I know. You are going to tell me not to do this. I understand; dynamics are designed to let you spawn in the enemy base. I realize it is not optimal. Don't reiterate this. But on my current BTB map Embarcadero, I have a dynamic system that has worked well for slayer but not so great for One flag. There has been spawning in the wrong bases often, an issue I can't dismiss. Because of the total object limit, making flag a whole new spawn system would be difficult, and I don't feel like deleting a gametype or parts on my map unless I absolutely have no choice. So I am looking for solutions to my dilemma that will not make the flag spawns static. That will only be my last resort, as it will force me to make my dynamic slayer only and kill off KOTH and Assault from the map. What I have now is the dynamic system with an anti zone over each base for the opposite team, weak zones for red in their base, and flag away zones in neutral areas of the map. This has not prevented base spawning when less than 3 people of a team are in their base. Here is the Download for Embarcadero in it's current state. I hope this thread can be productive and not turn into a massive argument over static vs. dynamic on a whole. Please try to restrain your comments to the maps spawns. Thank you for reading, I hope this issue can be solved, as implementing the static would force out assault, which I would like to keep. If you need more info, ask and I will post it or show you in game what is going on. The system was mostly laid out by Psycho Duck, with minor alterations by me.
You could just have two gametype-specific, team-assigned Strong Zones that cover most of the map but exclude the enemy team's base... that's only two more objects, won't affect other gametypes, and it'll take like 5 minutes (if that) to set up.
Would that have any strange effects on the spawning due to the neutral zones that make up the dynamic system? I'm not sure what hard spawn zones inside other hard zones would do. If that works I am going to hit myself in the face several times with a small, blunt object. I will try though.
You have dynamic spawns for assault? When did that become a good idea? You really need to suck it up and delete two things to get the necessary respawn zones for ctf and assault. You can make the semi static spawns that just prevent one team from spawning directly in the other's base and that will work for all gametypes assuming this is a btb map. If this isn't a btb map I'd like to know how you managed to hit the oln.
Your map's spawning system is a mess. There are too many zones and some of them are setup in incoherent ways for any game type. I would get rid of them all and start over with just two Respawn Zones and nothing else. If you want to learn how the different zones work, look at the articles I wrote at Forging Reach. Also, this is not a debate of static v dynamic spawning. It is a matter of getting bad advice on how to setup the spawning - period. If you want dynamic spawning, get rid of all zones. This is all I can/wish to say...
I understand this style of spawning isn't perfect, but it has worked well for slayer, there is no doubt about that. I will read your guide and see what I think, but I plan to try the Respawn Zones over each side first before I reset my whole map. And by debates I just meant the occasional spawn arguments that break out in threads like this that end up being less than cordial. Don't think I need to list names.
they would do nothing... [br][/br]Edited by merge: I will be the first to admit I am guilty from time to time... [br][/br]Edited by merge: I am not certain what you mean by this. If you mean you intend to setup one red Respawn Zone on the red half and one blue Respawn Zone on the blue half of the map, then there are two things you need to consider. First, you have a neutral assigned Respawn Zone on one of the two halves. This would nullify the Respawn Zone you setup on that side. I don't recall if it was blue side or red side. Second, you have so many weak and anti zones present that adding more Respawn Zones will produce no changes. Too many zones prevent new Respawn Zones from functioning properly. It is as though you never added them in the first place. That is why I said I would remove them all and start over. The spawn system you have now is not a functioning system - it is broken by virtue of the numerous zones you have on the map.
So I read the entire spawn zone guide. I see what you mean; adding those extra zones would be pointless. I am going to re-do spawn zones entirely (and maybe look at my spawn point placement as well.) I still think Duck/Stevo's method has merit for setting up dynamics for slayer just because of my testing, but I have to say it is a bit messy and strange after reading yours. I will add you on Live so I can show you what I come up with. By the way, I like the part about wanting dynamic for slayer but not for flag, bomb, and territories, since that is exactly what I want. One last question: Can I do all this and keep the dynamic spawn for King of the Hill as well? Thanks for the help, I believe I had read some of that but not in-depth.
Yes, you can. And I can be on forge with you anytime in the next 5 hours, but only for about an hour max. I have other things I have to do...
Hey, FlyingshoeILR, I accidentally deleted you off my friend's list when I was clearing my friend's list. Can you add me again? I used to be KSI Desecration but I changed my name to I am Andromeda now. Thanks, man.