So Close, Yet So Far Act I: Pillar Trials [Redux] A single player puzzle, by Noxiw. Index [jumpto=1]READFIRST[/jumpto] [jumpto=2]FAQ[/jumpto] [jumpto=3]Backstory[/jumpto] [jumpto=4]Objective[/jumpto] [jumpto=5]It's Meant to be Easy[/jumpto] [jumpto=6]Checkpoint System[/jumpto] [jumpto=7]The Long Haul[/jumpto] [jumpto=8]A Quick Forge-Through?[/jumpto] [jumpto=9]No Dinos Allowed[/jumpto] [jumpto=10]Player Traits[/jumpto] [jumpto=11]Types of Checkpoints[/jumpto] [jumpto=12]Teleporter Checkpoint Sender/Receiver Locations[/jumpto] [jumpto=13]Need Help?[/jumpto] [jumpto=14]Walkthrough[/jumpto] [jumpto=15]Change Log[/jumpto] Pillar Trials‏ - YouTube [aname="1"]READ THIS WHOLE POST.[/aname] I know it's long, but if you ask me something I've already covered then I'll make sad faces. [aname="2"]FAQ:[/aname] [aname="3"]Backstory[/aname] So, a while back there was this puzzle map called Pillar Trials, it was broken, time and time again, although well received . Iteration after iteration, it was patched until a break the size of California was found--Pillar Trials was abandoned. Months later I returned to it, determined to fix it, tearing sections down completely, reworking others, adapting a different gametype to make it function better, a lot of work has been put fourth, and it's about time the second version of my little puzzle baby, Pillar Trials, comes forward. [aname="4"]Objective[/aname] Your Objective: Get the Focus Rifle from your spawn room to the waypoint above you. Good luck. Pillar Trials uses the new HaloBall game variant, which allows me to force what objects go where. You may have some clever idea to use 'this' to do 'that' only to find that whatever it was you planned on using has suddenly disappeared. Don't worry, this is just me telling you not to do that. [aname="5"]It's Meant to be Easy![/aname] Pillar Trials requires no knowledge of glitches within the game's engine (save for one--the Active Camo armor ability is the ONLY fixed (float upon switch) pickup on the map), rather: logic, thought process, spatial awareness, and trial and error. Modelled closely off of Mander's Poseidon's Lair puzzle, this puzzle is capable of being solved by every caliber of puzzle player, from the first timers, to the puzzle-pro's. One unique difference Pillar Trials brings aboard is that instead of having a room-to-room styled puzzle (where you complete a task at X, move onto Y, complete a task at Y, and move onto Z), there is more of a "localized repetition". You'll find yourself repeatedly returning to the same 6 rooms, doing different tasks throughout the length of this "adventure". With this kind of progression exploration is crucial. Don't ever assume that just because you've used one object that you're done using it, you're probably not. Continually think of ways to use the same thing in multiple situations. If you find yourself confused or lost, go walk around what you have readily available, looking high and low for places you haven't yet gotten to. And while there are no hidden weapons, grenades, or armor abilities (this isn't a scavenger hunt), you'll find more often than not you know what to do, you just weren't aware of it. Pillar Trials is meant to be easy. ... Once you know what you're doing. Use what you have to get where you need to go, once you're there you'll find that it wasn't actually THAT difficult... [aname="6"]Checkpoint System[/aname] Pillar Trials uses a "localized", or short-cut checkpoint system. Being that, as mentioned before, this puzzle takes place using just a few rooms, an actual spawn checkpoint system just doesn't cut it. Instead, as you progress you'll find that certain areas are blocked off by fixed fusion coils and some teleporters just aren't teleporting. These are two different forms of checkpoints that you'll have to find out how to unlock (Don't worry, they unlock as you make your way toward your goal.), and once you have you'll notice if you should mess something up, you won't have to repeat that last little bit you just completed. [aname="7"]The Long Haul[/aname] I encourage you to go at a slow pace, completing a challenge or two every day or so. If you think you're going to get through this in one short sit-down, you're going to get quite annoyed. As mentioned before, once you've completed something it's not difficult to repeat what you know how to do. Don't burn yourself out on the map and you'll find you'll enjoy yourself more upon completion. Once you know what you're doing an average length run through will only take about an hour. My personal best time is twenty minutes. [aname="8"]A Quick Forge-Through?[/aname] If you get to a point and you just haven't the faintest idea of what to do and think a quick Forge-through will help you progress, think again. Unless you were to physically alter the geometry or supplies the default map gives you, forge will not help you. (It's not recommended that you change anything (actually, just don't do it.), being that you revisit areas so often you never know what might not work later on should you change something.) [aname="9"]No Dinos Allowed[/aname] This puzzle requires that you play as a Spartan. No dinosaurs roaming around here! As mentioned before, this is a single player puzzle map. Playing with multiple people break some challenges and should there be a connection-host switch mid-game one of the final challenges may actually not work. Take it alone. [aname="10"]Player Traits[/aname] Trait | Base Player Traits | Custom Power Up Traits (5 seconds) Player Speed | 100% | 0% Jump Height | 90% | 150% Gravity | 150% | 150% Infinite Ammo | Enabled | Bottomless Clip Damage Resistance | Invulnerable | Invulnerable Damage Modifier | 0% | 100% Primary Weapon | Pistol [aname="11"]Types of Checkpoints[/aname] As mentioned before, Pillar trials uses localized checkpoints, or "Shortcuts". The types of shortcuts are as followed: Doors blocked by fusion coils or grenades Mancannons blocked by fusion coils or grenades Teleporters blocked by fusion coils or grenades Remove the blockade and it won't respawn. [aname="12"]Teleporter Checkpoint Sender/Receiver Locations[/aname] Sender A...Receiver A Sender B...Receiver B [aname="13"]Need Help?[/aname] Give it a play through, if you become so incredibly stuck give me a shout either in this thread, through a personal message, or over XBL, I'll be sure to give you some advice. So Close, Yet So Far Act I: Pillar Trials [Redux] A single player puzzle, by Noxiw. [aname="14"]Walkthrough[/aname] Spoiler [bungievid]21215849[/bungievid] [aname="15"]Change Log[/aname] Spoiler 07.25.11 - Minor bug fixes 08.02.11 - Bug fixes So Close, Yet So Far Act I: Pillar Trials [Redux] A single player puzzle, by Noxiw.
How long did it take you to come up with this map? I think I will have to download this and report back in to give it a proper review. But, from first glance of your post I think the complexity of this puzzle map will make for a great single player quest. If it's anything like the puzzles in Tomb Raider or Indiana Jones, I know I'm going to love it. This looks great and I look forward to testing it out. Well done. SSRC
...Way too long. That's all I'll say. If you like obstacle courses then this isn't for you. This is a puzzle, while there are a few obstacle course-esq challenges, it's primarily a thinker. =P
Extremely well built, looks nice and seems great so far though I believe I only got about halfway so far. The only things I don't like is that the gametype makes no sense, so at first you really have no idea what is going on at all, then once you realize how the gametype works it's very easy. and This part here Is SOOOOO annoying in my opinion, I personally wish you had worked out something that took a little more though and a little less trial and error because after you screw up, you have to do a bit of work to get back there forcing you to do the same thing like 3 times. :/ Besides that it is greatly put together, I can see your hard work in it.
First off, thank you, and secondly... Did you read the whole post like I requested at the intro of the thread? The objective is to get the focus rifle to the waypoint, which I wish I could make obvious in the game itself, but i cannot. And for that part that annoys you, there is a checkpoint teleporter you unblock automatically right outside your spawn room. Good luck with the rest, and if you need help give me a shout out.
That's helpful to know and hadn't realized. I'm glad to know about the check point now. For the post, yes I did read the majority of it anyhow. I know the rules for such, I just mean haloball itself. Before this I had never heard of it and took me awhile to get used to and understand the whole area based, no damage, etc and how the custom works and so on.
Right right, I understand... It would be super cool if I could flash prompts during the game, E.G. the first time you pick up custom, or Active Camo, so on... =\ Reformatted thread: added an FAQ which will hopefully help people.
One thing I noticed is that some of the screen shots show things differently than the map I downloaded (from the link at the top of your post.) For instance, the Active Camo room. In the screen shot the active camo is to the left of the ramp and the CPU is to the right. In-game. The active camo is at the top of the ramp and the cpu is in a different part of the room. Also with the teleporter to the left of the starting room. The screen shot shows it having five circles around it while in-game it has three in a line. Is this supposed to be that way?
ok i just sorta beat it with out a walkthrough i got most of the stuff but sadly i got to the part with the jetpack and flew up to the room the focus rifle should go but it wouldent let me plus i didnt even go in one of the rooms and didnt even do anything in one of them either so i cant say how good the map is as i must have cheated it ALOT as soon as your done the walkthrough i'll be able to rebeat it. other than that i loved the map (or at least what ever i beat) your map has somethings i havent see any other forger use so for that its great
There are minor aesthetic differences that I made right before releasing the map, I didn't retake the photos because they don't actually affect anything. You didn't use all the rooms because you're not done--you don't jetpack the focus rifle to the goal. Would you be able to provide details on how you think you cheated?
I finnaly did it yesterday every challenge is as confusing as the next it was very stressful and amazing i felt like giving up but after like an hour of figuring a single puzzle out i wanted get to the next one 10/10 cant wait for the next one [br][/br]Edited by merge: SPOILER this is what you have to do it firstly you can use your pistol or focusr rifle to shoot the dice onto the floor then move it up the ramp jump onto it then jump onto that next ledge to your left now pick up the invisibilty and now go to the powerup on th bootom floor then pick it up but jump to the left so you can look through the gap of the wall and see the roof of the next room and shoot the plasma grenade holding the hologram now jump on the pedastel its on then jump and hold x to pick it up it will then float in mid air jump on it then there will be mongoose up there take it to the powerup on the floor pick up the powerup get on the car back up jump off look trough the gap then shoot the fusion coil then get back up there and jump on the vehicle grav lift up top the rest is up to you but just get the golf ball above you in the next room then plasma jump [br][/br]Edited by merge: Wat is the point of the sword it didnt help me one bit
puzzles confuze me, especially when they have that stuff where you have to kill yourself to get back to a certain part... who would ever guess that.
Simply arriving at the waypoint isn't how you win, you need to get the focus rifle there. Glad you enjoyed it though. Good thing you don't need to do that in this puzzle. EDIT: Added a video walkthrough. EDITedit: Squished a tiny bug.
So glad you revamped this, Noxiw. I loved the original, but I ended up breaking it by mistake and ended up messing up the flow of the puzzle. This new version has made it clear that I did it COMPLETELY wrong. The areas that I have played thus far are not only cleaner and cheat-proof, but also memorable for those who have already played Pillar Trials.
oh my god you dont know how off i was from how your suppose to do it now that im done i can say it was a fun map but you said it was easy before from how your suppose to do it its not even close to being easy