I have tried to download custom maps from bungie's site, and it tells me they're in my active transfers, but when i sign-out, then sign back in, I have no active transfers option. Could anyone please help?
What I do is simply copy the file I want to my fileshare and I can download it off my fileshare instantly. The download option always takes forever.
Oh, well I don't have a 250 GB, I could be making this too difficult, by not having a proper hard drive.
You dont need to have a big hard drive to download custom maps. They usually only weigh in at a few hundred KB, if that. Could be because you havent specified a storage device, or your Xbox doesnt recognize it straight away. Mine does this sometimes, and to fix it, (the only way I know how) I load a custom map in Forge, then go to Save it from the in game menu. If your Xbox hasnt recognized your HDD yet then it will come up with a prompt to choose a storage device. Then I choose my HDD and just quit out of Forge. From there, any maps that you queued to download from Bungie.net should start downloading onto your Xbox. If this doesnt work, then you may have bigger problems, like no space left on your hard drive. Let me know how you go.
I dont really know what the problem is so all i can say is keep trying. That happened to me before i just kept trying and eventually it worked.