Video Link Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy John-117 is a SPARTAN-II commando of the UNSC Naval Special Warfare Command. He served as one of the most important figures of the Human-Covenant War. With nearly 30 years of active duty, he is one of the most decorated war veterans in the United Nations Space Command and has earned every known medal in the UNSC except the Prisoner of War Medallion. In 2552, the Master Chief was stationed in Cryo Stasis aboard the Pillar of Autumn shortly after the Fall of Reach. The Pillar of Autumn was under attack by covenant forces, forcing the Master Chief out of his cryo stasis in defense of the Halcyon cruiser. However, the Pillar of Autumn eventually withstood too much damage, and was promptly brought out of autopilot by Captain Jacob Keyes. The Master Chief then took Cortana out of the Pillar of Autumn via Bumblebee escape pod onto the Halo Installation 04, where he fought through tons of covenant resistance to gather squads of Marines and rescue Captain Keyes from the covenant's clutches. He then met the menace that was the Flood and escaped an infested facility with the help of the monitor 343 Guilty Spark. After being stopped from firing the Halo Ring due to its destructive properties, he narrowly escaped 343 and his sentinels and battled his way through a warzone between the Covenant, the Flood, and the sentinels to get to the Pillar of Autumn's crash site. He then used the recently deceased Captain Keyes' neural implants to activate the self destruct switch on the Autumn, which would destroy the Halo ring. He then narrowly escapes the blast using a Longsword class fighter to fly far away from any damage. "I think we're just getting started." Helmet detail This is not my first forge art. I have made a couple of them before. (They were less detailed Mario Characters). I am inspired by xSoGx Grim, who makes some amazing forge arts. He had been planning for a while (a plan I emphasized, but take no credit for) to make Master Chief, like so. However he had plans to make the MJOLNIR MK VI, and I did not want to appear as though I was futilely trying to upstage him. I thought it turned out pretty nice for a true attempt at detailing a great character, but the reason I post stuff is to get feedback, so you tell me what you think. (I won't be offended too much if you tell me to not make anymore, though I cannot promise that I will honor that request). ENJOY! Special Thanks: xSoGx Grim for being such an inspiration. Bungie for the beautifully flawed forge system. I hope to make more art in the future that hopefully reaches close to Grim's level, but hey, I'm still a novice, go easy on me.
Looks great, dude! You may want to make the character look more natural. Your character looks very stiff. Make everything more rounded.
I like the helmet a lot. Even those its a bit small. I'm not sure a lot of people are calling him "fat" torso wise. I think hes a bit skinny actually. The AR is actually pretty good. Grim would be proud.
To be honest, it doesn't have quite the artistic flair and accuracy grim's statues have but this is still impressive and definitely well done.
I appreciate all feedback regarding the forge art. I think my favoirte part was the Helmet. But my least favorite part to work on was the gun. It went through some ugly stages before it turned out like I wanted it too.
Looks pretty good dude! I think the position of his legs looks a little weird, but it might just be the camera angle in that last pic. Now what would be sweet if you had any budget left, would be to recreate a HUD inside the helmet. That would be sick.
Forge-wise, this is great. However next time try to give a person in forg art a more believable look anatomically. He looks awkward with his back so straight, small head, and slightly larger arms. Maybe next time draw out what you plan to do, make sure it fits human anatomy correctly, then see if you can forge it. Or maybe just get an anatomy book to look at whilst forging. PS: Love the use of the explosive canisters, that was a great touch!
Neatly forged and different however, he does look a little edge and robotic rather than smoothed out but it is understandable considering the budget and difficulty, it's pretty neat well done.
Agreed, and I'm not just trying to be critical here. This is definitely an impressive structure and it looks great. SSRC
Whilst he looks a bit unnaturally stiff, this is still very impressive. I love the helmet, particularly the visor, also the AR was really well done. Very good use of propane tanks on the AR in particular. Good work.
I think it looks a bit inproportional, the arms are bigger than the Chief's head and chest, they could be made smaller by 2x2 ramps and walls. The legs and the back look kind of square and should be curved more, but the map is as good as a xSogX Grim map, if not better.
Well First off Zow, I'd like to thank you for the considerate write up. I've received some touching messages in the past, and believe me I had no idea that my work would serve as even but a fraction of inspiration to anyone out there. Me and you have forged in the past, and Im glad that you are the one who took up this project. Forging humanoids greatly differs from forging covenant or any other bioform. There are rules of proportion which should always be kept in mind. Basically I've given you my 101 now its just practice and experience. If this is the forge style which you wish to take, technique will come over time. I respect them time put into this project, Spartans are arguably the toughest forge art to tackle. Keep at it! Grim
It looks ok but it doesnt compare to the work put into Sog x Grim's works of art. Try to make him look more life like and rounded. He looks like a clay statue made in art class. keep forging.
Yeah. Though this isn't my first, I'm still just a novice. Hopefully my next works will be a little closer to matching up with Grim's talent.
I love how you used the propane tanks to represent the empty shells. On the other hand, it needs to be smoother and more natural (I believe some one said this though). Overall great work and good luck in the coming art!
Thank you. My next art may not be for a while because I'm making an art map pack as well as other things.
Can't wait to see what you do with that. Just keep forging and eventually you mught be as good as Sog.
Boooo! Boooooooooo! I don't think you did a very good job on this aesthetic map (Hence the booing, I'm not trying to scare you). All of your proportions are wrong and you take almost no attention to detail. Chief's legs are totally messed up along side his hips and his shoulders, almost every proportion looks wrong. And you have a bunch of small bits of your seastacks sticking out and it seemed as if you were constrained mainly by the pieces you used rather than the correct proportions. Sorry Zow, but... Boooo! Perhaps you should have taken a step back and realized that he doesn't look like chief at all and held the map back until it was ready, because on an aesthetic map, you're only goal is exact replication.