
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Spanko, Jul 23, 2011.

  1. Spanko

    Spanko Ancient
    Senior Member

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    At Last, Its HERE!


    Altamira is rotationally symmetric map best suited to competitive 4v4 play. Its a relatively small map (about the size of guardian) combining close quarters combat, a large central arena and corridors with long lines of sight.

    Altamira is an enclosed map, set underground, that features two opposing bases connected by long corridors and a large round central cavern. The design is simple but effective. Most of the map has only one level while the bases are two tiered.

    Weapon List

    DMR x4, 45 secs
    Needle Rifle x2, 45 secs
    Frag Grenades x4, 45 secs

    Magnum x2, 30 secs
    Assault Rifle x2, 30 secs
    Plasma Repeater x2, 30 secs
    Plasma Rifle x2, 30 secs

    Plasma Pistol x2, 60 secs
    Plasma Grenades x4, 60 secs

    Needler x2, 90 secs

    Sniper Rifle x2, 180 secs, 1 spare clip
    Rocket Launcher x1, 180 secs, 0 spare clips

    Screenshot Tour

    Call outs are bellow images.

    This is the blue base. Objectives such as flags spawn in the fore ground. Blue team spawns where the player is standing.
    Blue Base

    Heading down the left side of the map.
    Blue Windows

    Looking into blue base from other side of blue windows.
    Blue Windows

    Looking towards blue needler from blue windows,
    Blue Needler

    Blue Needler

    Middle of map. Green Health Pack to Red Hall (left) and Middle Cave (right)
    Green Health Pack to Red Hall

    Green Health Pack


    Red Hall

    Looking from red side back to green health pack.
    Red Hall

    Looking from Red Hall to Top Red. You can jump up to the platform with the plasma nades.
    Top Red

    Looking from Top Red down to Red Base.
    Top Red to Red Base

    From the other side. Red Sniper/Red Rocks.
    Red Sniper/Red Rocks

    Bottom Red. Left doorway to Red Rocks. Forward doorway to Red Base.
    Bottom Red

    Top Red. Left doorway to Red Windows. Forward doorway to Central Cave.
    Top Red

    Top Red to Red Windows

    Looking from Top Red to Middle.

    Here you can drop down from Top Red to Bottom Red. You can also use the small ledges to jump your way back up.
    Top Red

    Drop down and jump up.


    Bottom Red



    Altamira supports all gametypes except Race and Invasion. It was made for 4v4 but also plays doubles very well. Recommended gametypes are Team Slayer, Multiflag CTF, Team KOTH, Territories, 3 Plots, Team SWAT, Team Snipers.

    One aspect that makes Altamira shine is that there is no single desired powerful position on the map (unlike Sword Base or Reflection). The combat is fluid and spread evenly throughout the whole map. Also due to the design you always have the option to move round and flank the enemy. You'll have to be on your toes at all times.


    Enjoy and please comment.
    #1 Spanko, Jul 23, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 27, 2011
  2. Arc0cobra

    Arc0cobra Forerunner

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    This map is very well done and captures a very nice setting its not plain at all and has very nice setup. ive played on this map a bunch of times and ive found battles are waged around the map and not just in key areas so not one spot can dominate. its very well done i highly recommend this map to anyone looking for a fun compeitive game.
  3. Codmando72

    Codmando72 Forerunner

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    Looks very fun and enjoyable. I like the rocks placed around so its not just blocks.

    HEROEZ BLADE117 Forerunner

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    This is definently worth my dl. I cant wait to test it out. I also agree with codmando72, nice mix of rocks and blocks.
  5. MCGreen24

    MCGreen24 Forerunner

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    While walking through this map I felt a little too "squeezed". One thing I do like is that the colors of the bases stand out a ton. I think it's impossible to get lost in this map
  6. Yobo

    Yobo Forerunner

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    I like the aesthetics, looks nice, you kept it simple and beautiful. You might wanna remove the brace from picture 11, its just gonna impact the gameplay, people are gonna jump on it. Other than that, great map. Keep on forgin :3
  7. Spanko

    Spanko Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks for the the comments. I'd love to hear from some one who's played some games on it though.

    Cheers. The brace you mentioned really isn't a problem at all. Ive played quite a lot of games on Altamira and not once has anyone jumped up onto the brace. You're right, it can be done but it doesn't really give the player any advantage, you would just be very exposed. So even if some one did jump up there, it wouldn't affect the game play. But thanks for your comment.
  8. Malakai Blue

    Malakai Blue Forerunner

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    This looks great and I've clicked the download button. There is just enough color and visual elements that make me want to wander around and observe the "architecture".

    I don't understand though, what you mean when you say there is no single desired position. Thinking of Sword Base the first thing I think of is the lift room. The heat map will tell you the same thing. 75% or more of the kills are there.
  9. Spanko

    Spanko Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I meant Sword Base and Reflection are example of maps that do have desired powerful positions, where 90% of the action happens. Where as Altamira does not have that. The fighting is spread throughout. Sorry, maybe I should have worded that better.

    ASSASSINinWH1TE Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Hey, fantastic map, the aesthetics are spectacular. I absolutely love the center piece. The rocks incorporated into the design as well as the teleporters that only expose the beam is also a great touch. :)
  11. Spanko

    Spanko Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks Assassin.

    130 downloads and only 7 comments. =[

    It would be nice to get some gameplay feedback.
  12. SimJiv

    SimJiv Forerunner

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    Truly an awesome looking map, it seems very complex and has sweet aesthetics. I can't really see any problems with gameplay either. This is a true download, keep this up!

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