1x concussion rifle For those interested in testing, just let me know here or on xbl (gt: CyborgAnthro). Feedback is much appreciated.
Err... I don't suppose you ever saw this? Anyways, your version looks pretty good for the most part. Im not sure why there would be a teleporter or a grav-lift in a BXR plant though.
Well the covenant did take over it soo you never know. But I really do like the map. I always think maps with a UNSC style look the best. Great job.
I never saw your preview but it looked good. Its a shame you guys decided not to finish it since you converted the cargo port into such a great competitive play space. Are you still thinking about reworking the concept? I have actually anticipated and been grappling with a lot of the conversation that went on in your thread. While you guys captured more accurately the scale and some of the details of the campaign area, my version drastically alters and condenses much of the original but retains the concept, while building much more to the base behind the facade I have pictured from the campaign. I have really tried to make it balanced and avoid the choke point problem at the front of the facility which for my version faces the attacker's base. That's one of the reasons for the teleporter, to allow for more ways into the facility and to avoid linearity. I've also attempted to make the pipe/oil drum side a safe spawning alternative for the attackers in case the defenders have the sniper aimed at the attacker's base. Another key difference is that I never had invasion in mind for my version so I took a lot more liberty in reshaping the map to avoid the linear two-sidedness of the campaign. Anyways, I'd appreciate any other tips or warnings you have about the map since you have already worked on it. Thanks. @ cluckinho10, Thanks, I was going for a mix of covenant cover, leftover UNSC gear, and reach architecture. Hopefully it makes for a logical blend in the end!
so far, this is one of my favorite remakes. good use of pieces that dont look like they were desperately put together. i see your skill is in remakes. people tend to have an area of forging they are best at.
Your recreation looks pretty accurate. I do agree with psychoduck about the teleporter and airlift. I can't wait to see if this map gets posted.
Thanks. I hope that I'm not a one trick pony though, since I'm about to release an original, non-remake map (or at least one merely loosely inspired by concept art). Thanks for the colorful response. The teleporter has been scrapped (yay) but I really like the game play elements provided by the man cannons, even if they don't fit as well with the abandoned mine theme.