Hey everybody! This is my first map post in a very, very long time (Halo 3 days). The map is called "Annihilation Circuit," a map I created for the sole intention of screwing around and having a great time with many people. The map itself is a bowl shaped arena perfect for driving around in with mongooses. OUTRUN-RALLY: This gametype is simply pure chaos. Players must race from checkpoint to checkpoint that spawn at random. The more players the better! Outrun-Rally Gametype download SNATCH-KOTH This gametype is a little rough around the edges, yes very fun to play with. Two teams fight for control of the hill, which in this case is a mongoose. There are six mongooses placed on the map, and the hill changes between them every 30seconds. Players have plasma pistols and grenade launchers to EMP their enemies that are driving away. Best is 4v4 Snatch-KOTH A video with us playing the map is found below! Youtube-Annihilation Circuit gameplay!
That looks like a ton of fun. Would it be bad of me to ask for even more explosives/explosions? Maybe some fusion coils dropping from the sky? With or without, this map looks like a blast (no pun intended) with a full party. Mongeese everywhere, kill balls left and right, etc. etc. Great job. SSRC
There are a few fusion coils that fall, however when you actually play it it becomes too much. That is why we took away many of the explosions. It improves lag issues and makes it actually possible, lol Don't forget there are the trip mines scattered about as well that can really be game changers.
I loved your video presentation of your map. The music was perfect! I need to do some epic video editing for some maps I have made. I qued this for download for that second game type with the mongoose hill. That looks like a blast! I know my custom game night guys will love that!