Here's another map that I've been working on for the past week now. I need help with the name, so vote on your favorite. Here are some pics so you can get an idea of what the theme is for the map. Enjoy.
I've heard that the games on this can be somewhat enjoyable. Let's run a match sometime, shall we? I vote "Pit of Squishy."
Yeah, you voted Mirage. I thought you said you didn't like that name? :/ I'm coming back online, though.
love the classic look with the dark and the way the eye belives the map is taller than it is, looks sharp.
Everyone wants ember. It's gonna be ember. Either way this map is quite fun to play. From the few 2v2s I've gotten on it I can say it is very nice. Good work. P.s. Call it ember!
I swear, ever since I did that floor, my friends started doing it (that includes you). Anyway, I remember this from the other day and I see you kept the camo spot I choose. Can't wait to atleast get a 1v1 on this.
Looks nice. I'd like to play some games on this man. So definitely invite me to some tests, I'll make sure to give decent feedback as well.
Great, I'll be sure to hit you up tomorrow if you're on. I will most likely be on, so I'll send you and invite.
Ok, sounds good. and since I'm not allowed to vote, I'll tell you here. The map looks more like an Ember. Also, if we get big enough parties and have finished all your testing, I've been needed to get matches on a few maps as well. So if everyone sticks around and you don't mind, I'd love to get leads for a bit.
I can't vote because of me being banned so long ago, or give visitor messages or a few other things. It's lame, but something I have to deal with I guess. I sent you a private message by the way with a suggestion for this map. Hope you like it.
I think the orange light is influencing everyone's decisions. Mirage sounds better...Ember is kind of expected.
Ember doesn't necessarily mean fire. An Ember is a glow rather than a flame. A glow of "Orange", the theme of the map. Thanks though. I love Mirage too though. Don't get me wrong
I like the look of this so far. Nice overlapping walkways, and windows for railings. I would like a look around some time. If you want testers, you can add me. GT: iTzz Longshot I'm leaning for the name Mirage more. Ember just seems to common of a word...idk.