Hey rey, I gave the sig to my friend and he completely loved it. He said it was so dam awesome lol. He also said thanks and all. I'm also thinkin I might want my own. Or maybe just a tune up of the one I have... not sure, if I want one I'll be sure to let you know though! Thanks again :]
No no lol, if I couldn't understand it when you originally posted then I would have told you, the only reason I made it REALLY obvious on how to post is because of the odd few where I've gone, WTF is that? You're fine lol, and no it doesn't have to have anything to do with Halo at all =] It could be a completely separate game, it doesn't have to have anything to do with games actually. =] EDIT: No worries Stricky!
well screw them! lol he could always use some random armor picture generator. ive seen them around. and thanks reynbow. my sig can be as small as the picture if you like. like i said
not halo eh? well in that case i want mine to include Jimi Hendrix somewhere, screw my spartan HENDRIX FTW!!! if you've got a lot of free space you can add Jimmy page in there too, but only if you really really need to, i would prefer just Hendrix.
Uhh? I see no problem with that? Why would it be any hard then any of the other armours? Lol I'll put it on the OP stating that the sig does not have to be Halo orientated, honestly I thought it was obvious xD But I guess with everyone posting Spartan request... And the form around that point lol...
Yeah could be a good idea, I just read the next sig request when making them. I don't go searching for update posts =P Lol Tex, yo a foo!
ya, i really want a badass sign, but i know that if i request one, i want it to top them all (and there are becoming so many) so i just don't know what i want yet...
Well you do realise it will take some time to get to it, so if you post a request now, then just modify the post when you finally figure out what you want. And if you don't by the time I get to you, then I'll skip you and go to the next person until you do...?
Lmao I was editing the first post xD While we had the little convo xD EDI: I'm also doing a sig right now so I keep this thread open to look at the request =P
as do you ivory!...and me...lololol...rey needs to watch this like a hawk though, anyways, in response to you rey, i think i will submit my request now, but i just don't know what i want yet...i think i am coming up with an idea, but ya...so far it will consist of this... A pic of Project X & Project U (once finished) and in the middle of the two, will be Tex & Shad0w Viper Present to you and underneath the two pics, will be their appropriate names. I will get you the pics soon, also behind the text of Tex & Sha....I would like a picture of my emblem & his emblem font I know this is not the most "badass" one out here now...this is more me advertising the maps, but hey, you're a badass, and that is good enough for me will post more when the thoughts hit me...
Lol okay, Tex when you edit your post to make it make a lot more sense, cause I know you were going to do that anyway weren't you... lol... I'll look at it more carefully but for now I'll add you to the list xD
omg, ya, i know, its a little confusing, but hey that's me! i have already started editing the post so that it has some things in there that you can actually work with, OMG can you do something special for me rey? i just thought about something...OMGOMGOMGOMGOMG i want it special!!!
lol, well...what i mean...is i kinda want something like your strider sign :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X
YES!!! muahaha epicness!!! i don't know what to say...I love you? lol anyways, we'll have to work really hard on the details later, but for now, i will just keep editting the original request