
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Soul Slasher, Jul 22, 2011.

  1. Soul Slasher

    Soul Slasher Forerunner

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    For those of you wondering what my signature has said for the last while, Phantom is my newest (and first) 1v1 map. The idea for it was coming from me playing the LoZ:OOT on the Project64 emulator. If you haven't played it, I recommend you look up a rom for LoZ and download Project64. Or you could buy it on the N64. Or you could buy a Gamecube and LoZ Collectors. Either way, play it.

    Anywho, for the map. The map was in specifically inspired by the Phantom Ganon fight. I loved the concept of Picture traveling combat. So, this placed my root of the map, the Teleporter. The teleporter is a replica of what is in the actual game. Camo was placed on the map for an element of being illusive, an easy way to evade chases. In addition, it acts as cover, if you try.

    Plasma launcher? This was obvious. Blue balls of light that strike you down. What is there more to say? As well as the Concussion rifle. This was to bounce the player around. It is especially helpful in knocking people into the hole that the tree is in, the upper level.

    Oh, on to aesthetics. Tree in the middle, yellow light, geometry, inclined walls, rainbow walls, beams of light, cones of light, rock curved walls... just epic.

    Gameplay is pretty good. Plays brilliant for four player FFA- just enough combat, but not too much. One vs one is very casually paced, works for any type of player you are. Working on gametypes for it, atm.

    Anyway, the fun part, pictures.

    Main Atrium

    Camo Room

    High Atrium

    View above high atrium

    Green Hallway- High Atrium

    Main Atrium, looking toward Green side

    Green Lift

    View from Rock Hallway from Camo Room

    Green Camo Hall

    Plasma Launcher spawn/ Portrait. Attempt to look like this.

    Confused? I know you would be. That's why I have this video.

    #1 Soul Slasher, Jul 22, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 23, 2011
  2. Berb

    Berb Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Woot Woot first!

    I love this map for a 1v1. The painting teleporter system is really cool and the map generally uses neat aesthetics w/ AA lights and such. The weapons work very well and are not overpowered and the map is easy to maneuver and understand. Very good soul slasher
  3. Sugar

    Sugar Forerunner

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    Neatly forged, good aesthetics, nicely set for 1 on 1 and I like the teleporter system too. Good balance but I do not like the idea of a concussion rifle on such a small map. Well done, other than that.
  4. Soul Slasher

    Soul Slasher Forerunner

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    Concussion's only got one clip, and a small respawn. Shouldn't be much of a problem. I like it because sometimes people attempt to teleport but shooting in front of them knocks them out of the way.

    Just realized i forgot a thumbnail. I'll have to post that.
  5. MCGreen24

    MCGreen24 Forerunner

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    This map is probaly one of the top unique+looks maps. Its really good aesthetics, but im not to sure about the gameplay. I dont know if ill have time but ill try to test this out some friends. If I do ill get back to you b4 monday.
  6. Skyward Shoe

    Skyward Shoe BTB Legend
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I love the picture, it is just an amazing piece to see in a competitive map. This is fun for 1 v. 1 and FFA, though I still wish there was a non- lift/teleport way to the top floor sometimes. The rock walls on the lower floor are sweet, especially how you used the armor abilities. Great job man!

    Edit: Oya! Quoted in da signiture! Now my life is complete.
    #6 Skyward Shoe, Jul 23, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 23, 2011

    HEROEZ BLADE117 Forerunner

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    I really like that you based part of this map off of zelda. It looks very well forged. Im looking forward to your next map. Keep forging.
  8. Knight Of 0rder

    Knight Of 0rder Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I loved testing this map. It is definitely one of the best maps here on Forge Hub. This is one map that deserves to be featured for sure. It has amazing aesthetics, and a great gameplay to go along with it. I do hope that this map gets the notice it deserves, and that it doesn't slide by the attention of most.

    P.S. You can't have edited pictures in your thumbnail so you should get rid of the "phantom" text in the top left corner of your thumbnail pictures.
    #8 Knight Of 0rder, Jul 23, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 23, 2011
  9. Soul Slasher

    Soul Slasher Forerunner

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    Don't worry, i plan to make more zelda inspired maps :)

    I hope so too.

    About the thumbnail, I guess i sorta deserved it. I saw other maps with text, but oh well.
  10. shi11tenshi

    shi11tenshi Forerunner

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    thast map is really good looking but if these guys says it plays good then it must but i am going of just looks i like what you did with it and you always seems to do great work i am glad you posted this keep it up man... and i love the older zelda games thanks for bringing that back to me XD
  11. Soul Slasher

    Soul Slasher Forerunner

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    Nostalgia ftw.

    The map does look great, some gametypes on it are meh. I was suprised headhunter didn't play well, it feels like slayer. King of the hill is pretty good, I am going to try infection soon.

  12. TehxWalrii

    TehxWalrii Forerunner

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    Love LoZ. Love the AWESOME painting you tried, and, in my opinion, succeeded in recreating. Lastly, love this map. Looks GREAT for 1v1s and maybe 2v2s, have you run any 2v2 tests? The architecture look very nice and I nominated this for the pure awesomeness.
  13. Marshman119

    Marshman119 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I love the detail of the plasma spawn. :D
  14. Soul Slasher

    Soul Slasher Forerunner

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    2v2's don't quite run as good as 1v1's, but 4 Player FFA really shines on this map. Architecture is a mix of my own and some LoZ elements. Such as the rock hallway, doublewalled-walls (incline walls) etc. I would have loved to make a twisting hallway.

    Plasma spawn, along with the rock alcoves are flipped over armor-abilitys. Take the idea from me, I intended for other forgers to get a new 'object'.
    #14 Soul Slasher, Jul 25, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2011
  15. Knight Of 0rder

    Knight Of 0rder Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    You already have seven nominations for the Forge Hub Favorites. The nominations end July 29th, 2011, so that is still a bit away, but I'm pretty sure it has clenched a spot as one of the favorites.
  16. Soul Slasher

    Soul Slasher Forerunner

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    Kewl. I don't think nominations matter At the moment, it is voting I'm worried about. Oh well, at least it got up there.
  17. Rorak Kuroda

    Rorak Kuroda Up All Night
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    So there I was, sitting around, deleting the massive hordes of spam and downloading maps. I come across this thread, and although I wasn't impressed from the get-go, the comments swayed me to download the map. So I did, and I looked around for a bit, and I eventually got a game on it. And here's the thing....

    I was disappointed.

    I personally play quite a few 1v1s, several on a daily basis, and I'm always looking for new maps to add to my cycle of games. The reason I love them so much is because of how unique and experimental 1v1 maps have the ability to be. However, that does not mean that they can ignore all of the rules of balance, like this map seems to do. You have two floors, one stacked on top of another. The top floor has a total of three entrances, two of which are lifts, which make sounds, and one that's a teleporter, which can be easily watched. During the entirety of my game, I sat in a corner on the top floor, listening and waiting. The game ended 15-2, with myself in the lead. The weapon set attempts to balance this, by giving the top floor only a plasma launcher, which is nearly useless due to how randomly it behaves. The bottom floors are given spikers, concussion rifles, and camo, all of which did little to break this imbalance. It was too easy to simply drop down to the Concussion Rifle and cycle back to the top floor, and camo didn't serve well since two of the entrances to the top floor made noise.

    That imbalance was my greatest problem with the map, but there was much more that I didn't like at all. The whole map felt incredibly cramped, due to annoyingly low ceilings and small doorways. The tree served a nice purpose, to block line of sight from top to bottom, but it still added to the cramped atmosphere of the map. In addition, people have called the aesthetics of this map brilliant, but I'd dare to disagree. You focused far too much on little pieces, like your portrait, and your weapon spawns, and the rest of the map suffered because of it. Block 4x4, 5x5, and 3x4s have very ugly textures, which you used excessively. Everywhere else there were rough edges that could've been covered or reworked, but they weren't, making the forging just seem lazy.

    This is one of a few maps that seems like it's going to win FHF for no reason other than the fact that you have your friends to back you up; Bioshock and Neuron II would be others that fall in to this category. And that really bothers me.

    Now that was harsh, but sometimes the truth is harsh. I don't want you or any forgers to stop forging all together, I just want to see an improvement. And sometimes a harsh realization is the easiest way to make a change or an improvement.
    #17 Rorak Kuroda, Jul 26, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 26, 2011
  18. Soul Slasher

    Soul Slasher Forerunner

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    While i do agree on somethings you say, such as low ceilings and weapons, I didn't quite follow on somethings. The plasma launcher isn't an attempt to balance as much as is supposed to be Phantom Ganon's primary attack. I have gotten quite a few good kills with it. Smaller aesthetics aren't disagreeing with larger aesthetics, but are still just as important.
    The three ways to the top are not problematic, considered it is a 1v1. It seems to be hard for someone to camp the entirety of the map.
    I dont quite see why you think the textures are ugly, aside from the roof.

    As for the other comment, I only really pushed two people to nom, and they really didnt hesitate or think about it not being a FHF. Everyone else was purely out of will.
  19. Eightball

    Eightball Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    While most of the things Rorak said have been true, that doesn't make this map bad. It may have its fair share of problems, but it's nothing you can't fix nor learn from. I have trusted Kuroda's opinion for quite some time and I have found that his feedback is extremely effective and since he came into my "Forgeworld", I have learned a lot from him and always took his suggestions into consideration to try to improve. I owe a great thanks to this guy, as with many other great forgers. All I can say is, listen and learn.

    From now on, I'll be more strict when I give you feedback on yours and others maps.

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