Hey ForgeHub, I would like to show you my map called Vehemoth. I've been working on it for over a month now, little by little making changes to it, and this is what I've come up with. The map is a multi floor map. It 3 floors including the basement. You spawn in the middle floor. The basement is just a long bridge with a room in the middle with rockets. It is mainly a slayer map that works well with teams and free for all. I find it funnest on 4v4. The map is symmetrical (unless there is a mistake), and very action packed. There is lots of things you can use for cover. If you have any suggestions for the map after playing it, let me know. Anyways on to screen shots and weapons list. Screenshots: Center Building of the map. Gravity Hammer is in the top room. There is a teleporter sender behind the staircase, which sends you to the basement. Helps prevent basement camping. Blue team initial spawn area, sniper is in the teleporter frame. Exact same on red side. Leads to the basement. Basement center room with rocket launcher. Teleporter receiver to prevent camping. A more clear side view of the map. The center doorway has a shield door. The basement bridge. Just a long straight pathway to the rocket room. There is also a shield door before the bridge starts, as you can see. More aerial view of the center of the map. Comments and criticism wanted.
From what I see the map looks great. The only thing that you could add is some more cover. A lot of spots look open which could lead to easy deaths.
I think the map has atleast decent cover. The part of the middle that you can't see because its under the building has plenty of cover. The spot between the crates has evade (for blue and red sides), so I thought it would be smart to leave it more open. Also if you were talking about the basement, it was meant to be more of an open area, and plus you can actually hide behind the bridge supports. Give the map a test play and tell me if you think it has enough cover. Also I posted some more screenshots. Going to post some more later.