I was wondering if any of you veteran map builders have noticed increased lag when building in certain map locations. I know the falls seems to be referenced as minor framerate killer but is there anywhere else. Are there areas that appear to offer better frame rates? Also does building across the invisible divide of the different map areas have any effect whatsoever? I've personally built a couple maps across Coastline and Island and I feel like I get more lag than I would expect for what I've built. Thoughts
the framerate dump at the falls is by no means minor. Water tends to create framerate problems especially when players are interacting with it by driving or walking through it and shooting into it. Otherwise it's not going to make any serious difference compared to how you build the map. If you're looking to avoid framerate problems, [url-http://www.forgehub.com/forum/halo-reach-forge-discussion/107923-decent-list-objects-cause-screen-lag.html]this guide[/url] will help you more than anything else. By using pieces that don't contribute significantly to framerate problems I've built a map with enough pieces to hit the disco count before encountering any framerate problems.
I feel like there was more lag near the cove than there was by the other side of the falls after I moved my map over. It may be a combination of the lighting and the proximity to the waterfall itself, but it's tough to say.
@pyro6666 - I've read a number of those framerate killer objects posts, I think I even read that one, but I'm trying to find out if people are getting a noticeable drop in frames via location. @ChronoTempest - Thx, ChronoTempest, I guess Testers Guild might notice a little more than others what areas may cause concern. Please mention this post to your fellow Guild members, I wouldn't mind their input. If there is a noteworthy difference in framrates via location it could allow us to alter the style and size of level building we do.
Generally, the less natural dynamic activity seen the better. Water, trees, streams, and even grass animations all contribute. While some may be more detrimental than others your best bet is to build your map floating in the air far away from anything Forge World. Not only do you not worry about dynamic animations, but your lighting is also consistent. Unless you have specific plans to have natural geometry within your map, the area just above the elastic barrier is a great place to build.