Hello again so this is my New Alexandrew map, the second version. The first wasnt that good so i updated it and showed it to my friends and I thought it was good so I uploaded it to my fileshare. So basically theres 6 main buildings/platforms its supposed to be a huge epic battle through banshees, falcons, rockets, snipers, fuel rods, etc. Yes its based on the campaign mission New Alexandrea if you didnt get it. Its built between the coliseum and the island if you know where im talking about. Its built for big team battle, if your not up in the sky with a banshee or falcon your probbly either sniping, rockets, or jetpacking. Jetpacks are highly recommended if you dont use active camo, armor lock, drop shield. This map was mainly made because of the New Alexandrea LASO challenge. So yeah enjoy! Main View The Main Covenent building 3 banshees, snipers, and needle rifles The Main UNSC building 3 falcons, sniper, rockets, spartan laser and some crates
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