Im so lost in the majority of the pictures. I think the description (step by step guide) was good enough for me. The pictures made it alot more confusing. (I know about the Forgehub rules etc. but this map only needed a couple of pics).
Because people have been "complaining" of "too many pictures," which is ridiculous by the way, I have moved the Tale of Blue (i.e. how it works) to the following post. So for those who are interested in how I did all of my triggers and how I got stuff to work I give you: The Tale of Blue He spawns falling into a teleporter where he grabs the camo. Shotgun boxes interior Shotgun boxes exterior After destroying the pallets, a new pallet spawns, and opens the teleporter. Have no mercy. When he respawns, he drops onto a mancannon, which hits him against some explosives, and he teleports out. The fusion coils are then launched, and explode. Which spawns one on the next teleporter, blowing up the fusion coils already placed. I added a box that spawns after the constant explosions start, to prevent them from being constant, because that can be annoying and distracting... Anguish. A similar concept to the last respawn, except he destroys grav lifts this time, which open that door from before. End results. Final resting place.
Don't really understand this map --- how can you play it one player?? And you'd have to have to controllers....
Sign in a guest to Blue team. Make sure you are on the Red team. Put the Blue team (Guest) controller down. Start the game. You play as Red team. Everything else does itself.
I have an article in progress explaining everything I know about respawns. And most of the other stuff can be seen with a good forgethrough/The Tale of Blue above.
This is a stroke of genius! The random spawn system shows superb knowledge of forge and the creativity of how to put that to use is excellent. This is definately a worthy download and is quite fun. At first I was confused but then I got the hang of it, and once you have the hang of it you can actually try to do races against time for replayability. Also this does help to improve your skills with the lazer because of the moving object that you must hit. Good work
Wow...... really? Why is everyone so confused about this? It's so simple. You need a second controller so that you can have a guest in your party set to blue team. I mean, I guess you could ask a friend to play with you and go to blue team and ask him not to move for the entire game... but we all know that wouldn't really work. This really isn't that hard people.
I just found this thread. I don't come into mini-games often. I must say that when I first heard about this idea when it was still inside Devinish's brain, I wasn't very interested. "A game where you kill a dummy over and over? Might be fun once." But then I saw an early version of the map. "Oooooh, this is pretty cool." And then came the questions. "How do you make it so that the teleporter opens after all the pallets are destroyed, and only then? How do you make it so the dummy ends up in a random location in the shotgun area? How do you get this other door to open when he dies again?" And then came the answers. And that's when I nearly **** my pants. This map is an incredible masterpiece of planning and object manipulation. It takes a brilliant mind to orchestrate something like this. I've seen some pretty impressive switches and things, but this blows them all away. And I haven't even seen the final version yet. From the post it looks like Devinish added one or two things. I can't wait to check them out. I love how you sum it all up like that. That's like saying, "turn the key and the car engine does everything else." Couldn't have said it better myself.
^^ You should listen to him. I have made everything I know about respawns publicly available. It's a long read, but if you want to know how I can make the guest spawn in certain locations with 100% accuracy, you should check it out. The full article can be found here.
this is actually pretty revolutionary. dag, the grenade section took me a while to get. but that's besides the point, this is some high-level forgecraft.
This is incredibly revolutionary. Everyone should DL this and try it. I dare you. It's like watching a good illusionist; you see it working but don't know how the hell he does it. Great job, Devinish. This is far and away one of the most impressive things I've seen in Forging.
All of the behind the scenes stuff can be found on page 3 of this forum topic. Just look for the wall of pictures.