Hello everyone! It's Zop, and I have an Infection map for you today. [size=+2]BIOCONTAINMENT ZONE[/size] We are dead men walking... [size=+2]The Beginning of the End[/size] "THIS IS AN EMERGENCY. All crew must report to Emergency Lock Three IMMEDIATELY!" The men looked at each other, and hesitantly stayed put. It was seemed reasonably safer to stay in the living quarters rather than go out, given the sound of the situation. Mark, a biological engineer aboard the top secret US biological warfare submarine, was edging nearer to the exit of the crew quarters. He knew the implications more than the others did. Just as he was about to sprint for the emergency lock three decks away, the intercom began blaring again. Their captain sounded distraught and panicked. "The tsunami caused by the earthquake on the Cascadia Fault line is about to hit us. We aren't far enough out at sea, and we'll never submerge in time. In short, we're all about to die, with the kind of cargo we are carrying. If it hits hard enough, everyone within 250 miles is dead or worse. Infected." Without hesitation, all the engineers and military personnel in the room started a dead run for Emergency Lock Three. Before they could reach it however, the massive wall of water struck the sub hard, tipping it starboard. They were thrown violently around the corridor, Mark included. He was unable to see or identify where he was as. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, the vessel stopped moving as the wave passed by it. "Goddamn it" Mark muttered. Slowly, he regained his footing. Looking around, most in the corridor were dead. Some had been lucky like him and were now at a dead run for Lock Three. He considered following them, then he remembered the situation at hand. He quickly grabbed a fully loaded M4A1 from a dead Marine lying down the corridor, he began moving slowly and carefully down to the escape pod bays. Every little sound made him jump, as the most dangerous biochemical weapon in the history of man was presumably loose, infecting anyone on the decks below. Finally, reaching the escape bay, he quickly entered the nearest pod and began the launch sequence. The pod jolted away from the doomed vessel, dipped at a 15 degree angle. He quickly guided it to the surface, and began moving east. However, he quickly encountered a massive Fleet of the US Navy which seemed to extend miles. He quickly realized it was a blockade against what was inside the Sub he had just escaped, and decided against approaching them. If he had, they'd probably kill him on sight. And he didn't blame them, it was the smartest idea in a situation like the current one. Guiding the pod north, he quickly gained sight of the city, which had just been hit by the massive tsunami. He decided to land there, as there would likely be military personnel in the area. Stepping out onto what was once a beach, now covered in six feet of water, he looked around. It was silent. Totally, utterly silent, save the sound of the waves and the occasional noise of something unknown deeper in the city. Suddenly, filled with fear, he realized the potent virus could have traveled with the water had the tank ruptured as badly as he believed, and could have infected the city when the wave hit. Then he started seeing them. At first, there was only one. He clutched his scavenged M4 tightly and sighted at the infected, but didn't fire. Moving quietly, he hadn't been detected. But as he progressed, there were more and more of them. Finally, seeking to hide in a derelict office building, he entered the nearest possible candidate. He was greeted by a shout and the blast of a shotgun. He ducked, and could feel the buckshot fly right over him. He called quickly called "I'm a survivor. Don't kill me, we need to work together to stay alive. I know how to kill those... things." A gruff voice replied "Get the hell up here then, or we're dead". He climbed the office tower up to the sixth floor, where he met a surviving group of covert CIA operatives who got trapped by the military blockade. Grimly he told them what had occurred. They looked defeated, and grim. The man who appeared to be in charge finally muttered "We're all dead men walking." ________________________________________________________________________ If you read that, great. If you didn't, that's fine as I had fun writing it. Biocontainment Zone is a medium sized city map, which is flooded up to neck height, and wreckage is strewn about due to the massive wave which hit it. It has a variety of short, medium and long sightlines, some blocked by rubble, buildings, walls, you know. Urban area stuff. Humans spawn in the office tower from the backstory, and Infected, you spawn out on a pile of rubble on the opposite side of town. Humans, there is a teleporter in the spawn room should you attempt to camp it, and the next two levels are soft-killed so you don't camp like it's Sword Base! Once you are out on the streets, you will immediately get assailed by zombies. You also get struck by a sense of flooded destruction. Across the whole city, from the bus stop to the apartments and office towers, it's all flooded and heavily damaged. Keep your gun out, you never know when a zombie will be behind the next pile of rubble or waiting behind the next doorway... [size=+2]*Play for Ambiance*[/size] 28 Weeks Later - 28 Days Later Theme Song - In A Heartbeat by John Murphy‏ - YouTube ___________________________________________________ [size=+2]Smith Financial Tower[/size] The room the humans spawn in. The desk / terminal used to belong to a CEO of the corporation in this building, however when the outbreak began he committed suicide with the magnum which is on the desk. View down from the window on top of the tower. No survivors are in the area, they all committed suicide or were infected. Down a level, you have the offices. Several workers were infected, others committed suicide with the Rifle located in the meeting room below. [size=+2]The Streets[/size] Finally, down on the street, you get hit by the atmosphere of the map. Wrecked by the wave, infected by the virus. Yeah, the place has gone to hell. Moving further away from the tower, the rubble becomes thicker. Watch your back, keep your gun out or you'll end up like the rest. The bus stop was one of the most crowded locations during the initial infection. Everyone was being evacuated, however many were trapped on the ground and became the horrific creatures which now seek to kill you. [size=+2]The Impact[/size] The front of this building was destroyed by a US Army Missile strike. It killed many infected, but didn't even scratch the surface of the total number of them... [size=+2]The Commercial District[/size] The street here was a populated commercial zone, many were ignorant of the warnings and died when the wave hit, the survivors got infected but minutes later. There is no hope for your survival. You can only take down as many infected as possible as a vengeance to the situation you were trapped in. _________________________________________________________ [size=+2]Video Walkthrough[/size] reach21126214 0‏ - YouTube _____________________________________________ That is all. Cheers! [size=+2]EDIT: Due to incessant camping, an updated version has been released with the top floor softkilled so humans don't have a camp party. Download Here.[/size]
Looks good, but maybe there should be an objective to get to such as a evacuation zone or maybe a safe room? Just saying but overall good job I'll check it out!
an open-world city infection map? Bravo sir! I would making a safe havens gametype where the humans have to constantly manuever the city getting to the haven which moves. The haven would give them infinite ammo or something helpful that isn't too powerful.