Zombie Takedown V2 !! Zombie Takedown V2 !! Yes ! its finally here , With new and better features to make gameplay better ! New Features : *Decoratives *More aestethical and Complex ( v1 wasnt ) *More Dangerous ( moving Killball, Explosives) *More Challenging *2x Fun ! ScreenShots : Human Base: Human Weapons: Rockets Plasma Launchers(*NEW*) Zombie Weapons: Energy Sword Thats it for this v2 of Zombie Takedown and i Hope you enjoy playing it with the new features and leave your comments and opinions about this new map.
Played this with about 12 people. It was loads of fun. (Sorry, but I didn't expect it to be) I like how it's not too hard to get the humans.
Wow. i tought this Post was dead since no one ever commented on it , i was about to delete the map of my fileshare lol , and i agree with you , its really good with 10 + players thanks for being the first in commenting and thanks .
I played this a lot with my friends, here is some constructive criticism: 1. Its looks are below adequate, it's too barebones and some walls don't match up. Add decorations and fix the walls. 2. Put shield doors in front of the aircraft so they don't get blown up before they can even get piloted. Other than those two issues, lots of fun! You should think of putting more crazy weapons, killballs that spawn at random times, and perhaps just random explosions.
Yeah, I agree with Lambo. And if at all possible, add some more vehicles. We played with 16 people, and not only was the infrequency of a spawning vehicle problematic, but so was the spawn killing of both vehicles and players.
Si. Definitely need to speed up vehicle spawning time, and probably add a shield door infront of the vehicles.. because as it is, it's not very fun when you can barely get to the humans and they can easily destroy your vehicles from a mile away. Also, it's too bland and boring, should fix that.
I never thought of making a zombie map with flying vehicles. Good idea. As for the map, it looks like some areas could be patched up, but other than that, gameplay looks pretty smooth.
you could try to put more vehicles in the map like revenants or warthogs or any vehicle you want, and if you go to the game setting for vehicle set then put it on aircraft only and almost all vehicles will turn into banshees and falcons. another suggestion is to put the runtime minimum on the maximum (in forge mode, pick up a banshee or falcon, then go to advanced settings and there'll find it and do this at both vehicles) if you do this vehicles will spawn instantly when they're moving, if you pilot a banshee and fly a few meters a new banshee will spawn, fly the new banshee away and another banshee will spawn, so with this you can get a lot of vehicles at the same time. I hope I'll hear from you if this helped you to make the game better. (Now I'm going to download it, thumbs up for this! can't wait to try it)
wow i never thought this post would have so many comments , long time i dont log in to forgehub and i come se my old Post in 1st page, when i made this Map i was Kind of " Nooby " at forging , i was a disaster but now i do Know how to Make better maps ill do add shields to Zombie Spawning area bcoz thats 1 of the problems i also noticed while playing it thx [br][/br]Edited by merge: yea whats what ill do , wait for a v2 ! [br][/br]Edited by merge: thanks a lot , sry but i never tought this post would have so many comments since its very old , but now as request from all comments ill do a v2 with better features, thx for ideas ill use them [br][/br]Edited by merge: Zombie takedown v2 is here hope you enjoy