Loadouts - Give me your opinion on this gametype!

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by SimJiv, Jul 22, 2011.


Do I have to work much more on this?

  1. Yes, there is some things that I would like to see changed.

    4 vote(s)
  2. No, it's fine for me but you could make some minor changes.

    4 vote(s)
  1. SimJiv

    SimJiv Forerunner

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    Hello all of you Forgers out there!

    I have an idea for a gametype that I really want to do. It's not a new-thinking thingy, so if that is what you want to see in this post I am terribly sorry to disappoint you.
    No, instead of that I want to make my own mix of Call of Duty and Team Fortress 2. Yus, I know, there is alot of this out there but i do not want to DL somebody else's. This gametype WILL be posted at Forgehub whilst I am done, but will mostly be played by me and my friends in Customs. But still, I would like your help at balance in the game.

    So, lets get to it then! First of all, the basic settings are pretty much the same. 25 points to kill in Slayer and 50 in Team Slayer. I will make objectives to it (like CTF). There will be no changes to gravity, speed or general movement at all. The radar will work as always and the damage modifier are the same at this moment.
    But, it is some changes that are made:
    -Weapon Pick-Up DISABLED (alt. only Magnum/Plasma Pistols on map)
    -Vehicle Use IS A NO NO
    -Probably Infinite Ammo
    -10 seconds spawn time in Team play, 5 in Slayer.
    -Turrets are allowed
    -No special traits to the leader
    -A few seconds (gonna try it out first) Spawn Protection
    -Custom Power Up works as the "Pack-a-Punch!" from CoD Zombies. You make more damage to your enemies (125% Damage, 150% Melee atm).

    So, yea, the big changes will be on the Maps and at the Loadouts. I am working on designs for maps so the gametype will work perfectly on them. The CQC-guys must have their areas and the Sniper must have somewhere he have a good Point-of-View BUT without being impossible to kill.

    So, shall I move on to the classes?
    There will be five classes in this, GREATLY inspired by TF2, but not made as a remake. The Classes will be Scout, Camper, Berserker, Medic and Demolitions. Lemme' introduce you to them:

    The SCOUT
    The SCOUT are the fastest unit in play and can run around corners with his Shotgun.
    Weapon 1: Shotgun
    Weapon 2: Spiker*
    Grenades: 4 Frags, --- Plasmas
    Ability: Sprint

    The SCOUT should be played as a real Scout. He may use his Frags to bombard the other team or throw them around a corner before he runs in using sprint and blast of with the Shotgun.

    The CAMPER
    The CAMPER have a fantastic range of sight and can provide covering fire for his team.
    Weapon 1: Sniper
    Weapon 2: Magnum/Spiker/DMR**
    Grenades: 1 Frag, 1 Plasma
    Ability: Active Camo

    The CAMPER is hard to balance. Nobody likes Active Camo user's in MM, but I want him to use it. I first thought that the Focus rifle would make him visible, but he should carry the Sniper. Although, Map design won't give him advances. The questions is then: What should be his secondary?

    Pure powerhouse that smashes his opponents to pieces.
    Weapon 1: Gravity Hammer
    Weapon 2: Shotgun
    Grenades: 2 Frags, --- Plasmas
    Ability: Hologram

    The BERSERKER can't to anything to an opponent on a distance, so I gave him Hologram as a defence AND offense advantage. He may "clone" himself and trick enemies so he may get close for some HAMMERTIME!

    The MEDIC
    Perfect support with his ability to cover his team.
    Weapon 1: Plasma Repeater
    Weapon 2: Spartan Laser
    Grenades: --- Frags, 3 Plasma
    Ability: Drop Shield

    The MEDIC is intressting. With Spartan Laser he can OHKO enemies at a distance, and protect him and his team with Drop Shield. The Plasma Repeater doesn't wear down shields as the Plasma Rifle does, but it is a powerful weapon.

    The DEMOLITIONS are a guy who loves explosives. He has a total of 6 grenades and an ability to escape quickly.
    Weapon 1: Grenade Launcher
    Weapon 2: Plasma Launcher
    Grenades: 3 Frags, 3 Plasmas
    Ability: Evade

    The Demolitions may be hard to play as. You truly must learn to master the Grenade Launcher good and know when you can use the Plasma Launchers auto-lock. Given the most grenades of all classes, he will probably know how to use them. Evade is for the fact that everybody HATES Armor Lock. I know that AL would really protect him against explosives, but Evade does that to, it's just required a little more skill than AL.

    So, that was the loadouts. I now have a few things I wonder about, would you like giving your opinion? :

    The SCOUT:
    -He maybe are the weakest unit, but the easiest to play as. Shall i give another secondary weapon to him? Although I like the combo he has. At an early stage he had the Needler, but the Assault Rifle have also been used.

    The CAMPER:
    -EXTREMLY hard to balance right, Active Camo can be really overpowered. So I have thought out map design where he can't just hide at a good spot and never be seen.
    -What secondary? The DMR would fit in on the "Precision" weapons guy, but it's everybody's favourite gun!

    -From start, i wanted Sprint on this fellow. The Scout had like Jet Pack or such and the Camper Hologram. Sprint would give him an ability to berserk in to a room and have HAMMERTIME!

    The MEDIC:
    -Plasma Repeater or Plasma Rifle?

    -Shall I make a difference here?

    Actually, that was it all I think, please give your opinion, even if you want DL it when it's done.
    #1 SimJiv, Jul 22, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 22, 2011
  2. Carter1234

    Carter1234 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Looks Good. I really don't have anything productive to say though. It's a slayer gametype, but with added things. Some classes seem overpowered, so things like Berserker should have a pistol to go with it. Demolitions should have a grenade launcher and another balanced weapon, like a pistol or AR. When you have a power weapon, it's good to have a backup regular weapon.
  3. Plasma Blades

    Plasma Blades Ancient
    Senior Member

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    A sniper is an anti-everything weapon. Add in invisibility, and it's an untraceable anti-everything weapon. Whether there's long lines of sight or not, it's incredibly devastating.

    Unless you have something with a DMR and either invisibility or evade, the sniper will be the single most deadly load-out in the game.

    Otherwise I'd suggest changing the weapon to a focus rifle (as you mentioned) or perhaps changing the armor ability.
    #3 Plasma Blades, Jul 22, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 22, 2011
  4. SimJiv

    SimJiv Forerunner

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    Plasma Blades:

    That was exactly what I was afraid of, I knew that it would be really overpowered. So, if I give it Hologram and Magnum as secondary then?
    That also opens up for Sprint on Berserker, which gives the question how I will do the Scout class.
    And on Demolitions, yes, it's always good to have a normal weapon (that's one of the Medics assets), but really I don't know. I would like him if he really was the Demoman, but I guess I might have to change it.
    Maybe every class should have 1 powerweapon and a Magnum. Don't know really.
  5. Plasma Blades

    Plasma Blades Ancient
    Senior Member

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    That should be a bit better as far as the sniper class goes. Just be careful when considering map design. I'd recommend having a few spots with medium to long range lines of sight, but accessibility to this spot is all close range.

    The beserker would definitely benefit from sprint. As is, the close range weaponry really limits that loadout, so it needs some way to close distances to players.

    However, I'd really recommend evade for the beserker and sprint for scout. Evade can easily break line of sight at close range, but that could be counteracted by a plasma grenade from the scout.
  6. pyro

    pyro The Joker
    Senior Member

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    Never, NEVER, NEVER give a sniper active camo.

    ♥ demolitions
    If you've already mastered the grenade launcher, plasma launcher, grenades, and evade that class will be unstoppable.
    #6 pyro, Jul 22, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 22, 2011

    ELI PONIN Forerunner

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    i think sniper active camo with the active camo half of what its supposed to be
    so the person with the sniper dosnt have a huge advantage

    #7 ELI PONIN, Jul 22, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 22, 2011
  8. SimJiv

    SimJiv Forerunner

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    But, how should I to then?
    I do not want any loadout to have the same ability as another, so I have to move around a bit. But how?
    I guess introducing either the Jet Pack or Armor Lock is the solution. I could totally re-do the Scout into a Air Scout maybe (then he wouldn't carry Shotgun). Maybe theese loadouts:

    Air Assault/Scout
    -Rocket Launcher
    : Jetpack

    -Sniper Rifle
    : Hologram

    -Gravity Hammer
    : Sprint

    -Plasma Repeater
    -Spartan Laser
    : Drop Shield

    -Grenade Launcher
    -Plasma Launcher
    : Evade

    *Grenades are the same*

    I somehow feel that Rockets on the Scout/Air Assault would balance this up a tad, Demolitions wouldn't be the only bad-guy and the Snipers could have a problem.

    ELI PONIN Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    i will tell you

    air assault:rocket launcher

    camo (lasts half as long)

    berserker:gravity hammer
    Armour lock

    Medic:assault rifle(2spare clips)
    spartan laser
    drop sheild
    (evac crew) demolitions:Grenade launcher
    plasma launcher (limited ammo)
  10. Devil95

    Devil95 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I recommend that you don't use any power weapons on any class because of the armour ability set-up you have. Rockets, Sniper, Shotgun etc. Don't use these in any classes unless there are classes to be used against them. Grenade Launcher isn't qualified under power weapons because it doesn't have enough power to kill someone every shot. There is maybe a 10 percent chance of instant kill. I would recommend that the Medic use a grenade launcher & plasma pistol. He can heal, take down shields & also disable vehicles.

    The scout should be more focused on the first man out there. Sprint helps but I would also add a DMR & maybe an Assault Rifle or Pistol.
  11. SimJiv

    SimJiv Forerunner

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    I was thinking of Plasma Pistol on some class, and the Medic is a good suggestion.
    Powerweapons is the thing with it, there will be no weapons on the map. DMR to the Scout was a suggestion, but since the Scout now is a Air Assault mix it maybe I can't combine it with Rocket Launcher.

    Edited by merge:

    - Assault Rifle
    - Plasma Launcher / Fuel Rod Gun
    - 4x Frags
    - Jet Pack

    - Sniper Rifle
    - Spiker
    - 1x Frag + 1x Plasma
    - Hologram

    - Gravity Hammer
    - Shotgun
    - 2x Frags
    - Sprint

    - Spartan Laser
    - Plasma Repeater
    - 3x Plasma
    - Drop Shield

    - Grenade Launcher
    - Concussion Rifle / Plasma Launcher
    - 3x Frags + 3x Plasma
    - Evade

    New idea? Yes or No?
    #11 SimJiv, Aug 2, 2011
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2011

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