Hey guys, first post here. Im working on a halo reach infection map (which i plan on posting here) and im wondering, is there any possible way to make the respawn time longer then 180 seconds? thanks.
Depends. With movable objects, you can create a switch that will cause the object to spawn once at 170 seconds and fall off the map then have a wall or mancannon or really anything spawn at 180 seconds to push it onto the map when it spawns again at 340 seconds.
Ah ok thanks. Thats nice to know, although i was hoping to do it with a floating teleporter. Thanks for the help!
Block the teleporter with a crate and have a fixed fusion coil set to never respawn over it and another normal fusion coil over that with spawn time 180. 0 seconds game starts teleporter is blocked by crate 180 seconds fusion coil falls destroying the fixed fusion coil crate is still in place over the teleporter blocking it 360 seconds fusion coil falls again blasting the crate away and opening the teleporter It might take more fusion coils and some ingenuity on your part to fit the situation and prevent players from knocking the crate off, but the essentials of it are there.