No no no no no, I wasn't referencing your choice in favorite episode, lol. Everything I said was aimed at that, haha. And you're right, all the way up until the episode I mentioned where you get to see all of slendy running Alex (I think? I don't remember their names) and his girlfriend off, (which I think, coincidentally, would have been the perfect end to this webseries) this was some scary ****. Scary **** that made you think. Which is the best kind of scary ****.
I can agree with you somewhat RST. When I saw the last entry for Season 1 (we'll call it) I thought it was the perfect ending for a series that capitalized on unanswered questions and theories. Now that there is more, people are going to expect clarity, and that's exactly what we're being given. It's going to end like LOST ended. It shouldn't have. They're going to look so hard for a reasonable explanation when all it is going to boil down to is some sort of magic and that's not what people want. People want that looming sense of mystery. Not closure in the form of some black magic. That's disappointing. All-in-all, Marble Hornets has pretty much backed itself into a corner where the only escape is to severely disappoint the audience.
You have to know, when to stop. Because it is physically impossible to always get better, you're eventually going to hit your highest note, and begin to fall back down. You can't keep painting over and over and over again, you have to eventually call the painting finished and move onto the next canvas, hopefully before you ruin the first canvas with too many coats of paint. And I think that's what a lot of multimedia today doesn't understand, they just pump out squeals and continuations because "If it works, milk it" seems to be on everyone's mind.
I understand where you're coming from, and I agree that most of the entries are now too confusing. It seems like they're focusing too much on story, and less on mystery/ scare factor. And when you think about it, this all started when Alex came back into Jay's life. Now you kind of get confused because you never know if Alex is filming or if Jay is filming, or where the hell Jay and Alex are. :/
For anybody who still thinks this is real: Marble Hornets DVD 5 part interview with the creators: Spoiler Marble Hornets Radio interview (1/5)‏ - YouTube Marble Hornets Radio Interview (2/5)‏ - YouTube Marble Hornets Radio Interview (3/5)‏ - YouTube Marble Hornets Radio Interview (4/5)‏ - YouTube Marble Hornets Radio Interview (5/5)‏ - YouTube I do give them a lot of credit for creating a very intricate series, though. To be honest I never really doubted the slight possibility of this being real until I watched these.
Does it matter? Suspend your belief of what is real or not for things like this or else you dont get the full experience.
I did until I stumbled across these. I was heartbroken at first but after I've rewatched all 43 entries it definitely seems fake now.
I was under the impression it was blatantly obvious it was fake. I knew from the beginning. But I was still immersed in the series immensely. I loved it, and it creeped the **** out of me. I'm not seeing why you're so heart broken. If it takes realism to make you immersed, you must have trouble with movies and video games quite a lot.
This. I read a comment on the Everyman Hybrid page where someone said something along the lines of "Marble Hornets is fake, but this and Tribe Twelve are real." and I was questioning the mental stability of this guy... I knew by the time I watched the first video that it was completely fake, but it was extremely well done.
I'm way behind everyone. I discovered MH about 2 months ago, but only made it to about Entry 30. I'll continue where I left off eventually.
Marble hornets should have ended a long time ago. They had the perfect ending to the webseries, and the decided to come back after a break. Now it's less of a cool, artsy, no budget horror movie, and it's more of a silly YouTube series some people shoot. I assumed they're continuing it because YouTube probably has them in their partnership program. This, they're making money.