Neuron II

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Sugar, Jul 22, 2011.

  1. Sugar

    Sugar Forerunner

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    Neuron II, Silver Harbor, Zeus Province, Planet Gliese IV
    0730 Hours Report #3 of February 3, 2552
    Directed to Sydney, Australia under the command of the Fleet Admiral, himself. Delete the following message within 24 hours and store the document under ONI Alpha Base, New Mombasa by order of the Cole Protocol.
    Nuclear Controller/Special Operations of the Navy Chief of Command, Rear Admiral Sheridan
    The UNSC Shock and Awe and the UNSC Hammerhead are currently stationed at Neuron II for a recharge on their Fusion Energy Storage Engine sub-model J. As expected, Spartan III team Super Nova is to arrive at 1230 Hours to deflect the likely storming of the Nuclear Fusion Station and reinforcements may be necessary in case of a larger attack force and in the case, deploy ODST Commandos and ODST Scout teams throughout the harbor to reinforce the area from the UNSC Self Respect. If it were to fall into the hands of the enemy, our submarines will have little power in the Horizon Sea and Silver Harbor will likely be lost with Neuron II and have full control over sea supplies. This facility must be kept for later use in the Human-Covenant War. With this newly developed power transition, the potential of this power station is still yet to be known.

    You guys have no idea how anticipated I am to post this. Neuron II is a symmetrical, medium size map mostly inspired by the aquatic campaign mission, Regret and Last Resort's engine base. This map has gone through so much work over aesthetics, gameplay, and framework problems, i nearly lost hope again but was still able to pull it out right on time, almost.

    Working on the map and giving the picture

    The map has been in the works for over two weeks. Neuron II is just outside of the pillar and the Island right laying on the water for the use of powering battery submarines to prevent nuclear accidents within the oceans of Gliese IV. In comparison, the size of Neuron II is nearly the size of Construct and Isolation. In resemblance, it represents a hybrid of Construct and Midship due to it's height variation and size.

    Weapons List

    • 4 DMR: 1st floor, 1 spare clip 30 sec. 2nd floor, 2 spare clips 45 sec.
      [*]2 Needle Rifles: 2 spare clips 45 seconds
      [*]2 Plasma Pistols: 30 Sec.
      [*]4 Magnums: 2 spare clips, 30 seconds
      [*]2 Sniper Rifles: 1 spare clip, 150 seconds
      [*]2 Plasma Rifles: 30 sec.
      [*]1 Spartan Laser
      [*]1 Shotgun: 1 extra clip, 150 seconds
      [*]1 Grenade Launcher: 3 spare Clips, 120 Seconds

      [*]4 Plasma Grenades: 30 seconds
      [*]8 Frag Grenades: 15 seconds
    • 4 Health Packs: 15 sec.

    Neuron II supports every gametype except Invasion, Race, and Race.I prefer Slayer, Stockpile, CTF, and Headhunter for this map personally but as you can tell, you have many options.

    How about those Pics and Thank yas?


    First thanks go to all the testers which are:
    • UniconBeliever4
    • Bartoge
    • Ascendeaus
    • PinnapleRocket
    • Pyschosis687
    • MythicFritz
    • Spoog911
    • THE UGLY St1CK
    • ToxicJESTERVII
    • Bigrekless45
    • Rabbitfish13
    • iTz EightBall
    • Soul Slasher X
    • CareerGK117
    • Th3 Equin0x
      • Knight of Order (All better?)
    Special thanks to L0L0Coust for helpful thoughts throughout the map and TOMisHIGH for his simple help that helped me push forward to create this and for that, I thank you greatly. I hope you enjoy ladies and gentlemen, it has been a long ways and in time, more will come. Take it easy, Peace!
    #1 Sugar, Jul 22, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2011
  2. Eightball

    Eightball Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Pleeeeeasse tell me you fixed the framerate problems in the hallways? That was my only concern throughout the map.

    Anywho, I'm glad I was able to play on this map, as gameplay was not bad and the aesthetics were top notch. This is one map that lacks a lot of gray, which is not seen often. The bridge in the middle was good for head to head combat and the tactical jumps at the bottom of it made for some nice assinations. While the sniper rilfe may have been effective in the hallways, others have the same advantage with snipers in both bases. Fair is fair, just like Asylum.

    The submarine is awesome, even if I never noticed it. Great work, man. If you ever need help with more tests, hit me up.
  3. The Muppet King

    The Muppet King Ancient
    Senior Member

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    You finally posted this map, well you already know how thrilled I am about those pyramids. I always sort of frowned upon those really long hallways but I guess the sniper and spartan laser needed a home. The weapon layout was weird but somehow enjoyable. And for those who don't know, those pyramids are next to genius, that is how you do jump ups.
  4. Sugar

    Sugar Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    I am 99% sure there is no framerate problems have been fully fixed but I have not gotten a game in since deleting the railings for brace larges. I am happy to hear you enjoyed the map and I bet you would find the gameplay more appealing on 4v4 considering we only had 6 players the first time around. Thanks for the comment eightball, always appreciate your opinions.

    Edited by merge:

    You sure like those pyramids don't you? lol. I kind of wanted a map more opened and stretched out to help create what I like out of Boardwalk and that is that open style that helps bring out good DMR, Sniper games which lacked in most of my maps.
    #4 Sugar, Jul 22, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 22, 2011
  5. Noble T0M

    Noble T0M Forerunner

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    You posted it! This map is unlike any other map I have seen. That shotgun holder looks so legit! everything on this map is well thought out and is completly necessary for gameplay. Although there is the submarines outside of the actual enclosed structure and they say dont put anything in a map that doesnt need to be, i say screw them because those views are just one of the many things seperating this map from others. I am quite curious to see what the community has to say about this because these are the kind of maps i would like to see in matchmaking
  6. Sugar

    Sugar Forerunner

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    Wow, I was very happy to hear you liked the map. So far, the community has not spoken but I am very happy to hear your opinion and appreciate you posting just like always, Tom. Thanks a ton for everything.
  7. Knight Of 0rder

    Knight Of 0rder Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    The map was great fun when I played it with you a few days ago. The pyramids were a nice touch as they allowed for another route of travel for players. Some of the L.O.S. felt pretty long as Panic had said, but they don't screw up the map. Also your pictures are kind of small. I would up size the screenshots so people can get a better view of the map. I would get rid of the text at the bottom of the screenshots. Then I would just add the text onto the up sized picture. The people would then be able to see the map better and you would still have your description.

    P.S. You forgot to add me to the Testers List.
  8. Sugar

    Sugar Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    After the long work I have been putting into this map, I would rather not get involved redoing the pictures all over again. Glad you enjoyed the map though and I have you on the testers list now.
  9. Silentraine

    Silentraine Forerunner

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    This looks really nice sugar I can definately tell you took your time and brought out each aspect you had in mind the best you could which is pretty awesome, as I enjoy your maps. I'm glad you added some spaced apart areas for snipers-dmrs as im a fan of both weapons more than others, and I dont believe this decreases the maps potential just adds a new aspect to it. Its always nice to hear that someone is leaving there comfort zone as well when creating a new map, instead of going for the same familiar design you went out of your way to add a nice element and look to the map props on that. I enjoy anytime someone can add jump ups to there design and I like that you did something I have never saw I believe in a map, It looks like a very solid map in general and I will sure give it a download :).
  10. ShKai

    ShKai Forerunner

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    Sick, the idea and asthetics of this map are awesome. Nice job man join my social group so I can try to use this map in the next tournament I throw and so I can invite you in when it goes down.
  11. Sugar

    Sugar Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    Jeez, thanks a lot. I would gladly join and am very happy you enjoyed the map.

    Edited by merge:

    Always happy to hear you liked it. It was quite the work and am glad to see your comment again. Thanks a ton for being loyal to my work.
    #11 Sugar, Jul 24, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 24, 2011
  12. RoboArtist

    RoboArtist Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I need to try a custom on this. The map looks clean, and well forged.
    Im still trying to figure out what you used for those slanted walls in the last picture. I'll give it a download to find out.

    Great job. keep up the good work
  13. Sugar

    Sugar Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    Thanks for the comment. I tried to make it as neatly forged as prossible with making it in a style never seen. Glad you see that in my map and hope you enjoy it.
  14. Knight Of 0rder

    Knight Of 0rder Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Yeah, it is all better now. I'm sorry to here you won't redo the pictures. I think you could showcase the map a lot better if the pics were larger. Then people wouldn't have to strain to see the details of the map.
  15. Sugar

    Sugar Forerunner

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    Screenshots have been enlarged. Hopefully, it will help out others.
  16. Knight Of 0rder

    Knight Of 0rder Forerunner
    Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    Looks better, thanks for enlarging them.
  17. Sugar

    Sugar Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    Thanks for the nominations and all the downloads on my maps. You guys are just awsome like that.

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