Blue Screen Stage V1.0 Created by GeneticSpartan Map Description A large stage area with a blue floor and back/side walls for use in chroma key video effects. The stage is large enough to place small structures if needed. A "green screen" type background has been one thing that is very sought after in Halo games, and this can be very beneficial for machinima purposes. A small army of elites taunting a lone spartan. I have also created a tutorial explaining a little bit about the map, as well as how to get a good key out of this map using Adobe After Effects. Blue Screen Stage - Chroma Key Tutorial: WATCH
It's to help out people who do machinima and are looking for an adequate blue screen to do chroma keying effects.
: D cool. Ill mess around with it then post my result, and You seem like a average player who has not done any video editing before. no offense, but I find this very useful. I don't do machinma's but it will be fun playing around with background effects
thank you for the helpful tutorial! I was looking at getting into some machinima editing, and this looks like something i could use! Is it also possible to add in a movie clip in the background?
this could help me in some of my pics and/or videos. I will take a closer look and give you more feedback
Free no, but you can download a trial. Only works on a 64 bit system, through : ( I going to look around and see how this would work in Sony Vegas.
This is amazing, thank you!!! I can finally make that 24 man army of spartans vs. 24 man army of elites, and have them do what I want. I can add like 8 spartans and 8 elites per video and add them to a battlefield still on forgeworld and make it look like they're walking and what not. The battle might be hard. So I figure to make it work, I could split the players up across the stage to make some variety per video and make them shoot each other. Another note to keep on is where each person was. So laying this out will be hella hard. But, finally I can do my Elite vs. Spartans Machinima. Thank you very much, good sir. Good work.
Thanks for the feedback everyone. I hope you guys enjoy the map in whatever projects you use it for. :]
Holy ****. I didn't realize you had a Forge Hub account. I've been a fan of yours for years. Thanks for that Blue Screen tutorial. I've never really made anything in Reach, but this will absolutely help me in the future if I want to work on a machinima idea I've had.