Platform Chaos ______________________________________________________________ My newest map entitled Platform Chaos is a fully funtional map with 3 levels of platforms. There is the first floor that is filled with great weapons as well as a few fusion coil traps with traffic cones near them. The first set of platforms is basically a bunch of double boxes linked together by bridges. There are many weapons here also as well as some grav lifts to help you get to the second set of platforms. On the top level there is a nice sniper perch as well as a walkway that you can navigate to get around the map. The top level is also accesible by some stairs. Weapons ______________________________________________________________ There are many many weapons in Platform Chaos, and I think there may be everyone you can place minus a few weaker weapons. 1 Assault Rifle 1 Rocket Launcher 2 Battle Rifle 1 Energy Sword 1 Shot Gun 1 Gravity Hammer 2 Sniper Rifles 2 Covenant Carbines 1 Spiker 2 Maulers 2 Plasma Rifles 1 Fuel Rod Cannon 2 Needler 1 Flamethrower 2 Brute Shots There are also around 14 plasma ans spike grenades and 4 mongooses to get around a bit easier. Download Platform Chaos _____________________________________________________________
hello there travis, and welcome to forgehub, unfortunately your post does not meet the current "standards" here at forgehub, people need pictures good sir, and fortunately, you have 24 hours to post these, please visit THIS LINK to get all the info you need to post here correctly, as I'm sure your thread has alot more potential then getting locked.
Look, just follow these simple instructions. Upload the images to DL those pictures off of your account. Upload those images to Embed those pictures to here using direct links. Edit: You know what, forget it. I'll just do it for you. Code: [noparse] [IMG][/IMG] [IMG][/IMG] [IMG][/IMG] [/noparse]
Thank You So Very Much!!! I Just Need To Resize It Somehow! Thank You How Do I Increse Your Rep Or What Ever??
Travis The Hutt, I went ahead and edited the pictures into your post. Please try and not double post again, you can just hit the edit button on your previous post and add the new information.
using your powerz already i see hombre. the map could use some extra cover up on the platforms, and that many fusion coils is never a good thing because it will cause the game to lag.
I'm happy to see you got your pics up and running (thanks Lights, lol) Might I suggest maybe one or two more pictures though, showing the interior of your map(remove the bridges real quick, save as new map, then take pics in a custom game) As for the map, it looks alright, though you could use some cover on the top, as it seems slightly open up there, and I can't quite tell what is going on in the bottom there, which is why i suggest the pics
eh... i donno about this map... could use some thing done... here some tips... flipping boxs always a plus if there not open b/c it makes the map look neat. id always say flip your bridges. and interlocking is nice to look at... maybe a v2?