SETTING: "Vorsow" is a old garden located on the "Aswa" mountains attached to a UNSC base. The garden was used to help relieve some of the stressed soldiers that were stationed there! Though construction for the garden was stopped as the UNSC started to run low on budget, this was around when the project to make super soldiers known as "Spartans" was stopped, making it never truly become finish. The project for the garden never did finish and areas that weren't finished can still be seen as you enter the inside parts of the garden. Now through the years it stands as a relic to idol over what could have been for the old garden of "Vorsow". OVERVIEW: Vorsow is a small 1v1 or 2v2 map. It is a very small map and should not be played with more than recommend. The map holds lots of long distance combat from the upper floor, while the bottom floor holds more of a close quarters combat. While the map is small there is enough distance to fight from a far. The map doesn't really have a in between and should be played very cautious. WEAPON SET: 2-Shotguns 4-Magnums 4-DMRs 5-Assault Rifles 7-Frag Grenades 1-Mounted Machine Gun 1-Sprint (armour abilty) 1-Armour Lock (amour abilty) 1-Spartan Laser THIS IS A SECRET WEAPON HIDDEN INSIDE THE MAP ACCESSIBLE IN THE CUSTOM GAMES, IT'S PUT THERE TO MAKE THINGS A LITTLE MORE INTERESTING GAME MODE: Built for SWAT, MLG, or Slayer. Could work well with other game modes, but you would have to set it up yourself. Again recommended to be played on only a 1v1 or 2v2 game. I have built a game mode that is made for this map, though it can feel to extreme at times! The game mode is played much like SWAT so do be warned if your not a fan of SWAT then you won't like this version of it! PICTURES: This just kinda shows the whole open feel to the map. In the back is the staircase which you should be worried about cause thats one of the only way up! Just a door that shows how the soldiers get in, no real purpose. One of the safest areas to be with a shotgun, if your into being a camper. Be sure to take the health though thats in there! This is one of the proudest areas on my map and was apart of my main goal to have, this is a spot where your bound to find action happening! :3 STUFF TO KNOW: This was my first LEGIT post ( Moderators feel free to delete my others ). Everything that is on this map I MEANT to do, so try and find some good spots to work around. I am happy with this map and would love if you people could give it a try! SPECIAL THANKS: To EightBall glad to finnally have this up and hope you will enjoy it and thank you for the help with the before production of this map! Also people who don't know who he is, go check him out he has some amazing maps built that don't compare to mine! To Community you guys are great and hope you will download and enjoy my map and game mode! HOORAY!!!! It's finally up!
Good job on the map, it looks great, good design and structure, good amount of cover, I like that you put some of the trees as part of your map. I will download this and check out the map.
Wow, this looks great hollow. I love the aesthetics and the amount of color on this map. I love the fact that you incorporated a tree into your map and you used it in a unique way. Add me on XBL so we can get some games on this. I'm lookin forward to seeing your future forges. Keep it up.
Glad to see you are happy with the outcome and don't worry I gave you recognition for the help! I will try to get on tomorrow right now i'm kinda sucked into mass effect 2 for awhile lol didn't even wanna post this cause I want to beat the game already, but thank you a lot your opinion helps and I'll see what some other maps I can post in the future! I plan to check on some of it's faults later so I can make improvements possibly! Thanks again for everything!
Is it possible to make the pictures bigger. They are a challenge to see so if you make them bigger I et you would get more downloads.
Actually i can't, after i took these pics I deleted them it was only after I deleted the pictures did I really notice how small they were. Sorry about that! I could get some new pictures, but i'm slightly lazy! lol Ya, but sorry again about the image size!
Built for MLG??? There are no Shotguns, Assault Rifles, Mounted Machine Guns or Armour lock in MLG so this is not an MLG map, just sayin.....
Fair enough, but I will agree much of my weapon placement is off. So I see what you mean and thank you for the feed back! I'll change it to not be a MLG map!
Loving the map, just walked around it alone. I think you should tone it down with the health packs though. Other than that, thumbs up. Thanks for reviewing my map, The Metro!
Thank you! I don't think it compares to yours, but yeah I do agree a little though the whole map concept was based off an idea design I had for a long time and wanted to post something to ForgeHub already. Weapon placement is off by a lot and wasn't really what I cared for I just wanted to show off some of my building skills which is why weapon placement is poor lol. Anyways maybe someday when I stop being lazy I'll actually get to some of the many problems the map faced. Though I still think your maps way better and to anybody reading this, go check out StealthNYC139 maps they are way better compared to this! Well thank you for the words and hopefully I'll post more maps and fix the existing!