Inspired by New York City maps, i wanted to make my own city. The map is good for slayer, ctf, or what ever you want, you can edit it if you want. You can play Control the Armory. which is really fun dont got a game type for it. there are warthogs, mongooses, and falcons at the garage, a kfc that looks like an actual kfc, drive threw and more. Heres a Zipline from the armory to a sniping building THe armory filled with every weapon except assault rifles and pistols. The hotel, room service and a sniping window You cant forget about the KFC! Have Fun. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Wrong section sorry... [br][/br]Edited by merge: Anyone know how to delete this and move it to a Aestetic maps?
Looks like a city from Syphon Filter, or something similar. My problem is that it just looks like a piece of land with buildings sitting on it, but it's more open than a tight city.
Nice idea. City maps are always fun to play. I do have a few suggestions for you that might help you out though. First try using the coordinate system when placing pieces that are supposed to line up, like building walls and windows. It makes it a lot easier to forge and it looks pro when you are finished. I can tell just from the pics you tried to just eyeball the alignment on a lot of pieces, which can make your map look amateurish and thrown together. I did the same thing on my first map before I realized that coordinates are your friend. Also armories are generally not the best idea for game play. The first player in there will snatch up the power weapons and dominate the area. Also if all the weapons are in one place this will discourage map exploration. People will tend to camp around the cash of weapons. Try placing weapons around in strategic places all over your map. This encourages people to move around and makes things more interesting. Also it looks like you are using fixed physics on weapons, which is not recommended. The reason is when a player drops the weapon it will float in the air. Try placing your weapons up on a raise block or lean the long rifles up on a wall with physics on normal. I hope this helps and don't be discouraged! Forging is a lot of fun and you will learn more with every map you make.