Hey everyone! So I just got xbox live and so ive been trying to make a couple maps for me and my friends to play on but ive been having trouble with learning what some of the Spawning tools do. I understand the initial spawn and respawn point objects but not the others. If you can could you please tell me the name of the objects and follow it with what they do? Thanks!
Here's a quick-and dirty guide to the labels you can use in forge to set up gametypes. For items marked REQUIRED, you need to have at least one placed on the map to avoid the "map and gametype incompatible" message; but note that you might actually need more than one or need to set them for specific teams in order for the gametype to actually work. General "team_only" - these objects will not spawn in a FFA game "ffa_only" - these objects will not spawn in a team game Each gametype supplies a label that can be used in conjunction with the "gametype-specific" setting that you can use to make any object only appear in a specific gametype. This label is typically the same as the name of the gametype (e.g. "ctf" or "headhunter"). Generally things you label should also have the "gametype-specific" flag set on them, otherwise they will spawn in other gametypes too! Assault "as_bomb" - REQUIRED - bomb spawns here (team-specific, can be neutral) "as_goal" - REQUIRED - plant bomb here (team-specific, can't be neutral) "as_res_zone" - respawn zone (influencer) which is active when your team's bomb is not planted "as_res_zone_away" - respawn zone (influencer) which is active when your team's bomb is planted CTF "ctf_flag_return" - REQUIRED - flag spawn point and return point (team specific) "ctf_res_zone" - respawn zone which is active when your team's flag is at home "ctf_res_zone_away" - respawn zone which is active whne your team's flag is not at home NOTE on respawn zone labels in Assault and CTF - these only work as intended when applied to one of the respawn zone objects. But objects with these labels are always turned invincible and can never be picked up (if they are weapons). Headhunter "hh_drop_point" - REQUIRED - a place where you can drop skulls Infection "inf_spawn" - nothing special (we used this to distinguish spawn points that are infection-specific) "inf_haven" - REQUIRED - a safe haven. Juggernaut nothing special King of the Hill "koth_hill" - REQUIRED - the hill! Oddball "oddball_ball" - REQUIRED - a ball spawn point Race "race_spawn" - nothing special "race_flag" - REQUIRED - a race checkpoint. Use the spawn sequence to set what order you have to hit them in. You can have more than one checkpoint with the same spawn sequence, in which case the driver can hit either one to get the checkpoint. "none" - will get deleted Stockpile "stp_flag" - REQUIRED - a flag spawn point "stp_goal" - REQUIRED - a flag drop point (team-specific) Territories "terr_object" - REQUIRED - a territory Halo, Halo Reach, Forge © & ™ 2010 Bungie LLC.
If you need help understanding Respawn Points or Respawn Zones, you can read some detailed articles at Forging Reach. For a complete list of every game type setting for various game pieces, you can visit the Awesome Guide. It is pretty exhaustive. The settings that Tactilecarcass was sharing are setup in an object's properties and Advanced properties dialog. In forge, you look at (but you don't need to grab) an object, then press the X button to pull up the properties dialog. From there you can navigate to the Advanced properties dialog. Once you get to the properties dialog, you can follow your nose pretty much. It is straight forward. The only thing you need to remember is that you must forge with the game type whose settings you want to use. You cannot select a game type label for a specific game type unless you are forging with that game type. Basic game type will not let you change the game type label to any specific game type label value, but will show you what an object's game type label is set to and will allow you to change it to NONE. What this means is that for CTF, you can change an object's game type label to CTF or TEAM_ONLY. For Slayer, you can change it to TEAM_ONLY or FFA_ONLY. And so forth.
Guys, I'm not sure OP was asking about labels -- though the information you posted was helpful nonetheless. --- OP, I'd recommend reading the Respawn Point and Zone guides that MrGreenWithAGun linked to. As for the other items in the Spawning menu, they are and do: Initial Loadout Camera This controls the camera angle that players see when choosing their loadouts (or when waiting for the game to start, if there are no loadouts). You can assign these to a team, to make it so that only that team will see the loadout cameras. (If there are multiple loadout cameras available for a player, Reach will choose one at random each round.) Safe Boundaries These allow you to enforce boundaries on your map. The basic rule is: If there is at least one Safe Boundary on the map, and if a player is not in a Safe Boundary during gameplay, then they will die. (If all of your Safe Boundaries are "Soft", then players will be given the ten-second "RETURN TO THE BATTLEFIELD" countdown before being killed.) Kill Boundaries These allow you to enforce boundaries on your map. If a player enters a Kill Boundary, they die. Soft Kill Boundaries give players the ten-second "RETURN TO THE BATTLEFIELD" countdown. (You can mix Soft and Hard Kills. The same is not true for Safes.) Kill Boundaries override Safe Boundaries... So what you would do is put a Soft Safe Boundary around your map, and then use Kill Boundaries to deal with things like the corner of your Safe poking out of the map or something.
Thanks everyone this really helps, I already have some of my maps on my file share, please try them, and I'm still working on them but I'll add them to te ForgeHub as soon as finish. Thanks again!