dead base a map i made as a tribute to the game dead space and all of the crazy scary shizz in it. well the map supports infection and thats about it . ok just like the actual game u cant just run around guns blazing there objectives that have to completed to proceed to different areas of the base (good example) in order to get through to the next area once u start the game u must find a rocket launcher , once u have found the rocket (witch only has 2 missles so it cant be abused ) u can blow the crates out of the way to the next area. and all the objectives have to be done while escaping necromorphs (zombies) its a 1 human vs 15 zombies kind of map so to give the human a better advantage the damage has been slightly boosted so it will take less shots to kill a zombie. PICS the human has a forced color of orange (just likes isaac's armor in dead space) and starts with a plasma cutter (plasma pistal) and a pulse rifle (plasma rifle) the human spawns at the bottom of an elevator a grav lift will simply shoot u to the top zombies will spawn from the vents so watch for those THE OBJECTIVES 1. FIND ROCKET LAUNCHER 2. BLAST CRATES TO CLEAR A PATH TO NEXT ROOM 3. FIND THE GRAVITY SUIT ARMOR UPGRADE 4. ENTER THE ZERO GRAVITY ROOM ( no ceiling due to budget cut backs) 5. FIND DOOR SWITCH till the game is over or kill zombies (HONESTLY if you get this far and your going up against about 10-15 zombies u must pretty damn good most of the time nobody makes it that far lol ) SECRET WEAPONS there are secret hidden weapons all over the map dmr x1 shotgun x2 grenades x2 plasma repeater x1 grenade launcher x1 there arnt any issuess in the map that i have found yet but please let me know if u find any AND U MUST PLAY WITH THE DEAD BASE GAME TYPE : Halo Reach : File Details
AH i see biggest apologies im kinda new here xD i didnt know , and it seems like someone has all ready deleted some how o_o [br][/br]Edited by merge: AH i see biggest apologies im kinda new here xD i didnt know , and it seems like someone has all ready deleted some how o_o
Ah, ok thats great. Welcome to forgehub, in the back we have cake! Now on to the map, looks interesting, kinda has a left for dead feel to it, I would reccomend making it to where they have to search for the health packs and make it to where the humans four hits.
I like this idea of a map but why is their 15 zombs and only 1 human make atleast 4 humans, but overall good job I'll give it a download!
looks back >.> i knew i saw cake back there (runs back) and hmm that might work , well im still tweeking out some of the bugs here and there on this map so i will see [br][/br]Edited by merge: nya, i was trying to capture the whole dark and lonely feeling that dead space delivers but i was thinking of making one where there was more humans becouse it really is kinda hard xD