Dead Space

Discussion in 'Reach Casual Maps' started by Danthaman, May 31, 2011.

  1. Danthaman

    Danthaman Forerunner

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    Based off one of my favorite horror game series. I always loved Dead Space and it's refreshing take on Survival Horror. I decided to make a map with a "Dead Space" atmosphere to it. Hopefully, you will all enjoy.

    It all starts on the USG Ishimura, currently in the process of an illegal mining operation out in deep space. The current voyage has been a big success, but there is something alien artifact was discovered on the planet. Not long after it was brought on the ship, the crew suddenly began committing mass suicide.

    It gets much worse. The dead, soon afterward, were reanimated by a signal sent out from the artifact, The Marker, into horrific alien monstrosities known as "Necromorphs" - dead bodies reanimated to kill their former human brethren.

    The story of your crew begins after the aliens have taken over the ship. While your crew was busy repairing the main engine, the aliens sent the ship straight to hell. Before it was too late, you pointed out a nearby emergency room - locked down with ample supplies, but not fully built. With few other options, your crew hides as the ship outside the room is eventually left derelict. There is no help coming. You cannot stay there forever, either...there are noises coming from the vents above you. Eventually, they will find a way inside. It's now or never.


    The Safe Room
    The humans start off their game in here. Get used to the light supply...the whole ship is shrouded in darkness, and you will soon be fighting to survive deep within the bowels of it.


    The windowed view will make you hesitant to leave once you see what awaits you outside.


    However, you will not live very long in this room. The room was under repair when the aliens overrun...several ceiling tiles are missing, exposing the room to the vents above.

    The vents are not empty.

    They are coming.


    The Engine Deck

    A large power core fuels the main engine, also providing a rather eerie light source inside the room. Be careful when turning corners, they can be tight, and there is no guarantee you are alone.


    Ore Storage

    Ore from the recent planetcrack is in this room, near the exit of the safe room. The room is not huge, but the ore inside can be hiding deadly secrets. Tread carefully.


    The Vents

    You will pass your first real vent if you leave the engine room. Be extremely cautious when walking past one.


    The Main Stairway

    This giant ramp will take you to the second story.


    Creatures may be in wait up here. Only enter when prepared.


    The Main Deck

    This is where all the different decks of the ship are located. A vent lies near the back wall...once again, be careful.


    The Living Quarters Hallway

    This hallway will take you to the captain's apartment. Due to the power outage, it is lit by a backup power supply.


    Captain's Apartment

    Once you arrive, you will see that someone has taken the supply of mining explosives and rigged them to explode on contact. Be VERY careful when treading here, especially with the vent in the corner. However, the captain's spare shield set may be worth the trip.


    The Bridge

    This deck was under renovation when the attack hit, so many columns have been left up. Watch out when making your way through this maze. One wrong turn and you may find yourself being ripped to pieces.


    Emergency Pod

    Due to the risk of emergency while renovating, a crude emergency pod has been constructed to help one escape during an emergency. Simply shoot the mini explosive while standing in the pod to activate it. The pod will drop you into...

    The Church of Unitology

    Altman be praised.



    The bane of the universe's existence, these creatures are literally the repurposed dead bodies of the Ishimura crew. They retain some human appearance similar to their looks before death, but are simply lifeless shells filled with a merciless alien presence. In an inversion from your typical zombie, the body must be destroyed to kill Necromorphs. Do not bother with headshots.


    The Vents

    There is one last aspect to the Ishimura: the ventilation system. Due to the constant overheating from the oil-rig-like condition, the USG Ishimura vents are extremely elaborate and large in size. The Necromorphs will be spawning in the main vent room, and can use several different entrances to make their way through the ship. The monstrous species has the ability to learn it's environment; Necromoprhs that know their way around the ship pose a much deeper threat to the survivors.

    With such a distinct advantage over the humans, it may seem hopeless. However, play smart and stay together, and you just may survive the living nightmare.
  2. ChooChoo

    ChooChoo Forerunner

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    I hope its appropriate for me to say this, but holy crap. I got chills reading this and i have it downlaoded. As soon as i have enough peeps to play its happening. And you could've sold me simply on your description
  3. SquidMan33

    SquidMan33 Forerunner

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    I will download and recoment. Looks amazingly fun.
  4. mich012

    mich012 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This looks like a good exciting gametype, but 1 problem i can see is that in the main staircase picture the ramp doesn't look forged together properly, there looks like there is a bump where the two parts aren't lined up properly. But other than that good job.
  5. zocho

    zocho Forerunner

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    The description BLOW ME AWAY you had me with the plot line, i beg of you to keep making these maps, the map LOOKS GREAT, very well layed out, cant wait to play it, i like the use of the tunnels as a "back up supply generator" really creative
    keep it up
  6. Danthaman

    Danthaman Forerunner

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    The funny thing is that despite the screenshot looking bumpy, the ramp is actually perfectly flat in-game. Not sure why the textures didn't blend when I put it together.
  7. SickBow

    SickBow Forerunner

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    dead space map done right. nice choice of special effects and architecture. good job on the marker too.
  8. ZipZapZop

    ZipZapZop Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I LOVED Dead Space, and this map does an excellent job with the lighting and architecture to give the grim feel DS inspired. It's real nice, the best Dead Space map I've seen thus far. The only thing I can think of of the top of my head is in the DS architecture style, there are alot of small repetitive parts that join up to from an object, which this map does not have. However, I am still blown away. Good job.
  9. Danthaman

    Danthaman Forerunner

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    Thanks for all the feedback guys. I'll consider building another map! Feel free to add any suggestions.
  10. zombified panda

    zombified panda Forerunner

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    lol love it, i like the time you spent on each room and caption. I was on the edge of my seat reading this! I made a dead space theme map too, your's looks a lot bigger, mine only had like 6 rooms! Ill send you the link via message
  11. Mean Apple Pie

    Mean Apple Pie Forerunner

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    Oh my god. I've been trying to do a Dead Space map forever, as I absolutely love the games. But I always seemed to lack that special feel and atmosphere. From what I read and those screenshots, you really captured the Dead Space feel. I am going to download this as soon as humanly possible. Looks amazing.

    PS: Too bad there couldn't be any dismemberment... Lol...
  12. Danthaman

    Danthaman Forerunner

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    Closest I could do was disabling headshots, lol.

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