Thank you DTL, though that's what I use already, and then killzones on top of that. That's why I was pretty sure it wasn't possible. BUT!! I realized the problem and it was ust me being a dumb ass and setting the radius of one of them to 0.0 instead of the highest amount. haha. So it's completely fixed for the newest version coming up. Here is a little balance showing sort of sheet to show where I wanted to make running routes and ares that would be more populated because of power weapons. You can see how the flags placement caused me to rather make running routes instead. If you don't see why still, I'm sorry I'm unable to explain any better. Though either way, I will try and fit something in to give that building more significant use without unbalancing it.
Good idea setting it up with most gametypes. Ill give it a dl and test out. The forging is also very good as well. Cant wait to see your next map/
Wait, your safe zone is set to a maximum radius now? You only want the safe zone to cover just your map, otherwise areas outside of your map will be technically classified as "safe". That means a player can run through a soft kill barrier and eventually reach the safe zone outside of the map. If this is the case, I recommend scaling that thing down to tightly fit your map.
Very nice lookin map. I really like the inclines that you have creatives here. I'm pretty sure that the gameplay is great too. Nice job, I like it!
I haven't played flag on this yet but I see where you're coming from. I appreciate the mapped out explanation. Sorry I didn't join the other day but I would like to run some customs some time if you're still interested.
It reminds of that one Halo CE map that had high paths between the two sides, whatever it was called... uhh.... Whatever, it looks fun in a Big Team setting, might be alot of power weapons for a smaller game, but that's fun too. I'll dl it and check it out sometime. Plus that's a really cool weapon layout pic, I think you should add where the team spawns are to it too. Congrats on the FHF too. Edit: I took a look around and it does look pretty fun to play on. I noticed some slight framerate slowdown at blue spawn, atop those grass pieces placed up high, but that's probably just because you can see the rest of the map from there. Might be hell on splitscreen though, hope you have or will check into that. Also LOL I noticed your little campfire by the one sniper spawn! You should put like a real tiny kill zone on top of it just for the lolz. And also what's with that safe boundary with max radius? Or the other safe boundary that's like sideways near that one lift? Forgot to do a little clean up or am I not seeing something? Overall, good layout and weaponry, though I still feel like the map could hold light vehicles too, ghost or revenent or something.
First off, how big is this map?! It looks absolutely enormous! I love the layout though; it reminds me (weirdly, but this is only me) of bits of New Mombasa from the ODST campaign, simply due to the fact that it looks like a city, although with maybe a little too much of a contrast with heavily built up sections and then expanses of nothing in between (basically a bit more cover in between would be awesome). Otherwise dude this is an epic map.
that's a nice map man, I can definitely see the swordbase in it. If it were me though, I would put some cover on those long walkways. It would be too easy to get DMR'd on them.
Thank you everyone for your replies. Sorry it took so long for me to get back to you. The final version is on it's way, all your feedback is taken into consideration. Thanks man. Keep looking, I should get one another out sooner or later. Oh, theres no problems DTL. I needed to put the kill barrier to max so it block off the whole top of the map. Glad you enjoy it. Ok. There will be more times for you to join I promise. I'm going to test the hell out of version 3 still. I think the map you are thinking of is hang em high or prisoner. There is only fragment lag in for for the most part, so I think we are good there. I thought about putting a soft killzone on it, but then decided not to. Maybe I'll change that then. HAha. It glows too. It's not just one color. The safe boundary by the lift is so that when you go across it you don't hit the first soft kill and drop your objective, No worries. I didn't miss anything. Lastly, the map doesnt really flow well with any vehicals, though I did put a near central mongoose for 1 flag. We had tried putting other stuff and it really isn't that big. It's just cramped feeling with them. :/ All in all, thank you very much for the large reply. I appreciate it a lot. It's actually quite small for a larger map. It plays well for even 3v3. The bridges actually work as vertical cover and as soon as your get through the next door way you are perfectly safe, so cover really isn't a problem. Give it a shot bud and see what I mean. Thank you. The walkways definitely shouldn't have cover or else they would be extremely over powered. See, the height advantage balances out the lack of cover.
I did some pretty great playtests on Erasure the other day and the changes you've make work great. Gameplay is pretty much perfected in One Flag. I'll sort out the infection settings on it very soon but I keep forgetting, so sorry about that. Also I'm sorry for bailing on you and this map in the past months, my internet has been down but it's sorted now and I'm going to start playing this one a lot more.
I honestly have really enjoyed this map since its release, it really brings back the feel of prisoner with some hints of headlong for me which was my favorite halo 2 map. Ive wanted to see you create another map with a similiar design theme but perhaps a floater with closer quarters than erasure offers perhaps similiar to rats nest, as I think thatd be really neat with your forge style. This is a incredibly enjoyable map and overtime you have truly perfected its design, while not the most aesthetic map it is a very focused gameplay map with clean sight lines and forging. I hope to see more from you soon as well if ud like to test and play some soon hit me up GT: SilentRaine.
Sorry for the delay, V3 is on it's way if people are still interested. Who still would be interested? Thanks man, I am going to be testing again here really soon if we decide we want to release the final version.