i made this map after seing a few scarabs on forgehub! they all gave me the urge to make a scarab =) plz leave a comment and tell me what u think =) plz leave a comment if u have an idea of what i could forge next =) my gamertag is altar7474 im starting to get pissed because people are saying i copied this map!!!!!!!!!!!! when i saw that scarab that was posted recently, i really wanted to make one!!!! i worked really hard and people are telling me its f***ken copied !!!!! =( 7hours of work for nothing !!! here are pics =) ( sometimes it might take a few moments for the pics to load ,srry)
RS Sniper, you should probaly leave that up to , lets say, the colored named people? Because, you didnt even type everything that he needs to know, such as he only has 24 hours to get it up to standards? -_- Nice job getting the pictures up, bro. Its a nice looking scarab for sure.
It looks pretty cool but kind of small from the pics. I will dl and get a better look at it. I hope you keep making maps.
Looks like you put some work into this but I have to wonder... Did you take this map from someone? the scarab looks very familiar from one I have seen in another map.
elitebiker18 i did work hard !!!!!! how could u say i took from somewone !!!! i work so hard!!! took me 7 hours!!!! and im glad u like it =)
Looks pretty solid. Although I think you should take away one of the green lights and put a purple one to make it look more covenant-ish. Oh, and awesome job on that Falcon too.
i was thinking about putting a purple ligth, but on the picture of a scarab, both scarab guns had a green ligth . so i had to put 2 green
elitebiker its just because people are saying its copied =( [br][/br]Edited by merge: people tell me what to forge next !! im out of ideas [br][/br]Edited by merge: i need ideas to fforge plz help for ideas