I personally wish you could put stuff like working elevators(no one way shields), working doors, and planes/pelicans(for quick transport) Pleas comment with other ideas.
Well obviously everyone would love having that sorta stuff, it is just much of it would be impossible to add. I'm sure we will get some pretty unique stuff in H4 though.
^ If anything... But I like the way forge is set up now, tbh. There are a few tools I'd like, but get too much more complex and it'll have to be manually coded or something.
I think this would take things too far. Forge is good for what it is, a limited level editor. What I would like in the next Forge, if 343 even adds it, would be framerate improvement so I wouldn't have to worry so much when building a map.
I would like more realistic forge items but not at the sacrifice of the unrealistic items(one way shield doors)
Definitely not impossible, I have seen almost all of that stuff done with mods in one halo or another, even the elevator.
all i would like to see is custom sized building blocks. say if i wanted a piece that was 3x7x1 i could type it in and get it
I would love a realistic Forge, all that time that was cut out with Forge 2.0 and the phase feature can now go into smelting pieces individually from a furnace and an anvil, with nought but a hammer and tongs.
I wish forge could be launched in simple or advanced mode. Simple, being how it is now, advanced being something more like valve's hammer editor. There is so much to be done in hammer.
It'd be awesome if features could be added to Forge -- so long as it remains easy to use. Forge's strength lies in the fact that little technical know-how is needed to make a map. If you can design it, you can build it. This makes Forge very accessible to level designers -- both as a practice tool, and as something a hobbyist can use. This advantage should not be sacrificed just to mimic features in other games' editors. Halo doesn't need a GalaxyEdit, it needs a Forge. Simplicity over power.
I agree, I meant keep it simple but just add more options, like for doors, have game type label like working/not working