
Discussion in 'Reach Casual Maps' started by serumembryo, Jul 20, 2011.

  1. serumembryo

    serumembryo Forerunner

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    By Mocha

    Map Description:

    Palisade was a project started almost a month before its release. I was inspired by the fact that there is not many Grifball maps on Tempest. This was my first Grifball map as well as my first Tempest one. The map is small, for Vanilla Grifball. It holds beautiful aesthetics as well beautiful gameplay.

    Here is the overview of the map.


    This part of the map is truly my favorite. I made this wall from inspirations from other maps that used rock walls. I decided to put glass over mine.


    Now. For the action shots.




    Thank you to all the testers and Ociee for helping me on this map. Also, another thanks to Spawn of Saltine for making that awesome map posting template thread!

  2. Robert Jonez

    Robert Jonez Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Amazing... This has to be one of the best Grifball maps I've ever seen. I love the use of the glass over the rock. And the laser was put in very nicely.

    To bad not everyone has the Noble map pack... this could make it into Matchmaking
  3. serumembryo

    serumembryo Forerunner

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    Thanks man!

    I don't see why it cant go into matchmaking. The map will only show up if everyone has the Noble Map Pack dlc in Grifball. Like any other playlist. So the map would just be rare rather then impossible.

    Do you know how it can go into matchmaking? Is there a way I can show bungie this map? Or 343 for that matter.
  4. MCGreen24

    MCGreen24 Forerunner

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    This griftball map is pretty legit. I really love how somone thought of using this laser, well even using tempest for a map. I realy like how the rocks look. From the 2nd picture, should the strut be moved a little?
  5. serumembryo

    serumembryo Forerunner

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    Thanks man!

    Actually, its the angle from the picture was taken. So the strut is in the middle when looking straight at it.
  6. Blaze

    Blaze Sustain Designer
    Forge Critic Creative Force Senior Member

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    I hope this isn't spam, by the way. :/ Just wanted to give you a heads up and its not too big of a deal but your strut is out of center (Or the rest of the map, can't exactly tell). Anywhooo, looks nice. Aesthetically and clean though Grifball personally is fun to me but good luck on it still. :)

    Edit: I see now that someone else has made that comment. Sorry. I thought of something else anyway, IF the floor becomes uneven because of the wall Colosseums keep in minf you can always make an invisible barrier over the floor using 3x3 shorts, or window colosseums. :)
    #6 Blaze, Jul 20, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 21, 2011
  7. MCGreen24

    MCGreen24 Forerunner

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    Ok, I see it now, I think they should put this map in replace of all the blargball crap..
    I dont like dinosours!

    Oh, I have another question/comment, if there are bumps from the aesthetics you put in on the floor you can cover it up with a grid. ( Do they have grids on Tempest? ) If you didnt know it will create the smoothest surface possible.
  8. serumembryo

    serumembryo Forerunner

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    I never liked grid flooring that much, unless it makes sense. Those bumps hardly effect any thing. I cant put them any lower because that would create Z Fighting.
  9. MCGreen24

    MCGreen24 Forerunner

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    Ok I understand. Every griftball map does have the grid floors, and it did get a little anoiying.

    Does Z Fighting = Texture glitches?

    I hope this conversation is accepted from the rules lol. Though it is about your map and questions about it...
  10. Robert Jonez

    Robert Jonez Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    No I don't, sorry. But with a Grifball map of this quality, it should get noticed quickly. Lets just hope it gets in!

    Good Luck!
  11. killenjoke

    killenjoke Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    not every grifball map has a grid for the floor, usually, its only required for AA variants, as bumps can force people out of the evade, there are a few issues i can see with the map, for one, the upright beams on the glass covers catch u as u walk by them, this can force u away from the wall, and this can be frustrating in gameplay, aslo the structures in the corner using the strut and stunt ramp do the same..... i wouldnt recomend using the colesium walls layed flat as a floor, they settle and this can often create nasty bumps and the process to fix this is time consuming and quite honestly not worth the work. the aesthetics are nice, though, using the lazer, can cuase quite a few issues, there is a kill zone bubble that can cuase unnecissary ball resets. the laser can also cuase frame rate lag issues, especially considering the proximity to the ceiling, also, when u use the lights close to the lasers it can cuase frame rate issues, I will definetly DL and check it out and give u some more feedback...

    Edited by merge:

    i see quite a few more problems, all of the boundrys are set wrong..... the goals should be set to .5 .3 .1 and the ball spawn should be at .3 .5 .1 or something in that ball park, the health packs need to be set to spawn at 30 seconds not 15, also the dimensions of the map are off, it should be 22 x 18 for vanilla, its currently at, 20.2 x 15.4 for the playable area. and the floor is definetly an issue, the brace larges cuase some major bumps, especially in the areas where the wall colesiums are lower. and the glass cover peices are a big problem, they will frustrate players.

    Edited by merge:

    whops, also grifball doesnt use starting spawns
    #11 killenjoke, Jul 21, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 21, 2011
  12. Zow Jr

    Zow Jr Forerunner

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    Dude, this actually looks pretty good man. I like the use of blending in rocks with the walls. It really shows in ways not perceptible by first glance.
  13. Naughty Zoot

    Naughty Zoot Forerunner

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    I really like this map. In the end grifball maps are just a box but its nice when you find one that you enjoy looking at. I like the use of glass and rock and the laser down the middle. I also like the big circular medallion deal behind the objective. Goodwork.

    @killenjoke- Just read your post. Pretty strong criticism. I dont know about all of those things but I do agree that getting stuck as you walk and dropping framerate are both annoying problems. If these are happening in the map then he should do a revision, but at the same time I dont think every grifball map needs to be regulation or whatever. Ive seen some very fun ones that were concave or other weird things.
    #13 Naughty Zoot, Aug 31, 2011
    Last edited: Aug 31, 2011
  14. serumembryo

    serumembryo Forerunner

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    Actually. There is no framerate at all, surprisingly. I have to give killen some credit. He did tell me some important grifball stuff in that post. Zoot, you have quite a good taste in maps :D

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