Team Fight

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Traflagar, Jul 21, 2011.

  1. Traflagar

    Traflagar Forerunner

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    Hi! So here's just a fun small map I've worked shortly on recently. I also made a custom game type for it... also just for fun. It can also play neutral flag and normal team slayer. (If you're into that kinda thing)

    So this is a quick snapshot of the map:

    Each team starts off in their base and also respawns inside it.

    This is a close up of the base:

    There are 3 lanes to get from side to side. One is directly through the middle:

    The other two ways are on each edge, with a short tunnel on each side and a small ramp facing one direction on each side:

    Download it. Play it. Hopefully love it.

    Advice and constructive criticism is appreciated. I'm always looking to improve my maps so suggestions are nice as well.
    Well... guess that's it. Try it out!
  2. Robert Jonez

    Robert Jonez Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Hmmm Interesting

    It looks like you got a good start on this map. But it could use some work. One issue I'm seeing is that there is a lack of cover. By adding more cover, a Sniper or DMR won't rule the map.

    Next is the bases. How many ways can you enter in the base? Because I only see one. If there is only one, people will be able to hid in there base since there is a one way shield.

    Hope that help and Good Luck!
  3. Traflagar

    Traflagar Forerunner

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    Well the point was to make it so people just can't enter the other base and spawn camp/kill. As for staying inside of the base: in neutral ctf (which this was originally made for) obviously they can't just stay inside.

    With the custom game type and team slayer: I guess that IS be a potential problem. When me and my friends played it, it went fine. I guess other people play differently though. I'll look into a way to cut out spawn camping/killing while retaining the spawn inside you base mechanic.
  4. RageQuit

    RageQuit Forerunner

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    Open field - BS deaths
    Two turrets on each side of the exit ?
    Seems a little too over-powering..There are alternatives for keeping the players from spawn trapping rather then keeping them from the inside
    You could put more work into the structures of the base, keep an eye on your budget, youve got $10000 to work with to create something the community will enjoy and to share your talent of forging
  5. Traflagar

    Traflagar Forerunner

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    First off, about to alternatives to keeping players from spawn trapping.
    As I said in my previous post: I'll look into a way to cut out spawn camping/killing while retaining the spawn inside your base mechanic. (suggestions would be nice though) I'll probably be removing the turrets.

    I don't know how you want me to add more objects in the more open part of the map without taking away the simplicity of it however. The main idea behind this map was it's small size and design simplicity. I don't want to make it to crowded. As said above, suggestions would be helpful. I didn't think the map was too open or too crowded. I might move/remove the sniper towers to prevent snipers from completely dominating the map however. Moving them around and balancing them seem like the better idea though.
  6. MCGreen24

    MCGreen24 Forerunner

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    Yes, there is a lack off cover, and Im not sure that 5v5-6v6 would work out on this map. Its a little small for that.

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